Протокол 18-гозаседания Комитета КООМЕТ, 15–16мая2008 г., Харьков, Украина

Draft. Version 2



Agenda item / Number of resolution / Content
1 / RESOLUTION 1 / To accept the Agenda of the 22nd COOMET Committee Meeting taking note of the changes proposed during the meeting
2 / RESOLUTION 2 / To accept the Minutes of the 21st COOMET Committee Meeting
3 / RESOLUTION 3 / To take note of the report of COOMET President and to use its statements in the further COOMET activity
4 / RESOLUTION 4 / To approve the Annual Report of the COOMET Secretariat
5 / RESOLUTION5 / To designate as Chairpersons of:
– ТC 1.6 “Mass and Related Quantities” I.Kolozinskaya, NSC “Institute of Metrology”, Ukraine;
– ТC 1.12 “Reference Materials” S.Medvedevskikh, UNIIM, Russia.
To prolong the authorities of Chairpersons for 4 years:
– ТC 1.2 “Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration” V.Pozdeeva, BelGIM, Belarus;
– ТC 1.8 “Physical Chemistry” L.Konopelko, VNIIM, Russia
5 / RESOLUTION6 / To instruct COOMET Secretariat to prepare the note of thanks for Prof. V.Leonov with his activity rating within COOMET
6.1 / RESOLUTION 7 / To approve changes in the COOMET Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
To instruct COOMET Secretariat to distribute the updated Memorandum among the COOMET Committee Members and to publish it on the COOMET information resources till1 June 2012
6.2 / RESOLUTION 8 / To hold the election of the COOMET President by means of the secret ballot.
To instruct the COOMET Secretariat to submit for endorsement the changes in the Rules of COOMET Procedure to COOMET Committee Members till 1 June 2012 regarding the election of the President taking note of the discussion
6.3 / RESOLUTION 9 / In order to analyze the situation and to study the needs for the joint scientific projects to request the COOMET Member Countries which have not done it yet to fill in the Questionnaires No.1,2,3 and to send them to COOMET Secretariat.
To ask the COOMET Vice-president K.-D. Sommer to organize the consideration of this question at one of the nearest COOMET workshops
7 / RESOLUTION10 / 22nd COOMET Committee Meeting:
1) taking note of the Resolution 1 of 24th CGPM, appeals to NMIs of COOMET Member Countries:
– to continue works on the improvement of fundamental constants h, e, kµ, NA and on the redefinition of basic SI units;
– to inform the scientific community and governmental institutions of its countries about the forthcoming redefinitions of SI units;
2) taking note of the Resolution 4 of 24th CGPM, appeals to the CGPM Associate Members participating in the COOMET activities to change the status of Associate Members to the status of Member Countries of the Metre Convention as it will assist in strengthening the international system of measurements and in broadening COOMET capabilities regarding CIPM MRA implementation
8.1 / RESOLUTION11 / COOMET Joint Committee ofMeasurement Standards should discuss the proposals of CCPR, CCL, EURAMET and prepare COOMET opinion till the 29th JCRB meeting (25–26 September 2012)
8.2 / RESOLUTION 12 / ToasktheChairpersonofJCMSandChairpersonsofTC 1.2-1.12 topreparetheupdatedversionofCOOMETComparisonsProgrammeandtosendittoCOOMETSecretariat
by 1 September 2012
8.3 / RESOLUTION 13 / To take note of Annual Report of the Chairperson of COOMET Joint Committee of Measurement Standards.
To ask the JCMS Chairperson A. Chunovkina together with Chairpersons of TC 1.8 and TC 1.12 to provide information about the normative support of reference laboratories includingISO 193, 194, 195.
To ask theChairpersons of JCMS and TC 3.1 to analyze the cooperation of NMIs of COOMET Member Countries with National Accreditation Bodies
The wording of the Resolution has not been agreed / TotakenoteofAnnual Report of the Chairperson of TC 3.1 “Technical Committee of COOMET Quality Forum”.
TorecommendtoNMIofCOOMETMember Countries, whichareplanningtosigntheCIPMMRA, tocontinuetheworksonQMSimplementationandpreparationofQMSpresentationsfortheirfurtherpresentingatCOOMETQualityForum.
To recommend to the COOMET Quality Forum to discuss the optimization of the procedures of conducting external peer-reviews of SMK NMI of COOMET Member Countries at the next meeting of QF and TC 3.1 and also combination of the on-site peer-reviews of SMK with accreditation in the NMI Accreditation body of ILAC signatory.
To recommend to the QF Secretariat to organize the discussion of changes inCООМЕТ R/AQ/9:2010 “Recommendations for QMS assessment of NMIs”
9.2 / RESOLUTION 15 / To thank the former TC 2 Chairperson “Legal metrology” O. Kühn for active and productive work.
To approve Work program of TC 2 for 2011–2012.
To recommend COOMET member-countries while revising or developing legal documents and national metrological terminology standards to adopt, as much as possible, terminology of international vocabularies of metrology such as VIM “Vocabulary Internationale de Metrologe” (ISO GUIDE 99) and OIML VIML “Vocabulary Internationale de Metrologe Legale”
10.2 / RESOLUTION 16 / To approve the new structure of TC 4 “Information and Training”:
– SC 4.1 “Support in developing basic metrology infrastructure of COOMET Member Countries”;
– SC 4.2 “COOMET Informational sources”;
– SC 4.3 “Raising proficiency level and work with young metrologists”
12 / RESOLUTION17 / To thank the representatives of international and regional metrological organizations: BIPM, BIML, EURAMET, APMP for presenting the information about the activity of these organizations
13 / RESOLUTION18 / To approve the updated version of COOMET documents:
– Document COOMET D5.4/2012 “Regulation on COOMET Technical Committee “Length and angle” (TC 1.5)”;
– Document COOMET D5.9/2012 “Regulation on COOMET Technical Committee “Mass and Related Quantities” (ТC 1.6)”;
– Document COOMET D5.12/2012 “Regulation on COOMET Technical Committee “Legal metrology” (ТC 2)”;
– Document CООМЕТ D5.13/2012 “Regulation on COOMET Technical Committee “Information and Training” (ТC 4)”.
To instruct the COOMET Secretariat to register and to post the updated versions of publications at the web-portal and site of COOMET by 1 June 2012.
To instruct the on-line editors of COOMET web-portal from TC 1.5, TC 1.6, TC 2 and TC 4 to post the appropriate information at the pages of their TC of COOMET web-portal
14 / RESOLUTION19 / To recognize the CRMs, recommended by TC 1.12 “CRMs” for the recognition, as COOMET CRMs Annex COOMET-22/14 (2), taking into consideration the countries, which have joined their recognition.
To request the Contact Persons of COOMET Member Countries in TC 1.12 “CRMs”, which have not submitted their conclusions, to consider the Annex COOMET-22/14 (2) and to send the information on the possibility to recognize COOMET CRMs to the Secretariat of TC 1.12 (UNIIM) by 30 May 2012.
To request the Secretariat of TC 1.12 “CRMs” (UNIIM) to register the CRMs, included in the Annex COOMET-22/14 (2), taking into account additionally joining countries, in the Register of COOMET CRMs in compliance with the requirements of COOMET Recommendation R/RM/4:2008
14 / RESOLUTION20 / To take note of the information, provided by Chairperson of TC 1.12 S.Medvedevskikh on the procedure of the recognition of certified reference materials, published in Annex C of CIPM MRA, as COOMET CRMs (COOMET Recommendation R/RM/4: 2008) and to recommend COOMET CRM producers to promote COOMET cooperation on the development of COOMET CRMs in the relevant fields of measurement and on the transfer of CRMs, included in Annex C of CIPM MRA to COOMET CRMs
14 / RESOLUTION21 / To delete from the Register of COOMET CRMs certified reference materials, included in the List of CRMs to be deleted from the Register of COOMET CRMs (Annex COOMET-22/14 (3)) on the proposals of author-countries.
To request the Secretariat of TC 1.12 “CRMs” (UNIIM) to enter in the Register of COOMET CRMs the information on the deletion of 2 CRM types from the Register of COOMET CRMs as specified under resolution, in compliance with the rules of COOMET Recommendation R/RM/4:2008.
To request on-line editor of COOMET web-portal to introduce changes on the relevant page of the web-portal after the Register of COOMET CRMs is completed and updated
15.1 / RESOLUTION 22 / Toapprovethenewmembershipinstructural bodies of COOMET
15.2 / RESOLUTION 23 / To designate as Chairpersons of:
– SC 1.5.1 “Nanometrology” P. Todua, NICPV, Russia;
– SC 1.5.2 “Long lengths” A. Kostrikov, NSC, Institute of Metrology”, Ukraine;
– SC 1.6.1 “Mass” I.Kolozinskaya, NSC “Institute of Metrology”, Ukraine;
– SC 4.2 “COOMET Informational sources” V.Bugayev, VNIIFTRI, Russia;
– SC 4.3 “Raising proficiency level and work with young metrologists” V.Ivanov, VNIIMS, Russia; Deputy Chairperson V.Lobko, BelGIM, Belarus
15.2 / RESOLUTION24 / To prolong the authorities of Chairpersons for 3 years:
– SC 1.4.3 “Flowmetry of liquefied gas” R.Sabirgaliyev, WKS RSE “KazInMetr”, Kazakhstan;
– SC 1.6.2 “Force” E.Galat, BelGIM, Belarus;
– SC 1.6.3 “Pressure” Y.Kiselev, VNIIM, Russia;
– SC 1.6.4 “Hardness” E.Aslanyan, VNIIFTRI, Russia;
– SC 1.8.2 “Metals and alloys” N.Muravskaya, VNIIOFI, Russia
16 / RESOLUTION25 / For the considerable personal contribution to the works and COOMET activity to award with the Honorable tit “Honorary Metrologist of COOMET” and confer a decoration the specialists of organizations of COOMET Member Countries:
51Reshat SABIRGALIEV, Kazakhstan;
52Valery ALEKSANDROV, Russia;
53Valery MILEVSKY, Belarus
17 / RESOLUTION26 / To take note of information of the participants of the meeting about the condition of metrological activity of national organizations of COOMET Member Countries
18 / RESOLUTION 27 / To accept the results of the voting conducted among the COOMET Committee Members and to consider V. Krutikov, Russia as the COOMET President.
To appoint as the COOMET Vice-presidents:
-N. Zhagora, BelGIM, Belarus;
-K.-D. Sommer, PTB, Germany;
-M. Halaj, SMU, Slovakia;
-P. Neyezhmakov, NSC “Institute of Metrology”, Ukraine
The opinion of the representative of Georgia will be noted in the Minutes of the 22nd COOMET Committee meeting / To hold the 23rd COOMET Committee Meeting in May – June 2013 in Russian Federation
