Ringtown Borough Council- January 2015 minutes

A regular meeting of the Ringtown Borough Council was held on Monday, January 19, 2015 in the borough hall. Board members in attendance were J. Milewski, B. Hetherington, J. Compton, T. Murray and P. Forgotch. Also present was J. Price, solicitor, S. Schuetrum, foreman, J. Peleschak, engineer and A. Breznik, mayor.

As there were no members of the community present, there were no public comments on agenda items.

Minutes-The regular minutes stood approved with a correction to the minutes section to say “Breznik stated it would be in the best interest of the Borough to make the whole street a one-way”.

Citizen’s Petitions- Compton stated that there continues to be an issue with trucks going up East Main Street. Milewski commented that we will stay in contact with Penn Dot about the problem. Breznik said he spoke with Ray Dunsavage, fire chief, who commended Scott & Nic for repairing the fire hydrant on Ninth Street in such a timely manner.

Communications- William Brior requested being retained as the Borough sewage enforcement officer. Council apponitedBrior for 2015.

2015 appointments: The depositories for 2015 are The Miners Bank, M&T Bank and KNBT. Murray made a motion to retain those banks. Forgotch seconded and everyone was in favor.

The 5 year term on the Municipal Authority of Rick Roulin expired on December 31, 2014. Hetherington made a motion to appoint David Seresky in Roulin’s place. Compton seconded the motion and everyone was in favor.

The Alfred Benesch contract was given to the solicitor for review. Murray moved to retain Benesch pending solicitor approval. Compton seconded and everyone was in favor.

Treasurer/Monthly Bills-Forgotch moved to accept the report and pay the monthly bills. Murray seconded the motion and everyone was in favor.

Mayor & Police- (on file) –Breznik spoke to the dog warden, Rich Hine, who will enforce the Pennsylvania Dog Law in Ringtown. Hine’s number will be on file at the borough hall. The snow removal ordinance will be enforced by the police department. Warnings will be given to residents who do not comply with the ordinance. The interviews for a new part time police officer will be scheduled for January 27th, with a fall back date of January 28th. Compton moved to accept the report as submitted. Forgotch seconded and everyone was in favor.

Foreman’s Report- (on file) –Schuetrum has been in contact with Penn Dot about Yost Street, and was told that we do not need to do anything because it really does not affect the state road. Price advised to have that statement put in writing before we proceed with making Yost Street a one-way. NicMilewski has reached the end of his probationary period and Schuetrum would like him put on permanent full time status. Compton made a motion to change Milewski’s status and raise his hourly pay by $.50. J. Milewski abstained from the vote. Murray seconded the motion and everyone was in favor.

Murray made a motion to accept the report. Fogotch seconded and everyone was in favor.

Solicitor- We have 2 ordinances that will be advertised upon receipt of information from Bann Homes.

Committee Reports:

TCC-The board voted to extend the contract with Berkheimer for another 5 years. The fee schedule will remain the same.

Municipal Authority- The Authority now meets bi-monthly

Landfill- A full time manager was hired to replace Tony Huffman, deceased.

No other committee reports this month.

Murray moved to enter Executive Session to discuss a property issue. Compton seconded and all agreed.

Compton made a motion to return to Regular Session. Forgotch seconded and everyone was in favor.

No action was taken

Murray moved to adjourn the meeting. Forgotch seconded and everyone was in favor. Adjourned


Minutes taken and submitted by A. Mays, borough secretary