(Form must be submitted each academic year)

Name: ID#:

Home Address:

EMAIL: ______Cell Phone: ______

Financing Morningside College Graduate Classes:

Check Payment: Payment may be mailed to Morningside College, Business Office, 1501 Morningside Avenue, Sioux City, IA 51106.

Online (Electronic Check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover) Payment: Through the student’s CampusWeb account at, enter Morningside ID, password, and click CampusWeb. Students using a debit card or credit card will charged a 2.75% convenience fee.

In order to qualify for financial aid, you must take and be billed Morningside College credit/tuition rate and complete the following:

·  Be admitted to our Graduate Nursing Program prior to the first day of the semester that you would like aid.

·  Complete the 2017-2018 FAFSA (, include Morningside’s Federal School Code 001879.

·  Complete and return this form to the Office of Student Financial Planning.

·  Complete any requested information from the Office of Student Financial Planning.

You are required, by federal law, to report all sources of outside financial aid to the Office of Student Financial Planning. Do you expect to receive any other assistance (such as Employer Reimbursement, College Savings Plans, Private Scholarships, Vocational Rehabilitation, Promise Jobs, Military, etc.)?

_____ Yes _____ No. If yes, amount you expect to receive for Fall $______Spring $______Summer $______

Name of Employer and/or Agency:

Number of credit hours taking each term: / Fall 2017: ______ / Spring 2018: ______ / Summer 2018:______
Federal Direct Stafford Loan
If you have Federal Direct Stafford Loan eligibility, go to to complete your Master Promissory Note and Entrance Counseling.
(Must be enrolled in at least 5 credit hours) / Amount you plan/wish to receive:
o  Fall $______
o  $Maximum Amount Available / Amount you plan/wish to receive:
o  Spring $______
o  $Maximum Amount Available / Amount you plan/wish to receive:
o  Summer $______
o  $Maximum Amount Available
Alternative/Private Source
Please list any other source of funding you wish/plan to apply for if any. (i.e.: Private Loan)
______/ Amount you plan/wish to receive:
o  Fall $______/ Amount you plan/wish to receive:
o  Spring $______/ Amount you plan/wish to receive:
o  Summer $______

Certification Statement:

______I authorize OR ______I do NOT authorize Morningside College to pay charges other than tuition, fees, room, and board using my Federal Stafford Loan proceeds. (Examples include: Health insurance premium, books, music lessons, etc.) I have read and understand the above information governing application and disbursement of financial aid for attendance at Morningside College during the 2017-2018 academic year.


Student Signature Date

Return completed form as soon as possible to: The Office of Student Financial Planning; 1501 Morningside Avenue; Sioux City, IA 51106, FAX to 712-274-5605 or EMAIL to

Financial Aid: Students who have been admitted into the Graduate Program at Morningside College, completed the 2017-2018 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (, completed the Morningside College Financial Aid Application for Graduate Nursing Students, and who are enrolled:

Less than half-time students (less than 5 credit hours per term) can apply for the following:

·  Nurse Alumni Award (Approval granted through the Dean for Graduate Nursing)

·  Private Student Loan. You can access information on several private loan lenders at

·  Other Private Resources that you have found.

At least half-time students (5 credit hours per term) can apply for the following:

·  Nurse Alumni Award (Approval granted through the Dean for Graduate Nursing)

·  Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan(s). Loan eligibility is determined after completion of the FAFSA.

o  Interest rate is fixed at 6% for Unsubsidized Loan and the upfront fees are 1.066%.

o  Repayment begins 6 months after student ceases to be enrolled at least half-time.

o  To apply, go to, to complete Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note.

o  Graduate students may receive the lesser of $20,500 per year or up to their cost of attendance budget. (The maximum lifetime loan limit for Graduate students is $138,500.)

·  Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan. Loan eligibility is based on creditworthiness.

o  Interest rate is fixed at 7% and the upfront fees are 4.264%.

o  Repayment begins within 60 days after the final disbursement has been made.

o  To apply, go to to complete Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note.

·  Private Student Loan. You can access information on several private loan lenders at

·  Other Private Resources that you have found.

Cost of Attendance (Total Financial Assistance):

·  Maximum available per session based on average costs (Tuition is usually $510 per credit hour unless otherwise noted on the graduate course offerings brochure). Maximum amount may be reduced due to length of course.

Budgets / Fall Semester / Spring Semester / Summer Term
Tuition / $1,530 - $4,590 / $1,530 - $4,590 / $1,530 - $4,590
Room & Board / $0 - $4,695 / $0 - $4,695 / $0 - $2,346
Books / $223 - $669 / $223 - $669 / $223 - $669
Transportation / $757 / $757 / $189 - $378
Personal/Misc. / $0 - $850 / $0 - $850 / $0 - $424
Total: / $2,510 - $11,561 / $2,510 - $11,561 / $1,942 - $8,407

Satisfactory Academic Progress:

All students are expected to achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 each academic term and must complete 67% of their hours attempted.

Students who do not meet these guidelines will be placed on financial aid warning for the following term. If these guidelines are not met a 2nd time, students will be placed on financial aid suspension (no longer eligible for financial aid). Appeals can be made through the Office of Student Financial Planning. For more information, please review the Graduate Catalog