Kayak Instruction Gear

Analysis and Recommendation for Replacement

Submitted to:

D.G., Head Instructor

E. R. Adventures

November 14, 2000

Submitted by:

T. S., Kayak Instructor

E. R. Adventures


Phone: (828) 631-3746

Table of Contents

Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………... / iii
Introduction…………………………………………………………………………..…… / 1
Research and Information……………………………………………………………….. / 1
Inventory and Establishment of Criteria………….……………………………. / 1
In-house Instructor Survey…………………………………………………..…. / 1
Interviews of Instruction Guests Regarding Current Gear…………………….. / 2
Evaluation of Instructor Recommendations…………….………………..…….. / 2-3
Evaluation of Independent Reviews…………………………………………….. / 3
Selection of Top Two Brands………………………….………………..………. / 3
Comparison of Selected Products………………………………………………. / 4
Product Testing……………….…………………………………………..……. / 4-5
Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………… / 5
Recommendations………………………………………………………………………… / 6
List of Tables and Charts
Table 1: Instructor Survey……………………………………….………………… / 1
Chart 1: Price Comparison …………………………………………………….…. / 2
Chart 2: Instances of Warranty Issues…………………………………………… / 4
Table 2: Product Comparison…………………………………………………..….. / 4

Executive Summary

On September 19, 2000 D.G. requested an inventory of the gear being used in our instruction program. Upon completion of this inventory and inspection, I proposed to conduct research in order to select appropriate replacement gear. I began my research on September 23, 2000.

Mr. G. requested this research in order to protect our instruction guests from injury, and E. R. Adventures from litigation. The majority of the helmets, personal flotation devices, and paddles in our instruction inventory were not in serviceable condition, and presented a safety hazard to instruction guests. Mr. G. wished to determine which brands offered the most reliable gear available to update our inventory.

Research has been conducted, and the final report is organized within the following categories:


Research and Information

Inventory/Establishment of Criteria

In-house Instructor Survey

Interviews of Instruction Guests Regarding Current Gear

Evaluation of Instructor Recommendations

Selection of Top Two Brands

Product Testing

Results of Product Testing



Purchase Stohlquist PFD’s, Jofa Helmets, and Silver Creek Paddles

It was concluded that Stohlquist PFD’s, Jofa Helmets, and Silver Creek Paddles should be purchased to update the gear in our instruction program. Each brand was at the top of its category after being evaluated for performance, price, comfort, and safety.

PFD- Stohlquist

Stohlquist PFD’s offer the most adjustment, quality, and durability of the products considered. While more expensive than the alternative ($75/each), they will last longer and provide our instruction guests with a better fitting and safer PFD while attending our clinics.

Helmets- Jofa

Jofa helmets provide the most protection, comfort, and adjustability of the helmets available. They are also less expensive ($45/each) than any alternative product on the market.

Paddles- Silver Creek

Product testing showed that Silver Creek paddles are unmatched in their construction and ease of use. While they are significantly more expensive than alternative paddles ($250/each), their durability more than compensate for their price tag.