1. Which outside attacks are the security threats over internet? Write only names? (2marks)

2. Which of the following JavaScript statements are correct definitions of an array? (Select all that apply.)
Var[] a = new String[100]
a = new Array(1,2,3,4)
a = new Array() (2marks)

3. What is the general format of for loop and what is its use? (3 marks)

4. Let us suppose that we have a network of some computers and we want to connect it to the internet or some external network. Which type of firewall will be preferred in this scenario when that firewall operates at transport layer of OSI model? (3 marks)

5. Write JavaScript code for FOR LOOP (5marks)

6. What are the factors for measurement of Web Server performance. Evaluate them. (5marks)

How proxy server relates to the circuit firewall? 3

2. Write the names of outside attacks to the network. 3

3. Names of logical operators with symbols. 3

4. Code for Instance of date, time 3

5. Differentiate between Decentralized and Centralized approach. 5

6. It was to write the javascript code.

Q. where in an HTML document is the correct place to refer to the external style shett

correct: in the <Head> section

Q. what is correct javascrip syntax to wirte "virtual university of Pakistan"

Correctr: document.write ("virtual uni of Pak")

Q. what is correct javascrip syntax to wirte "Hello World"

Correctr: document.write ("Hello world")

Q. when u declare a variable within a function, the variable can only b accessed within that function, whn u exit d function, the variable is destroyed.

Correct: local variable

Q. individual who write program n technologies to gain unauthorized gain access to others computers are called

correct: Hackers

Subjective Question:

Q. How could we find cookie. write 2 methods of finding cookie

Q. var num1="media"

var num2="u"

var num3="me"

t= num1+num2+"4"+num3

tell what will b the value of t?

Q. differentiate between i-tier, 2-tier, 3-tier, 4-tier and describe. marks 5?

Q. make radio button of these 4 items. honda, suzuki, corolla and santro

Q) what value will be printed afterexecutingthe followingstatementin java script document .

write (math.pow(3,2));

Q) writ a java script code that declare an array, stores three items in that array and display them the output will be:Honda,Suzuki,Santro,

5,5, marks waly question Java script k thy
MCqz paper paper se thy almost

How proxy server relates to the circuit firewall? 3

2. Write the names of outside attacks to the network. 3

3. Names of logical operators with symbols. 3

4. Code for Instance of date, time 3

5. Differentiate between Decentralized and Centralized approach. 5

6. It was to write the javascript code.5


2-different with HTP and XML

2 Question 3 Mark

1-create table with style use ( i Thing)


3-Question 5 Mark

1- Tier Architecture

2- Creating Plus, Minus, Multiple and Divided

Write HTML code for the form displayin a drop list contatining the following entries. HONDA,SUZUKI, SANTRO, CROLLA

2. outside attack on network


What did you understand about active X control?

2. Difference between relational and flat database?

3. Why developers of a website create back end and front end of dynamic website?

4. Write tage to insert image and when the mouse is over image01.jpg it convert into image02.jpg?

5. Write the java code for time and date of last week?

6. How you can modify style in CSS or write I think?

I dont know java and CSS so you can imagine what I had answered.

Write the code in html for <div> align left attribute?5
What measures to protect network from viruses?5
Write javascript code to cjange “my date “ to oneweek later.2
Write the name of two position properties that are use in that style sheets?write their functions?2
What does non repudiation means ?2
How many intrinsic object are presentin ASP?6
What is th ename of electronic market transaction? B2B
What is this method “charAT( )”? javascript string
What is not true about applet?
Which tag is use for making drop down list in HTMl? <select>
This code means #00ff00 ? green
What does my function (“hello”) means?defining a function
Rip routing information protocol used for what ?distance vector routing
On screen a pixel can be identified by giving values just like ,pixel 10 15 given as how ? row into column
Which one is not target attibute in anchor? New
Taget attribute used in HTML as ?<frame >
Xml stands for? eXentsible Markup language
Mac address allocation is? IEEE
Q1 define JSP and ASP and which is faster give reson:
Q2: shopping cart?
2 Q of 3 marks
Q1:Identifiy the object, propertyand method in fallowing
Q2: what are proxy server and what it do which fairwall nat do
2 Q of 5 marks
Q1 is about a program in which Style sheet method is use
1-advantage of virtual private network (2)
2-how can we prevent our computer from virus attack (5) (virus protection page no 94)
3-what SQL stand for and its usage (2)
4(write html code for making borders which align left border color green.(5)
5-what is the function of reset button and submit button.
6-one more question about html about the functions of the tags (
How many types of outside attacks that are the security threat over internet? Write only names? 2 Marks
1. Sniffing/Snooping
2. Password attacks
3. IP address spoofing
4. Man in the middle attacks
5. Denial of services (DOS) attacks
Discuss the role of child element tags while in writing XML code. 2 Marks
Unlike HTML, in XML the user can create its own tags which are properly nested in one another. The main Tag is called Root Node and it can have child nodes. A child can also have further child elements. Child elements are always enclosed within a parent element and it can have its own child elements. Names of child elements can be different between two organizations, which can make the sharing of information difficult. Therefore many companies are now follow common standards for writing XML tags.
What is meant by ‘Shopping Cart’ in context of e commerce? 3 Marks
Shopping Cart is like a Basket which when we go to some utility store put our purchased items in it.
In an E-Commerce website this utility is called shopping cart. In early days a form based shopping cart was used where the user has to remember all the products which he wants to buy and all their information etc. now electronic shopping cart are being used. When a user selects an item it is added to cart along with all the information like price, usage, name, etc.
User can in the end see the details that how many items he has selected to buy and total price along with the prices of each item. He can also remove some items from the cart.
Then he submit the order by clicking order now option available, and an order will be placed for all the items which he has added to shopping cart.
What are the different logical operators in JavaScript? Only write their names. Also write the symbols of operators. 3 marks
JavaScript logical operators are used mainly used in statements where two or more conditions are being checked at a time.
There are three types of logical operators used in JavaScript.
1. Logical AND
Its symbol is ‘&’ and it returns true if both the conditions are true otherwise it returns false
2. Logical OR
Its symbol is ‘||’ and it returns False if both the conditions are False otherwise it will return True.
3. Logical NOT
It is represented as ‘!’ and it is used to reverse the return from True to False and from False to True.
Write the standard rules for writing an XML code. 5 marks
Following are the standard rules for writing XML code.
1. All elements must be properly nested i.e. content
2. All attribute values must be quoted
3. All elements with empty content must be ended by />
Write a list of comparison operators in JavaScript with symbols. 5 marks
Comparison operators are used mainly in condition checking. Following are the comparison operators used in JavaScript.
Equal to
Its symbol is ‘==’.
Not Equal to
Its symbol is ‘!=’.
Greater Than
Its symbol is ‘>’.
Less Than
Its symbol is ‘<’.
Greater than or Equal to
Its symbol is ‘>=’.
Less than or Equal to
Its symbol is ‘<=’.
Name of the organizations which are combating the great security threat. (2)
Answer :
1. Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT)
2. Systems Administrator, Audit, Network and Security Institute (SANS Institute)
write a short note on the Application gate way firewall (2)
Application gateway firewall
It operates at application layer of the OSI Model. It uses strong user authentication to verify identity of a host attempting to connect to the network using application layer protocols such us FTP. In contrast to packet filter firewall, it filters the requests rather than packets entering/leaving the network. It can block any outgoing HTTP or FTP requests. It can prevent employees of a company inside a firewall from downloading potentially dangerous programs from the outside. In other words, this type of firewall is used to control connections thus employees of a company can be restricted from connecting to certain web sites. We can combine circuit level capabilities with application gateway services to form Hybrid type of a firewall.
Identify the variable of the following code. (3)
java ka code tha variable identify kernay thy.
Write the out come of the following code (3)
document.write("parsefloat(6.33) + parsefloat(2.68));
"); document.write("25 + 6.2");
What is cryptography? What are the techniques used in it. (5)
Write a code in java that show the addition of two variable in alert box. (5)
Q:What are the constraints on naming Java Script variables? (2marks)

Q: Write the name of two international organizations combating the issue of security? (2marks)

Q: Write a short note on circuit level Firewall? (2marks)

Q: Describe the importance of Cryptography in interest data transfer security in E-Commerce? (2marks)

Q: Explain the meaning & functionality of the term “onchange” and “this” as given in the code.

I’ve not noted its codeL

Write java script for previous week date (3)

What is the combination of B class network IP ADDRESS? (3)

Write 0 to 6 numbers list in html (3)

Difference between flat and relational database with example (3)

What are cookies describe three uses. (3)

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