Welcome to K.WOW!
An outreach ministry of the Highmore United Methodist Church.
We’re excited that your child is going to participate in K.WOW, which stands for Kids Worshipping on Wednesdays. It is our intention to offer the children of the community a non-denominational Bible-based after school program to help them explore and develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. Our program will include classes for children ages preschool (3 years old) and above. We invite all parents to come and visit regularly or participate in our program as a K.WOW Shepherd or helper.
Thank you for bringing your children. It is our hope that we will always be able to provide a fun and safe place for them to come. We have made arrangements to be able to pick up all school age children participating in K.WOW from the school and walking them to the church. Our facility is only one block east of the school. We ask that all children participating in the program meet the K.WOW Shepherd by the double doors located in the Elementary wing near the Kindergarten and 1st grade rooms. Be certain your child is aware of these arrangements. We will also provide preschoolers a ride to our K.WOW program from daycares in town. It will be your responsibility to let your daycare provider know about your child’s attendance in K.WOW. Please see attached daycare pick up form.
Please fill out the Registration and Permission form to be sure our K.WOW Shepherds have important information about your child and contact numbers where you and/or an emergency contact can be reached in case of an emergency. Please fill out a separate form for each child. This registration form will be maintained on file at the church. If changes need to be made, please alert a K.WOW Shepherd and update the information. For special events and field trips, notification will be provided at least one week prior to the event.
To maintain a pleasant place to come for fun and learning, we want you to rest assured that we have the same high expectations of behavior and respect that you do. We will let you know if your child’s behavior needs your attention. If for any reason your child is being disruptive during any church sponsored program, such as not staying with their group or following the directions of their K.WOW Shepherd, they will be given fair warning and be given an opportunity to correct their behavior. If necessary, we will call you, so you can stay with your child or take them home. Please reference list of values K.WOW views most important.
K.WOW Contact information:
Our program is located at the Highmore United Methodist Church.
Church Address: 425 Commercial Avenue Highmore
Church Phone Number: 605-852-2828
Pastor: Kori Lehrkamp
Program Director: Heather McDonnell
Phone Number: 605-852-3121
Cell Phone Number: 605-430-4389/605-870-1244
Email Address:
Youth Information and Permission Form
Child’s full name:Date completed: / Birth date:
Current grade in school: / Email:
Name of Parent/Guardian:
Home address:
Home #: / Cell #: Work #:
Emergency contact (in case you cannot be reached):
Name / relation to child:
Home #: / Cell #: Work #:
Is there anyone your child should not be released to?
Health information (Please list any allergies, medications, health concerns, etc.):
Permission to participate in Church activities:
I give my permission for my child / ______,
to participate in all activities sponsored by K.WOW and the Highmore UMC. I understand that all activities will have adult supervision and I will receive advance notice of any activities in which my child will go off church property.
We authorize and give permission for K.WOW Shepherds and Church Staff to provide transportation in personally owned vehicles to activities and events, which take place outside the Church property. Parents/Guardians shall be responsible for transportation to and from the Church unless previously arranged. Parents/Guardians shall provide written instructions or notify the K.WOW Shepherds or Church Staff in person in the event the parent/guardian or other authorized adult will be transporting a student to or from an event or activity that is not at the Church.
We understand that there are inherent risks in transportation and group activities and hold harmless K.WOW and the Highmore United Methodist Church and adult volunteers/chaperones from any injuries that our child might sustain while participating in any Church activities or events.
We further authorize our child to be photographed/videotaped at Church events or activities and authorize the posting or use of such photos or videos on the Church website and in promotional/informational materials.
I give the adults in charge permission to seek emergency medical care if I cannot be reached and hold K.WOW, the Highmore UMC and the adult leaders without fault if my child becomes ill or injured.
Parent Signature: / DATE:
Daycare Pick Up Form
Child’s name: ______
Childcare Provider/Manager’s name: ______
Childcare Address: ______
Childcare Phone Number: ______
Name of Parent/Guardian: ______
Home Phone Number: ______Cell Phone Number: ______
The K.WOW Shepherds and staff of the Highmore United Methodist church request that you speak to your childcare provider in advance and let them know of the arrangements concerning the K.WOW program. Please let them know that your child will be picked up at approximately 3:20 pm and ask them to have your child ready to go at that time. Also to please make sure that child has all items necessary for the end of day as you will be responsible for picking them up upon K.WOW dismissal at 5:00pm.
In the event that your child will not need to be picked up we do require that you call us in advance to let us know.
Signing this form authorizes and gives permission for K.WOW Shepherds and Church Staff to provide transportation in personally owned vehicles to K.WOW activities and events. Parents/Guardians shall be responsible for transportation to and from the Church unless previously arranged. We understand that there are inherent risks in transportation and group activities and hold harmless K.WOW and the Highmore United Methodist Church and adult volunteers/chaperones from any injuries that our child might sustain while in transit to the K.WOW facility/Highmore United Methodist Church.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______DATE: ______
K.WOW Shepherd Signature: ______DATE: ______
3:40 pm School Dismissal
3:50 pm Snack time
4:00 pm Music in Sanctuary
4:15 pm Classroom dismissal to Sanctuary
4:20 pm Classroom time
5:00 pm K.WOW Dismissal
***Please make sure your child is picked up by 5:15. If you are unable to do so for any reason please let a K.WOW Shepherd know as soon as possible.
****Also please note that all times except dismissal are tentative.
Wednesday, September 16th, 2015…………………….. KWOW Starts
Wednesday, November 25th, 2015…….……………No KWOW Happy Thanksgiving
Wednesday December 2nd, 2015…………………………. KWOW Christmas Show
Wednesday January 13th, 2016…………………………… KWOW Resumes
Wednesday March 30th, 2016…………………………….. No KWOW Happy Easter
Wednesday May 4th, 2016…………………………………… KWOW Karnival –
last day of KWOW see you in the fall!
1. Always speak kindly.
*Remember our manners: Please & Thank You’s
2. Love your neighbor!
*Even when we don’t agree.
4. No running in God’s House
(some one could get hurt!)
5. Please keep body parts and all other objects to yourself!
6. Try EVERYTHING once!
*Unless you are allergic
7. Bring our best listening ears!
8. You can always invite a friend!
10. Jesus Loves You and so do WE!!!
General Information
Shepherds: Are the adults who are helping lead, teach, and care for your child while they are participating in K.WOW. Please be aware that these Shepherds are merely volunteers, simply offering themselves with the intention to glorify God with their gifts and graces.
After-school Pick-up: K.WOW will take place directly after school. There will be a K.WOW Shepherd to walk the kids from school to the church. The Shepherd will meet the kids in the hallway by the Kindergarten/1st grade room. The K.WOW Shepherd will be easily identifiable by their HOT PINK t-shirt that will say K.WOW Shepherd on the back. Please let your children know of these arrangements and what will take place on Wednesday’s after-school. The K.WOW Shepherd will have a roster of children that are to walk with them from the school. If your child for ANY reason will not be walking from school to K.WOW please let us know ahead of time.
Football: If your child plays AAU football we will be providing transportation to the football field by 5:30 so they may participate. Most likely a K.WOW Shepherd will escort the children to the football field in a group by walking, some days however they may elect to drive and the above permission to transport applies as your child is still in the care of the K.WOW program.
Helping/Volunteering: Parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles, are all welcome to “help” if they feel so called. There are many needs in running a program like K.WOW. Resources such as time, goods (baked or purchased goods, paper products etc.), money or access to other resources all would be welcomed.
Offering: We will not “take” offering. There will however be a KWOW piggy bank in each classroom. The money collected will go to support a mission of the children’s choosing.
KWOW Mission Project/Fundraiser – This year the KWOW kids will be selling Equal Exchange coffees, teas, cocoa, and dark chocolate bars in the hospitality room off the sanctuary. The products promote fair trade with farmers throughout the world and economic development in countries where this is nearly impossible. Each time you purchase one of these products you give back to KWOW as well as support this great mission. Thank you for your support.