Report #3 – Requirements Specification1

Habana Co.

Requirements Specification

Robert Waters

Dr. Sidbury


Submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements of

CMPS 490 – Computer Projects

Requirements Specifications

As requested, the Habana Co. website will be redesigned to better incorporate the brand, lifestyle image, and feature all of the clothing available via an online catalog and available for purchase through a separate, dedicated online store. The redesigned website will be built in accordance with the latest web standards and technology, such as XHTML markup, CSS styling, Adobe Flash, PHP, and AJAX. The goal is to provide customers and visitors with an easy to operate, aesthetically pleasing design that showcases the Dock to Dine Apparel collection.

Multimedia Requirements

Prior to the redesign of the site, I will require the following multimedia:

-Full product catalog

-Fish/Boat pictures for slideshows

-Model clothing shots

-Graphic designs for apparel

-Press media/logos for news/public relations section

-Habana Co./Dock to Dine Apparel logos

Hardware Requirements

In addition to the multimedia requirements, I will also require a web server that supports the following:



-Linux OS

-Sufficient bandwidth/disk space

-Administrative access to account/FTP

I do recommend a leased server through for best reliability and pricing as compared to the competition.

MonsterCommerce Store Requirements

In order to properly maintain and update the online store, I will require the following:

-All model shots

-All graphics for apparel

-Catalog for accuracy/pricing

-Product/Color matrix for shirt customizations and variants

-Administrative access to store software

Site Design Process

The website will be divided into three sections, as agreed upon: Collection, Shop, and News.


The online Collection page will first show an index of each category of clothing available to select, e.g. Outerwear, Polos, Tees. Upon selecting a category, the “lead” product for the category will be displayed first, e.g. Tees > Legacy. Each product under the category will be available to navigate at all times. A button/link will be clearly visible to select each product, or to return to the Collection index page.

Each product page will have a series of “detail thumbnails” and a larger preview image box. Each thumbnail will enlarge when the user places their cursor over the thumbnail into the large preview box. The product details and a flash slideshow will also appear adjacent to the image previews.


The online store will be maintained and operated through the Monster Commerce store software. The online store will resemble the main site in terms of theme and coloring. A vertical navigation bar matching the main site’s font styling will allow categorical selection of products.

Products will be available to purchase by category primarily. Second to this will be the Graphics category, which will allow the user to select a preferred graphic first, then a shirt style second. The user will be able to select alternate colors for the shirt style when available.


The News section will display all news and press releases for Habana Co. in a easy to navigate interface. A thumbnail or logo for the article will appear alongside the headline and teaser text with a “read more” link to the complete story. Each story will have its own dedicated page – there will be no use of pop up windows or “iframes.” The news system will be powered by a free, open source PHP powered WYSIWYG in order to provide easy story creation, manipulation, and deletion.

News pages will be paginated and available to be syndicated via RSS.

Revision Date: 9/21/2007