Recently the question was posed:

What was the target audience of Heart of Pittsburgh? The below was the answer to that question from web master Susan Rose.

“Thank you for the opportunity to help gell the answer to this question .
In 1970 I went to some Vietnam protests near a college campus in the city.
I was very impressed with the energy as well as the articulate speeches that were given to end our involvement in Vietnam.
I wanted to fit into this but was still a bit young, (16) and also from the suburbs.
Secondly, I belonged to a mediation study group since the age of 12. The meditation groups
were a curious mix of older spiritualists and young hippies, college students.
I felt the connection to a flow of energy that was better than the 5 senses.
I was impressed and wanted to fit in.
Later, I met spiritual groups, feminist spirituality leaders, alternative health, environmental activists and more.
It not only fascinated and enriched my life, but helped me define the best parts of my personal story line.
All of this impressed me and I not only wanted to fit in, but have better understanding, approach mastery in some of the areas and be a teacher myself.
In the 90's I started an online discussion group called There I led an international spiritual chat.
Although my friends were all over the world, there was an emptiness and loneliness of connecting with people that I could personally know, experiencing a touch heart to heart intimacy in real time.
I created a link list of cool metaphysical hot spots in Pittsburgh, (where I have lived since 1974.)
It helped me reconnect with Pittsburgh. But not all of Pittsburgh, because frankly the diversity
is broader than what anyone has the time for.
The focus was the new age (a dated term but helps to describe), spiritual, open minded, liberal, holistic community.
I added to the domain from 1999 to 2011- (gradually -because I was still working full time as a nurse.)
After retiring in 2011 there was more time to focus on HeartofPittsburgh,
which has grown to include web, facebook, twitter, and linkedin.
(Thank you to my daughter who encouraged my focus.)
Who is the target audience? Everyone and everything that would be great to be part of a tribe.
Extending not more than 50 miles from the middle of Pittsburgh. It would have people and places
that were fun optimistic, blissful, holistic, metaphysical and yes, liberal and progressive.
Why? It is not all about helping and serving although that is part of it.
The emptiness and loneliness can be eliminated.
Heart of Pittsburgh is the answer to the question- Where do I fit in?
Who is my tribe? I do not have to do this alone. Neither do you.
See intro video
Susan Rose @HeartofPgh
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