Risk Assessment for Camp Sherwood July 2011

Risk Assessment for Camp Sherwood July 2011

Risk Assessment for Millennium Hall~ November 2012.

Risk / Hazard / Who might be harmed and how? / Control measures and action required / Action by whom?
1. Arrival and departureat hall / All – trips, falls, vehicle / human collisions / All to park in car park designated spaces.
Children to be escorted to and from hall by parent/guardian. / Parents / all
2. Kitchen / All – trips, falls, hot water scalding, cooker burns, items falling from overhead units. / Only allow scouts to enter leader is present and allows scout. Cooker to be turned off as all times. Warn scout if they ask to wash their hands that water will be hot.
New scouts need to be instructed of hall rules/ out of bounds area unless permission is given. / Leaders/All/young leaders
3.Store cupboard / All / scouts – items falling from cupboard.
Some cupboards have electrical items – Shock hazard.
All/Scout trip fall from ladder to roof cupboard. / Scouts only enter cupboards if asked and accompanied by a leader or young leader – all new scouts explained hall rules. I.e asking to enter cupboards.
Scouts not allowed to enter cupboards with known electrical items contained within.
If scout is to enter roof cupboard then must be accompanied by a leader at all times.
If at all possible scouts are to remain at bottom of steps and items passed to them. / All /Leaders/young leaders
4. Flag break/inspection/general hall
  • Plug sockets
  • Curtains/curtain poles (wooden)
  • Doors/windows
  • Table holder
  • Stack of chairs
  • Heaters/radiators
/ All - trapped fingers or body parts in doors and or windows
All – long thick curtains, strangle, pull hard enough and wooden curtain pole could come down and cause injury.
All – electrical sockets around hall
All – tables/chairs can fall from their stacks – body injury/crushing.
All - burns / Scouts have no need to go near plug sockets. Attention is required though incase a scout is seem ‘playing’ with them.
Scouts are not to be playing around near or with curtains, windows or doors. Leaders to operate doors and windows if required. Leader is to make sure scouts ‘body parts’ will not be trapped whilst using windows and doors.
Scouts to work in pairs when getting tables and chairs out. Tables and chairs are to be put away correctly to minimize risk of injury/falling.
Scouts are to keep away from heaters – leaders to operate and to turn off at end of night. / All – scouts/ leaders/young leaders
5. Craft activity
Making Xmas cards / All – burns/ cuts/ wounds/paper cuts / Activity to be explained fully before starting. Brief scouts on use to hot glue (if any), scissors and craft knife. Leaders to be present during activity and to ensure craft tools (glues/scissors/knifes) are used correctly. If scouts persist to endanger themselves or others after being told then remove tools from that scout for duration of activity. / Leaders / All
6. Ball game / All –trips / falls/ ball hit in face etc / Instruct scouts of rules of game, so everyone knows how to play. Be sure it’s made clear when ball is thrown to not aim for faces and not to throw hard.
Make sure shoe laces are done up and nothing within hall can cause trip hazard. I.e bags/ chairs etc / All leaders

Leader contact Tel:<Number of leader running night, mobile number>