Name: ______


Honor Code Level 2

  1. Do you agree or disagree with the types of laws that Hammurabi created? Why or why not? Refer to specific laws and/or categories that we generated.
  1. Evaluate Hammurabi’s Code and Jewish Law in terms of harshness. Which set of laws seems more/less severe? Why do you suppose this is? Explain by referring to each set of laws.
  1. What can we learn about their civilization based on these laws? What values did these people have? What are some things that influence their worldview? Be specific and refer to the code in order to explain your answers.
  1. How might outsiders perceive laws here in the United States? What U.S. laws might seem the most unusual to an outsider? Do American laws accurately represent American culture as a whole? Refer to specific laws as examples and consider your own opinions regarding laws.
  1. Are there any modern day crimes that you think might be prevented/reduced if the U.S. were to adopt some provisions of Hammurabi’s Code? Explain using specific examples of crime and sections of the Code.
  1. If you were to create a system of laws for a new civilization, what would you base them on? For instance, would you base them on the idea of revenge, a spiritual belief, a particular value that’s important to your own culture, or something else? Explain.

Advanced Proficient
4 / Proficient
3 / Partially Proficient
2 / Unsatisfactory
Student responses in the seminar are of a consistently high quality.
Constant references to texts and class discussions enhance the student responses to seminar questions.
Student offers sophisticated explanations and is able to apply knowledge of history to modern situations. / Student responses in the seminar are of a high quality most of the time.
Some references to the text and class discussions enhance the student responses to seminar questions.
Student offers grade-level explanations and is usually able to apply knowledge of history to modern situations. / Student responses in the seminar are inconsistent and/or of varying quality.
Minimal references to the text and class discussions are used to answer seminar questions.
Student offers only basic explanations and is not usually able to apply knowledge of history to modern situations. / Student is unable to respond and/or participate in the seminar.
No references to the text and class discussions are used to answer seminar questions.
Student does not offer explanations and does not apply any knowledge of history to modern situations.