Life During the War

The Home Front in the North

Income tax- The Union Government collected tax on individuals earning more than $800 a year, along with raising tariffs on imports.

Positive Effect? Why? Government gains money to pay for the war effort.

Negative Effect? Why? Only those who earned it were taxed, people have less money to spend, people do not buy as much when prices go up ______

Homestead Act-

·  Made western lands available at a low cost to those who can farm it.

·  Resolved the dispute of the intercontinental railroad, would be built in Union territory

Positive Effect? Why? Farmers get cheap land, can farm and produce more, RR to W.

Negative Effect? Why? Only for Farming, RR built in the North, Indian Conflict?

Conscription- the Draft, White men between 20-45 could be called to serve, however a man could pay $300 to get out of being drafted.

Positive Effect? Why? More men to fight in the War for the Union

Negative Effect? Why? Rich People can get out of it, Poor people cannot, unfair

Draft Riots of July 1863 –

New York City Experienced Riots over the Draft, List the Cause:


The Draft: Only Whites were drafted and The Rich got out of it.



War Threatens Civil Liberties

Copperhead-“Peace Democrats” who wanted to end the war-From the North

Habeas Corpus-The right that protects a person from being jailed without knowing the charges was suspended by Lincoln during the war

The Home Front in the South

The Life of a Solider

What were the greatest dangers faced by wounded and captured soldiers during the war?

Women and the War

·  Who was Clara Barton?

·  How did she and other Nurses like her revolutionize battlefield care of the wounded?

How were the wartime economic problems of the North and South similar? How were they different?