Research Evaluation Worksheet
PSYCH/610 Version 1 / 1

University of Phoenix Material

Research Evaluation Worksheet


Full Article Reference (APA style):



a. Is the need for the study clearly stated in the introduction? Explain by using information presented in the literature review.

b. What is the research hypothesis or question?

c. What are the variables of interest (independent and dependent variables)?

d. How are the variables operationally defined?


a. Sample Size (Total): ______Size Per Group/Cell: ______

b. Were the methods and procedures described so that the study could be replicated without further information? What information, if any, would you need to replicate or reproduce this study?


a. How were participants selected and recruited?
b. Were subjects randomly selected?
c. Were there any biases in sampling? Explain

d. Were the samples appropriate for the population to which the researcher wished to generalize?

e. What are the characteristics of the sample populations?

Research Design(check which design applies)

______Single group, time series study

______Multiple baseline (sequential) design: ______

______Single group, no measurement

______Single group with measurement:Pre ______During _____ Post _____

______Two groups classic experimental versus control group, randomly assigned

______(quasi-experimental) two groups experimental versus control group,

not randomly assigned

______Correlation research, not manipulated, degree of relationship

______Descriptive research (qualitative study)

______Natural observation

______Analytical research

______Interview research

______Historical study

______Survey research

______Legal study

______Ethnography research

______Policy analysis

______Fieldwork research

______Evaluation study


______Grounded theory

______Protocol analysis (collection and analysis of verbatim reports)

______Case study, no measurement

______Case study, with measurement: Pre ______During ______Post ______

______Developmental research

______Longitudinal (same group of subjects over period of time)

______Cross-sectional (subjects from different age groups compared)

______Cross-sequential (subjects from different age groups, shorter periodof time)

______Correlation, more than two groups: control, treatment, and othertreatment comparisons

______Factorial design, two or more groups: other treatment differences, nountreated controls

______Two or more dependent variables (MANOVA)

______Other design: ______

Consider the Following Questions:

a. Was a control group used? Yes ______No ______If yes, complete b, c, and d below.
b. Was the “control” method for the study appropriate?

c. What variable was being controlled for?

d.In the case of an experimental study, were subject randomly assigned to groups?


a. Describe the Dependent Measure(s)/Instruments used:

b. Describe the Measurement/Instrument Validity Information:

c. Describe the Measurement/Instrument Reliability Information:

Consider the Following Questions:

a. For all measures (measures to classify subjects, dependent variables, etc..) was evidence of reliability and validity provided, either through summarizing the data, or by referring the reader to an available source for that information?

b. Do the reliability and validity data justify the use of the measure?

c. Are the measures appropriate (if not, why not)?

d. Are multiple measures used, particularly those that sample the same domains, or constructs but with different methods (e.g., self-report, rating scales, self-monitoring, or direct observation)?

f. If human observers, judges, or raters were involved, was inter-observer or inter-rater agreement (reliability) assessed? Was it obtained for a representative sample of the data? Did the two raters do their ratings independently? Was their reliability satisfactory?

Independent and Dependent Variables

a. What is/are the Independent Variable(s):

b. What is/are the Dependent Variable(s):

Data Analysis

Scales of Measurement (check those that apply):

Nominal ______Ordinal ______Interval ______Ratio ______

a.What type of statistical techniques are used?

b. What type of tables and graphs are used?

Consider the Following Questions:

a. Were tests of significance used and reported appropriately (e.g., with sufficient detail to understand what analysis was being conducted)?

b. Do the researchers report means and standard deviations (if relevant) so that the reader can examine whether statistically significant differences are large enough to me meaningful?
c. Other comments on the reported statistical analyses?


Evaluate the Summary and Conclusions of the study (Usefulness):

Describe the Strength(s) and Limitation(s) of the Study:

Describe what you learned from the study:

List any remaining questions you have about the study:

*Adapted from form created by Dr. Randy Buckner, University of Phoenix Instructor