SCRPA Board Meeting

Wednesday, July 13, 2017

SCRPA Office-Lexington, SC


In Attendance:Jim Headley, Lawanda Curry,John Alexander, Doyle Best, Ray Dunham,Jeremy Murphy, Love Ishie, Cole Thomas, Eric Russo, Matt Elswick and Amy Evans

Absent: Don Shuman, Randy Woodard, Eric Stewart, TJ Rostin, Bridget Elvington, and Buddy Faile

  1. Welcome.
  1. Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve the April minuteswas made, seconded and passed unanimously.
  1. Reports
  1. Branch Updates
  2. ELM–ELM Branch Workshop is scheduled for August 3 at Cayce Tennis Center. It will be focusing on retirement funding options. Sixteen are registered at this time. 2018 Trends Institute will be held in Columbia in February.
  3. SCAP- They are continuing with preparations for the upcoming 2017 Sports Management Institute which will be held in Hilton Head on December 7-8. Jim noted that he needed a contract for the hotel. SCAP Board is in the process of having all agencies electronically vote on proposed rule changes, so that they can take effect starting with the fall football/soccer seasons.
  4. PRM- Currently working on Parks Maintenance Institute and the opening/closing speakers.
  5. RAP- Lawanda mentioned thatthe RAP Branch intends to have the membership vote to change their name to The Programming Branch.
  6. Student- Proposed guidelines have been updated and will be sent out to the Board. Cole has reached out to several universities about who will be bringing students to the conference. Clemson is not planning to attend this year as they are taking students to NRPA’s conference. Benedict plans to attend but are unsure of the number of students. There is no word from Claflin or Coastal. Benedict has requested Cole come speak to a class.
  7. CBM- It will be on the ballot this year to dissolve the CBM Branch. It would become a committee under the ELM Branch.
  8. District Updates-

1.Eastern- No report.

2.Southern- Hosted joint meeting with Eastern District in Georgetown on April 20. Held social on May 18. Love is working on an October workshop in North Charleston. A merit award winner was chosen.

3.Western- They are partnering with the Central District for a workshop on August 22.

4.Central- The fall workshop will be held at theBenedictCollege Center for Teaching & Learning on August 22.They are currently working with Cole and the Student Branch to assemble a panel of speakers for this workshop. A merit award winner was chosen.

  1. Committee Updates
  2. Scholarship- They need items for the silent auction.
  3. Past President- The Nominating Committee has notified the membership that they are accepting applications for Secretary and Vice President. These applications are due by July 26.
  4. Ways & Means-Please secure sponsors for the Golf Tournament.
  5. Conference- July 21 is the deadline for the early bird rate. A site visit for the Conference Management Team should be scheduled soon.
  6. Marketing-The summer issue of SCRPA Magazine which includes the annual membership directory has been published. It included an anniversary article on Jim Headley. Laurie would like to hear any feedback on the magazine that may be shared. The committee is asking for articles for the fall issue which is themed “Trails and Open Space.” Articles are due by July 24.
  7. Awards and Citations- All nominations have been submitted, and the committee will begin reviewing these immediately. They have a meeting July 17.
  8. Diversity- No report. Their last meeting was cancelled. Doyle will follow up with this committee.
  9. SCPRT- Hunting Island has reopened although the campground is still closed. Edisto campground is still closed. They are hosting an Ultimate Outsider Event July 20-24. Several parks are in the path of the eclipse, so they are expecting to be busy.
  1. New Business
  1. Lawanda has talked to all District Vice Presidents about having one joint social with all the districts at conference.
  1. President’s Report
  1. Lawanda reported that their statehouse visit went well. She praised Jim for an excellent job representing us. They were able to sit down with Senator Allenand discuss the DSS Bill.
  2. Lawanda reported on their Washington DC trip. She and TJ had opportunities to discuss LWCF issues, the DSS Bill, and offshore drilling.
  3. Lawanda pointed out that there have been personnel changes across the state. This provides new opportunities for the association, and we should reach out to these individuals.
  4. Lawanda is in the process of forming a subcommittee to create job descriptions for the Executive Director and Membership Services Coordinator positions. She will be confirming representatives soon and hopes to meet after the ELM meeting in August.
  1. Executive Director’s Report
  1. Reviewed 2017 budget. Membership renewal letters will be sent out in October.
  2. The audit is complete and copies were distributed. The 990’s are done.
  3. There were 21 registrants for the 2018 LEAD class. The selection committee will be meeting next week with final decisions being made by July 31.
  4. Legislative Updates
  5. DSS After School Care Bill is proceeding. Senate Sub-Committee Hearings are expected in July. Please remain vigilant in discussing with local legislators. Jim has previously met with Senator Shealy who supports our being excluded from the bill.
  6. PARD-New one time funding of $3,000,000 to go along with the recurring portion of $3,000,000. SCPRT will be sending out letters to department directors in August.
  7. For concessions regulations, we are pursuing having new regulations written for those concession stands that sell only pre-packaged food items.
  8. Congressmen are split over offshore drilling. The Tourism Coalition is highly opposed to drilling off the coast as are we.
  1. Old Business
  1. Neal is now the State’s Trails Coordinator. Each agency is able to update their trails on the trails website. There is ongoing discussion as to who will maintain the website.
  2. Jan Cox and Joe Lanahan are meeting August 15 to start planning the 2018 race event.
  3. Reviewed the revised Transgender Policy as proposed by the SCAP Branch. It was noted that line 5 of the policy should read “SCAP recreational sports programs”. A motion to approve the policy with the addition of the word “SCAP” in line 5 was made, seconded, and passed unanimously. The Board stressed that each department must make their own decision on this topic.
  4. A motion to table the Social Media Policy until the next board meeting was made, seconded, and passed unanimously.
  5. Lawanda shared that the goal for this year was to draft a naming rights policy that can be put on the ballot in 2018.
  1. Next meeting has been rescheduled to October 4th at 10am. Adjournment

Respectfully Submitted by:

Amy Evans, Secretary