April 11, 2016

The Regular Meeting of the Foxburg Borough Council was called to order at 7:00 PM by Council President Denise Shekell. Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Councilpersons present were Judy Fleming,Linda Gates, Avis Ganoe, Diane Pageand Marilyn Reed, as well as Mayor Chuck Gisselbrecht and Secretary Karen Best. Sally Vereb absent.Others attending: John Soroka, AJ Schwartz, and Rachel Brosnahan.

Minutes from March Meeting were reviewed. Motion to approve by Diane Page, seconded by Linda Gates, unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Reportand Bills for April were read and reviewed. Motion to approve and authorize bills by Linda Gates, seconded by Diane Page, unanimously approved.
Citizen’s input:
Presentations: AJ Schwartz- Environmental Planning and Design, Inc. presented maps and final draftfor the Foxburg Trailhead Grant. Reviewed steps for follow-ups with grant possibilities and possible scenarios. Judy Fleming made a motion to accept the final draft, Avis Ganoe seconded, motion unanimously approved.

Rachel Brosnahan, Singing Sparrow Web Designs, made a presentation and showed examples of her work. Rachel said she would do a website for Foxburg for $450, and $15/hr for upkeep. Avis Ganoe made a motion to retain Rachel for website, Diane Page seconded, motion unanimously approved. Denise Shekell suggested a committee be formed and motion to authorize ½ payment to get started. Diane Page seconded the motion, motion unanimously approved. All Council said they would be interested in contributing suggestions.

  1. FAWSA-sent check for $10,139, repaying loan made in 2012.
  2. Library asking for donations. $1700 will be paid next month per budgeted amount.

Reports of Officials and Committees:
A. Mayor’s Report:

  1. Mayor Chuck Gisselbrechtreported that he got a quote from Fred Hayes to start on the retaining wall on N. Palmer, but it is not broken down so will have to be redone.
  2. Mayor would like to send letters to several residences on N. Palmer regarding dangerous structures ordinance. He would meet with a group of the residents to put together a CDBG-qualifying grant.
  3. Update on status of Columbia Gas pipeline replacement in Borough. He is monitoring work.

B. Blueprint:

  1. John Sorokagave a report on the meeting that was held at the high school. Reviewed the activity of the past year.Reported that an ACV student was the winner of the banner contest.

C. Grant- Trailhead Master Plan- Q1 16 Report and Request for Reimbursement submitted. Also, letter to Kim Harris at Oil Region Alliance requesting $500 (left from previous grant) in matching funds be sent.

Trailhead Grant Meeting- AJ Schwartz from EPD presentation

D. Foxburg Water & Sewer: no report

Old Business.

  1. .Penndot – Transportation Outreach Meeting- March 18. Denny Shekell and Karen Best attended meeting. Spoke with Penndot reps about retaining wall on SR58 and N. Palmer.
  2. Options for the 2 properties on North Palmer conveyed to Foxburg Borough. Chuck would like to have an auction if no progress by May.
  3. BIDS

4,656 SY Sealcoat-Harvey / Patching: sunken dip on Harvey
Hager Paving / 10,946.30
KRW/Cade Paving / 13,320 / 2,250. (15,570 total)

Action: Avis Ganoe made a motion to reject all bids as they were much higher than anticipated, Linda Gates seconded, motion unanimously approved. Future plans tabled.

  1. Judy Fleming said that after some research, the last deed for the Fire Dept Building that could be found was from Logan Fox to the Foxburg Fire Department in 1947.

Ordinances or Resolutions:Resolution adopting Clarion County’s Emergency Management Plan was presented. Diane Page made a motion to adopt, Linda Gates seconded, motion unanimously approved.

New Business:
Motion to adjourn at 10:00 by Linda Gates, seconded by Diane Page , unanimously approved.
Respectfully submitted,