Renaissance & Reformation Review Sheet

  1. Renaissance means what in French?
  2. Define Humanism, Secularism, and Vernacular.
  3. Who painted the Mona Lisa?
  4. Who is Martin Luther and what is his significance?
  5. Who is considered the greatest writer of all time and what is his significance?
  6. When did the Renaissance happen?
  7. Define predestination and what religion believes in it.
  8. Who invented the printing press and why was it important? How did it benefit the Renaissance?
  9. Define indulgences? Why did people want them?
  10. During the Renaissance, Italy was divided into what?
  11. Where did the Renaissance start?
  12. Why did Luther post the 95 Theses?
  13. The Northern Renaissance focused on ______where as the Italian Renaissance focused on ______.
  14. According to Martin Luther a person needs what to get to heaven?
  15. How did ideas spread from Italy to Northern Europe?
  16. Who were Ignatius Loyola and Paul III? What was their significance?
  17. What was the Council of Trent and what did the leaders agree on there?
  18. According to Martin Luther a person can speak to God without the help from what/whom?
  19. During the Renaissance there was a focus on ancient cultures, what two cultures were people focusing on?
  20. What were the main ideas of Machiavelli’s The Prince?
  21. Describe perspective and chiaroscuro and why it is important to art.
  22. What was the Diet or meeting of Worms about? What was the goal?
  23. Following the Diet of Worms, what did Luther do?
  24. Who developed the Anglican Church? Why was it formed? What are the Anglican’s views on sin and salvation?
  25. Describe the Inquisition, and why and when it was use.
  26. The first use of moveable type was used in what country?
  27. Who were Erasmus and Thomas More? What do they have in common?
  28. Why did Henry VIII start the Protestant Reformation in England?

Open Response

The Protestant Reformation, led by Martin Luther, had a significant impact on the social and political lives of Europeans, and eventually the world.

A. Identify two factors/causes that led to the Protestant Reformation. Write at least two sentences for each cause.

B. List two leaders of the Catholic Reformation.

C. In one paragraph, explain how the Catholic Church responded to each factor/cause (identified in A)in the Catholic Reformation.