Report on data utility of Public Use Files for EU-SILC for year 2013

The EU-SILC (EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions) Public Use Files (PUFs) were created to enable the interested parties to become familiar with using EU-SILC microdata while protecting the privacy of data providers (Principle 5 of the European Statistics Code of Practice). The Public Use Files consist of fully synthetic data simulated using statistical modelling and statistical distributions in the original data. They have specifically been produced for testing purposes and education. The data structure of the EU-SILC PUFs is the same as for the EU-SILC Scientific Use Files (SUFs), although not all variables have been simulated (such as flag variables) and are hence empty in the PUFs. They provide researchers and trainers the opportunity to develop programs using identical formats and variable names to those that appear in the actual EU-SILC SUFs.

The PUFs have limited research value; only the SUFs provide a basis for valid analysis.

Utility analysis

Measure for each indicator (weights are taken into account) is given by


Only for equivalized disposable income, measure is given by

, where denotes equivalized disposable income, denotes the value of percentile of variable in PUF and denotes the value of percentile of variable in SUF.

Indicator / Measure
Number of individuals / 0.19%
Number of households / x
→ Male / 2.06%
→ Female / 2.10%
Age groups:
→ [0,15] / 1.18%
→ (15,20] / 1.02%
→ (20,25] / 2.95%
→ (25,30] / 3.91%
→ (30,35] / 0.90%
→ (35,40] / 0.79%
→ (40,45] / 1.86%
→ (45,50] / 4.26%
→ (50,55] / 1.32%
→ (55,60] / 2.03%
→ (60,65] / 0.20%
→ (65,70] / 2.47%
→ (70,75] / 4.17%
→ 75+ / 2.78%
→ 0 / x
→ 1 / 3.49%
→ 2 / 0.44%
→ 3 / 0.48%
→ 4 / x
→ 5+ / 0.47%
Household size:
→ 1 / 0.19%
→ 2 / 0.19%
→ 3 / 0.19%
→ 4 / 0.19%
→ 5 / 0.19%
→ 6 / 0.19%
→ 7 / 0.17%
→ 8 / 0.19%
→ 9 / x
→ 10+ / x
Data-related indicators:
→ Gini coefficient / 54.00%
→ At-risk-of-poverty threshold / 4.26%
→ At-risk-of-poverty rate / 67.30%
→ Income quintile share ratio / 161.41%
→ Relative median at-risk-of-poverty gap / 98.59%
→ Incapacity to meet unexpected financial expenses / 1.29%
Equivalized disposable income / 9.19%
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