FMGatorSwim Team

I.M Tough ChallengeFallFling

November16th17th 2012


Sanctioned By:North Dakota Swimming,Inc.andUSASwimming,Inc.



POOL:Themeetwill beheldat Fargo Davies High School Pool. Located at 715025thstreetS,FargoDaviesPoolis aneight(8)

lane,25yardpool.Thepoolis13’6”ft.deepatthestartingend and4’6”ft.deepattheturnend.Thebestparkingandaccess tothepoolis theSouthEastsideoftheschooldoor number 11

RULES:ThecurrentUSASwimmingandNDSwimmingruleswill governtheconductofthemeet. Thisis atimedfinal meet. Therewill benoClerkofCourse.Swimmersshouldappearbehindthelanesaccordingtothe heatandlaneassignmentsthat appearintheprogram.USA#=s(if applicable),andorderofswimmersforrelaysaretobesubmittedwithentries, butchanges andadditionscanbemadewiththereferee andmeetmanager30 minutesbefore thestartofthemeet.Allofficialsand coachesare requiredto wear their registration cards to beondeckin accordancewithNDLSCPolicy.

LIABILITY: Ingrantingthissanctionitis understoodandagreedthatUSASwimmingInc., NorthDakotaSwimming, FMGatorsSwimTeam, theCityofFargoandtheFargoSchoolDistrict,shallbefreeofanyliabilityor claimsfordamagesarisingfrominjuries toanyoneduring theconductoftheeventandwhiletravelingto andfromthemeet.

FEES: $23.50perswimmer(oneday)

$36.00 perswimmer(bothdays) Meetfeesarenon-refundable

$15.00 late entry feewill chargedforeachentry madeafter the deadline

$25.00 feeforpaperentries

NT’s(NoTimes):Swimmerswill notbeallowedtobeenteredintothemeetwithanNT(NoTime).Ifaswimmerdoesnothave anofficialtimeforaspecificevent, coachesarerequiredtomaketheirbestestimateoftheswimmersabilityandenter them withatimefor thatevent.Thiswill allowforamoreaccuratetimeline.

ENTRIES:TeamsMUSTsubmittheirentries usingtheHyTekTeamManagerprogramviaemail.Anadministrationfeeof$25 will becollectedfor notusingwindows versionofHyTekEntriesmustbereceivedby5:00 PMSundayNovember 11, 2012

Hy-Teksoftwareentries MUSTbeE-Mailedalongwith a hardcopyoftheentries.Entrieswill belimited tothefirst350entrants,butthemeetmanagersretaintherighttoexceedthis number.Pleaseentertheindividualandrelayeventsasstated inthismeetinformation.Entryfeesshouldbeincludedwiththesubmissionofentryforms. Checkshouldbepayableto




Teamsshouldreceiveaconfirmationemailwithin48 hoursofentries beingsubmitted.Ifyouarenotcontacted,pleasecall

Scott@(701)261-5001toconfirmthatyourentries havebeenreceived.

ELIGIBILITY:This meetis opentoall LSC’s andallclubs.Allswimmers,coaches,clubsandofficialsmustbe currentlyregisteredwithUSA or CSA Swimming.Theageoftheswimmeronthefirstdayoftheswim meetdeterminestheageoftheswimmerfor theentire meet.

DECKREGISTRATION: / No Deck Registration will be accepted
DECKENTRIES: / Open Lane Swims: The splash fee is $5.00. Sign-up is on a first come basis at the timing table. Swimmers must be registered in the swim meet in order to have the opportunity to participate in Open Lane Swims. In the event of a missed heat, swimmers may only swim in their own age group and only in the same event and distance that they were originally entered. Swimmers may swim events for which they have no times. Swimmers may not exceed the event limit of four events including Open Lane Swims. Swimmers may scratch an event in order to swim on Open Lane Swim to stay within the entry limit. No refunds will be given for scratched events. Deckentries will beallowedifspaceis availableandatthediscretionoftheMeetReferee.Deck entryswimswill notbe scored.
EVENTS: / Swimmers arelimited tofour (4)individual events onFridaysessionI.
Swimmers arelimited tothree(3)individual events and(1)relayeventonSaturday.
Teams are allowedfour (4) relays per age group mixed or not.
Relays are all mixed and are scored that way. If you want a male or female relay that is your option, but still are scored with the mixed relays.

Alleventswill bepreseeded.The meetrefereehas the right tocombineanyevent or heats.

Swimmersinthe1000 areswumslowesttofastestareexpectedtoprovide2timers for theevent.Ifunabletodoso, pleaseseetheheadtimer15 minutesprior totheeventstart.

FridayPMSessionIiscombined; allagegroupswill swim.

Saturday willbea splitsessionmeet withSessionIIintheAMbeing all 12 andunderboysandgirls.

SaturdaySessionIIIinthePMwill include all13 andoverboysandgirls.


FridayPMSessionI I.MToughChallenge: Thissessionisfor Allswimmerswithalleventsbeingswumastimedfinals.All heatswillbeswumasmixedgenderandseeded bytimeslowest tofastest.Thegoalforthiseventwillbetoestablish the fastest combined200IMtime.Awards(“I.MThe Champ”T-Shirts) willbegivenouttothefastedcombined200IMtimefor bothboysandgirls inallagegroups.

Warm-upswill beginat4:00pmonFridayNovember16, 2012for allagegroups.Themeetwill begin at5:15pm.

SaturdayAM SessionII

Warm-upswill beginat9:00amonSaturdayNovember17, 2012.for all12 andunderboysandgirls. SessionIIwill startat10:15am.


Warm-upswill start approximately25 minutesafterthemorningsessionhasconcluded.Forall13 andoverboysandgirls. SessionIIIwill begin approximately100minutesafter thestartofwarm-ups.

SCORING:Only the top 2 relays will score per team & top 4 individuals will score per team (for team scores only)

For individual events 6 & under, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, & 15-18 for each gender

For Relays events 8 & under, 9-10, 11-12, & 13-18 mixed gender only

Place / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16
Individual Points / 20 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 9 / 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Relay Points / 40 / 34 / 32 / 30 / 28 / 26 / 24 / 22 / 18 / 14 / 12 / 10 / 8 / 6 / 4 / 2

AWARDS: Relayribbons– 1stthrough8th placefor allagegroups

Individual ribbons– 1stthrough16thplacefor allagegroups

Trophies individual age group high point awards 1st thru 5th

Team high point awards 1st thru 3rd

All ties will be broken (no ties for high point)


Bellwinners –heats/laneswill berandomlyselectedandannouncedduring themeet.Followingtheswimmingof theselectedrace,swimmerinthatheat/lanewill beawardedwithaspecialprize.

WARM-UPS:NorthDakotaSwimmingInc.Warm-upProceduresandSafetyGuidelineswill beineffectatthis meet.

AUSASwimmingmembercoachmustsuperviseswimmersduringwarm-ups,competitionandwarm-downs.Anyswimmerenteredin themeet,unaccompaniedbyaUSASwimmingmembercoach,mustbecertifiedbyaUSASwimmingmembercoachasbeing proficientinperformingaracingstartormuststarteachracefromwithinthewater.Itis theresponsibilityoftheswimmeror swimmer’s legal guardiantoensurecompliancewiththis requirement.Onlyregisteredcoaches,swimmersandofficialswill be allowedonthepooldeck(202.3.3).

MEETMANAGER: ScottMengelkoch

MEETOFFICIALSMeetReferee:Deb Slack

Admin Referee:Scott Mengelkoch

Starter:Wanda Mengelkoch
Other Club Officials:Janice Harter, Tracy Roche, Jim Melting & Dean Scheeler


OFFICIALS:Therewill beanofficialsmeeting30 minutesbefore thestartofeachsessioninthepooloffice.

WewelcomeanycurrentlycertifiedUSASwimmingofficialsorapprenticeswilling toworkatthis meet.Pleasereporttothe poolofficetosigninprior tothestartofthemeet.All officialsandcoachesmustweartheircurrentregistrationcardstobe ondeck.

CONCESSIONS:Fullconcessionswill beavailableduring this meet.Retailitemswill alsobeavailableforpurchase.

Clothing:PureBluewill provideclothingandswimgearforsaleonFridaySaturday.

HOTEL:AhotelblockofroomshavebeenreservedunderGatorSwimMeetRate atthe



Fargo,ND58103 (701)239-4303



*Check-intime is 3pmand check-outtime is 11am. Allofour rooms include apulloutsofasleeper,refrigerator,microwave,coffeemaker, ironboard andhairdryer.We also offer HighSpeedWireless InternetAccess!*

**Individuals must cancel 24hours before arrivalor willbe chargedfor their room. **


Every reasonable effortshallbe made toequalize swimmers per laneduring warm-ups. Allwarm-ups shallbe aminimum of onehour.


A.NO DIVING allowed from the blocks orfrom the edge of the pool. Swimmers in all lanes should startbyentering feet firstina cautiousmanner at the ends of the pool.

B.Nosprinting orpace workallowed during this session.

C.Swimmers are required to circle swimwithineach lane. NO SWIMMING UNDER THEROPES. Stopping topractice turns is not allowed.


A.LANES1 and 8:PUSH-PACELANES. (push of one to two lengths from the start. Continuouscircle swim only. NO DIVING!)

B.LANES 2, 3, AND 7:STARTS. (Racing starts only. Swimmers are toswimentire length and exit. Cutting under theropes

willbe discouraged.)

C.LANE 6:BACKSTROKESTARTS. (NO oneisallowed on the starting block whenabackstroke is executing his/herstart.)

D.LANES4AND 5: GENERALWARM-UP LANES. (Continuouscircle swim only. Stopping in the lanes topractice turns is

allowed if done ina courteousand safe manner. NO hanging from the ropes.)

E.Six lanepools willhave the outside lanes as push-pace lanes: lanes 2 and 5willbe forstarts, and lane3 and 4willbe generalwarm-up.

F.Uponrequestfrom an athlete or coach withpermissiongranted and announced by the Head Safety Marshal, relay starts may be conducted in lane2 and/or7in aneightlanepool and in lane2 or5inasix lanepoolduring the last15minutesof the specificwarm-ups.


A.COACHES’ responsibilities:

1. Coaches shallinstruct their swimmers regarding safety guidelinesand warm-up proceduresat allmeets and practices.

2.Coaches shallACTIVELYsupervise their swimmers throughout the warm-up sessions atmeets and at allpractices.

Swimmers may use diving wells orside pools forwarming up orfor cooling downduring ameetbutmust alsobe actively supervised bya certified coach or lifeguard. Availability ofa lifeguard, the diving well, and/or the side pool during the meet and during warm-upsisat the discretion of the Host Team.


1.Marshaling:A minimum of fourmarshals or lifeguards, one ofwhomwillbe amarshal and willreportto, receive and give directions from the MeetReferee shallbe ondeck during the entire warm-up sessions. Marshals shallhave full authority towarn, or order to cease and desist, and with the concurrence of the MeetReferee, toremove from the vicinity of the swimming venue,anyonebehaving in anunsafe manner orusing profane or abusive language orwhose actions are disrupting the meet.

2.The Host Teamshallprovide signs foreach lane atboth ends of the poolindicating the designated use during warm- ups.

3.Warm-up times(and lane assignments if established by the Host Team)shallbe published inthe meetinformation and posted in the pool area. The following shall appearin the meetinformationforeach LSC sanctioned swimming event:“North DakotaSwimming,Inc.Warm-upproceduresand safety guidelines willbein effect at this meet.”

4.An announcer willbe onduty for the later warm-up session and to announce land and/or time changes.

5.Hazards in areas used by coaches, swimmers, spectators or officials shallbe removed or clearly marked.

6.The Host Teamshould have anemergency actionplan and adesignated first aid center.

7.ReportALL accidents to the HostSafety Chairperson. He/she should send the writtenreportto all3 addresseson the currentform. These reports should include picturesif helpful.



1.Host clubs may, with the consentof the MeetReferee modify the recommended lane assignments depending on the pool configuration, number ofswimmers, or other considerations, as long as safety considerations are not compromised. Anysuch changes shallbe announced and/orposted prominently in the pool area.

2.Meets found tobe conducted in anunsafe manner willbe dealtwith on anindividualbasisby the LSC.

3.Host Teams forstate competitions willprovide three marshals or lifeguards forwarm-ups. The State Safety

Chairpersonwillbe the fourth position as Head Safety.

4.Competitions of 2+ teams shallhave warm-upsmarshaled.

5.The warm-up procedure forState Championships willbe a teamspecificwarm-up inwhich the certified coachesfor each lane are responsiblefor the swimmers in that lane. Generalwarm-up,pace work, starts, and turns canbe run anytime during the 1hour warm-up period as the coach deems. When there is more than one coach per lane, the warm-up procedure willbe bymutual consent.

Friday Session I - IMX Tough Challenge
1 / Mixed 50 Freestyle
2 / Mixed 50 Backstroke
3 / Mixed 50 Breaststroke
4 / Mixed 50 Butterfly
Saturday Session II- 12 & Under
5 / Mixed 10 & Under 100 Freestyle Relay
6 / Mixed 9-12 200 Freestyle Relay
7 / Mixed 9-12 200 IM
8 / Mixed 12 & Under 100 Backstroke
9 / Mixed 8 & Under 25 Backstroke
10 / Mixed 12 & Under 100 Breaststroke
11 / Mixed 8 & Under 25 Breaststroke
12 / Mixed 12 & Under 100 IM
13 / Mixed 12 & Under 200 Freestyle
14 / Mixed 8 & Under 25 Butterfly
15 / Mixed 12 & Under 100 Butterfly
16 / Mixed 8 & Under 25 Freestyle
17 / Mixed 12 & Under 100 Freestyle
18 / Mixed 9-12 500 Freestyle
Saturday Session III - 13 & Over
21 / Mixed 13 & over 400 Freestyle Relay
22 / Mixed 13 & over 400 IM
23 / Mixed 13 & over 200 IM
24 / Mixed 13 & over 200 Backstroke
25 / Mixed 13 & over 100 Breaststroke
26 / Mixed 13 & over 200 Breaststroke
27 / Mixed 13 & over 100 IM
28 / Mixed 13 & over 200 Freestyle
29 / Mixed 13 & over 100 Butterfly
30 / Mixed 13 & over 200 Butterfly
31 / Mixed 13 & over 100 Freestyle
32 / Mixed 13 & over 1000 Freestyle