Results of Quarndon Broadband Speeds by Postcode

The table below shows some representative values of broadband download and upload speeds from speed tests run by residents. There are two entries for each of Burley lane and Church Road showing the lowest and highest values.

Postcode / Street / Download Mb/s / Upload Mb/s
DE22 5JA / Church Road / 38 / 9
DE22 5JA / Church Road / 6 / 1
DE22 5JE / Barn Close / 32 / 6
DE22 5JR / Burley Lane / 5 / 1
DE22 5JR / Burley Lane / 34 / 8
DE22 5JT / Burley Drive / 60 / 11
DE22 5JU / Woodlands Lane / 49 / 9
DE22 5JW / Montpelier / 40 / 9
DE22 5JY / The Common / 22 / 9
DE22 5LE / Beech Avenue / 6 / 1

Ofcom’s annual study of fixed line home broadband ISP speeds across the United Kingdom has revealed that the average Internet download rate is now 36.2Mbps with uploads hitting 4.3Mbps. But there’s a widening gap between rural and urban areas. Ofcom’s analysis shows that the average download speed in rural areas of the UK was 12.2Mbps in November 2016.

In general those properties served by the Allestree exchange (55...numbers) have reasonable broadband speeds, especially those near the BT green cabinets.

Those properties served by the Duffield exchange (84...numbers) have very poor speeds which are well below the UK average. This is due to the distance to the green cabinets, none of which are located in the village.

Quarndon Parish Council is looking at the various options to get higher speeds, especially for those properties served by the Duffield Exchange.


  1. All the BT cabinets are equipped with FTTC (fibre to the cabinet). Individual properties are connected to these cabinets with the standard copper wires.
  2. Reasonable broadband speeds (necessary for downloading films or running a small business) are 20Mb/s download and 5Mb/s upload.
  3. Broadband speeds at a property depend on the technology (wifi etc) used at a property, the ISP (internet service supplier) and the service (eg BT Infinity)
  4. Even for a single property broadband speeds vary considerably during the day.
  5. I am not aware of any non BT cabling by other suppliers such as Virgin Media or Sky in the village.

Matthew Pitt February 2018