Appendix A.Examples of standardised assessments for schools
Title / Date / Authors / Publisher / Age RangeLiteracy / Neale Analysis of Reading Ability, 2nd revised British edition (NARA II) / 1989 / Neale, M.D / NFER-Nelson
/ 6 years -12 years 11 months
Phonological Assessment Battery (PhAB) / 1997 (second edition now available- 2014) / Fredrickson, N; Frith, V & Reason, R / NFER-Nelson / 6 – 14 years
Sounds-Write / 2004 / Case, S: Philpot, D & Walker, J / Available locally following training / Most appropriate for 5-11 years
Single Word Spelling / 2000 / Scare, l & Masterson, J / NFER-Nelson / 5 years- 15 years 2 months
Test of Word Reading Efficiency (TOWRE) / 1999 / Torgesen, J K; Wagner, R K & Rashotte, C A / Pro-Ed (available in the UK from Harcourt Assessment) / 6 years-24 years 11 months
Vernon Graded Word Spelling Test / 1997 / Vernon, P E / Hodder & Stoughton / 6-18 years
Wide Range Achievement Test IV (WRAT IV)
Reading, spelling / 1993 / Wilkinson, G S / Wide Range Inc (available in the UK from Harcourt Assessment) / 5-18 years
Diagnostic Reading Analysis / 2004 / Crumpler, M & McCarty, C / Hodder & Stougton
/ 7-16 years
Read, Write, Inc / Miskin, R / Oxford University Press / 4-11 years
Numeracy / Sandwell Early Numeracy Test- Revised / 2011 / Arnold, C, Walden, R, Bowden, P / Sandwell Children and Young People’s Service (available from GL Assessment) / 4 years – 7 years 11 months
Wide Range Achievement Test IV (WRAT IV)
Arithmetic / 1993 / Wilkinson, G S / Wide Range Inc (available in the UK from Harcourt Assessment) / 5-18 years
Basic Number Screening Test / Gillham, B & Hess, K / Hodder & Stoughton / 7-12 years
Basic Number Diagnostic Test / Gillham, B & Hess, K / Hodder & Stoughton / 5-7 years