Interpersonal Skills Rubric Level Descriptions
5 (A+):Non-Forced Emerging Output. / Attentive=Nothing On Laps; Sits Up; Feet On the Floor; Maintains Eye-Contact with Signer; Watches with Intent to Understand; Responds to Statements/Questions in ASL. Does Not Blurt Out In English
4 (A/B):
THE STUDENT CONSISTENTLY AND IN A CLEARLY OBSERVABLE WAY NEGOTIATES MEANING WITH THE TEACHER NONVERBALLY. / Student Is Really Involved but Not Spontaneously Outputting Signs Yet. They Are Respectfully Involved, Always Visually Locked On, They Consistently use the Stop Sign When They do Not Understand, They Are Always There With Cute Answers.
3 (B/C):
THE STUDENT SOMETIMES NEGOTOATES MEANING WITH THE TEACHER NONVERBALLY IN AN OBSERVABLE WAY, BUT NEGOTIATION OF MEANING IS INCONSISTANT, ALSO INCONSISTANE USE OF THE “STOP” SIGN. / This student is also involved but more passively. They are limited in their answers and responses. They can be counted on not to blurt out words in English or to talk with their neighbor in English. The do not consistently use the “Stop” sign.
2 (C/D):
ATTENTIVE BUT DOESN’T RESPOND; DOESN’T USE THE “STOP” SIGN. THERE IS NO OBSERVABLE NEGOTIATION OF MEANING. BLURTS OUT IN ENGLISH / Student is not involved. They do not participate fully in class activities. This student uses English to talk with a neighbor and/or blurt out in English, both of which destroy the goal of the class, to stay in the target language as per the 90% Use Position of the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages (ACTFL).
1 (D/F):
NOT ATTENTIVE; NO EYE-CONTACT OR EFFORT SHOWN. BLURTS OUT IN ENGLISH. / There is a complete absence of observable negotiation going on between students and the teacher. Student consistently displays one or more of the following: looks down, looks away, slouched, arms crossed, refusing to sign, and/or eyes closed. Blurts out in English, disrupting the class.
PLEASE NOTE: This year the 65% of your grade will be coming from the above, as well as, 3-4 quick writes each month, and your monthly ABC/123 quizzes. It is our goal to stay in the target language as per the 90% Use Position of the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). This will ensure you become all you can be in ASL. There will be times we use English, but as soon as the “Voice Off” sign is given, ALL voices must be off. If you have any questions, please let me know. I have no doubt you will be as successful as you desire. The choice is up to you. Calls will be made home if needed.
Sign and date you have read this and understand class expectations Show me & Keep in Binder.