1C Homework: Week of December 8th-12th

Monday / Math: Check Lion Folder for written work or do Reflex Math.
Spelling: Page 21. This week’s word list is on page 20.
Reading: Nightly Reading Log
Specials: Art is tomorrow. Please dress for art fun!
Tuesday / Math: Check Lion Folder for written work or do Reflex Math.
Reading: Nightly Reading Log.
Spelling: Page 22.
Specials: Music is tomorrow.
Wednesday / 1C’s Book Fair Day TODAY (see note below)
Report Cards issued today.
Math: Check Lion Folder for written work or do Reflex Math.
Reading: Nightly Reading Log.
Spelling: Spelling City (List 4.2) Please sign the chart on page 1 of your child’s spelling book to indicate that he/she completed the assignment.
Thursday / Parent/Teacher Conferences Today.
11:50 a.m. dismissal for students.
Math: Check Lion Folder for written work or do Reflex Math.
Reading: Nightly Reading Log.
Spelling: Spelling City (List 4.2) Please sign the chart on page 1 of your child’s spelling book to indicate that he/she completed the assignment. Our spelling test is tomorrow. The challenge words (tent and bell) are included in the test. You can use the pretest page on page 23 to practice (optional).
Please return your Reading Log and Spelling Book tomorrow!
Friday / Parent/Teacher Conferences Today.
11:50 a.m. dismissal for students.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Specials: Guidance is on Monday.


*December 11th and 12th are parent/teacher conference days. Students will be dismissed at 11:50 a.m. I am looking forward to sharing your child’s accomplishments with you! Report Cards will be issued via email and a paper copy will be sent home. It is helpful if you bring a copy of your child’s report card to our conference and prepare any questions you may have.

*If there is a change in your child’s usual dismissal routine for the Parent/Teacher Conference days, you must send in a written note or call the main office at extension 4000. Since I do not always get to check my messages before the end of the day, please do not email or leave me a voicemail with dismissal changes. Without hearing from you, your child will be sent home his/her usual way. If a different grown up is picking your child up, we must hear from you. Safety is our main priority. Thanks for understanding!

*Our Book Fair Day will be Wednesday, December 10th. This is because we will not have our usual library time due to the early dismissal on Thursday. Your child may bring money to purchase items from the Book Fair. There will be no library book exchange until after the Book Fair.

*Now that colder has arrived, please be sure to label coats, hats, gloves, etc. with your child’s name. These items tend to get lost! Thank you.
