Bear TracksProgram

Dear Teachers,

The Bear Tracks tutor program is designed to provide peer tutors for individual students or groups of students that may need extra help meeting class learning standards. Bear Tracks tutors are upperclassmen that are generally proficient in the subject area and are interested in teaching and helping others learn. Bear track tutors have 10 hours of classroom training in different disabilities, learning styles, teaching techniques, accommodations, modifications, and, most importantly, student confidentiality. Tutors will be assigned on a first request first served basis with consideration given to the number of students with special needs in the classroom. Teachers may request a peer tutor, after class rosters are final, by contacting the SPED office or any inclusion teacher.

Yours truly,

Bear Tracks Advisor

FYI: Bear Track tutor students receive a daily grade for their attendance and participation in the class they are assigned (Your class).

Classroom teacher's duties to the Bear Track peer tutor:

  • It is important for the classroom teacher to take time, on a regular basis, to meet with the peer tutor and talk. The check list on the teacher report can be used as a starting point for discussions, (see copy attached). As we know, students do better if they are aware of the teacher's expectations.
  • It is important to keep attendance and tardy records on peer tutor students because 50% of the Bear Track class grade comes from their attendance in your class.
  • Any Bear Tracks peer tutor student who is not meeting expectations or is the least bit disruptive will be replaced.
  • Please return the Teacher Observation Checklist on the dates indicated on the blank forms.

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"Bear Tracks" Peer Tutoring Class


All students have the ability to learn. If a student is not learning, adjustments may be made in the methods used and/or the information provided. To this end, the Bear Tracks tutors provide a social and academic role model for students with special needs while providing service learning opportunities for the tutor.


Prospective Bear Tracks students must complete an application with a teacher recommendation and be interviewed by the peer tutor committee the semester before enrolling in the Bear Tracks class. The criteria for acceptance into the program include attendance, grade point average, and teacher recommendation. The prospective applicant can have NO disciplinary referrals.


This is a writing intensive class. The majority of your assessments will come from written work. Bear Track students will have grade opportunities from a number of sources:

* Content knowledge tests and quizzes (scored as six week test grades)

* Term paper (scored as the third six weeks total test grade)

* Teacher evaluation (part of daily grades)

* Classroom observations (part of daily grades)

* Weekly writing assignments (part of daily grades)

* Reflective essays (six weeks test grades)

* Written final in essay form (20% of final grade)

* Extra credit

*It will be extremely difficult to receive a final grade of "A" in this class without completing some extra credit assignments.

Six weeks and final grades will be calculated according to school policy as prescribed in the student handbook. Two-thirds of the six week's grades come from daily work and one-third from tests. The final exam will count as 20% of the final grade with 80% of the final grade being the average of the three 6 week's grades.

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The content knowledge tests and quizzes are in a familiar format with fill-in-the-blank, matching, and multiple choice questions and will constitute most of the first six weeks test scores.

There is one reflective essay per six weeks (total of three). They count as the six weeks exams and will be double weighted.

The term paper will be on a topic relevant to special education which must be approved by the teacher. Papers must be a minimum of three pages in length and not more than ten pages. Papers must include at least three referenced sources of information. Papers are to be typed, double-spaced with one inch margins in 12-point, Arial or Times New Roman font (APA form is preferred but not required).

* Draft of term paper due ______(not accepted late--- past ______)

* Final paper due ______

* Final exam essay due on scheduled exam date

** (substantial grade penalties will be imposed for later papers)

The term paper is heavily weighted and will count as the entire test grade for the third six weeks grading period. Considering the graded rough draft of the term paper and the weekly writing assignments, this is perceived to be appropriate rigor. (See term paper directions and rubric attached below).

Teacher evaluations and classroom observations are self explanatory. They are averaged with weekly writing assignments and daily grades. (A copy of the evaluation form is attached below).

Weekly writing assignment topics are due on Friday and will only be accepted without grade penalty on the first school day after the Friday due date. (**grade penalties pertain to all late papers). These papers will receive two grades, one for content and another for composition. Topics that ask your personal opinion will automatically receive full credit for content. All papers are to be typed, double-spaced with one inch margins, in 12point, Arial or News Times Roman font.

The class final will be a written essay and all students are required to take it unless prior arrangements are made under school policy with the teacher.

** Assignments may be submitted via e-mail. Please show in the subject space your last name and week number. Make sure that the paper is in "Word 972003 document" format so it can be opened on school computers (* * improperly submitted papers will be considered late).

* A well written concise paper will receive a better grade than verbose ramblings. Corrections may be made on graded papers and re-submitted any time for an improved grade.

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Extra credit opportunities:

Opportunities for extra credit include one point for every hour spent in volunteer service to your school and for attending Special Education activities not during your regularly scheduled Bear Tracks class time. Additional written assignments are available upon request.

Peer tutor duties and responsibilities:

Bear Tracks tutors are required to maintain absolute confidentiality at all times! The main role of a peer tutor is to assist students with disabilities to become included in everyday activities at school. The peer tutor is there to enhance students with disabilities participation in the same activities as their non-disabled peers. The role of the peer tutor may vary according to program characteristics and individual student’s needs.

The peer tutors may accompany students with disabilities into general education classrooms, lunch, assemblies, field trips, job sites, community experiences’, school-supervised extra-curricular activities, clubs, and any other activity that occurs in high school. The peer tutor may assist peer students to learn important academic skills and help peer students learn appropriate social behavior.

The peer tutor will follow the directions of the special education and regular education teachers, adapt assignments (always under the supervision of the teacher) as needed, and provide support for the student to whom he or she is assigned. The peer tutor is neither a discipline figure nor a supervisor of peer students. The peer tutor is a role model who both assists and learns with peer students.

Reinforcement procedure:

The breach of any class rules as attached below or school rules as published in the school handbook will result in the most severe consequences allowed under School Board policy.

* Any breach of student confidentiality will result in dismissal from the program and a failing grade.

* An absence or tardy will require a 2 point extra credit work to not be reflected on that six weeks daily grade.

* An unexcused absence will take 5 points off that six weeks daily grade.

*One negative teacher report will not affect student's grade-subsequent negative teacher reports will result in the loss of points, equivalent to one letter grade. (See copies of teacher report attached).

*Bear Track students who have no absences or negative teacher reports and have turned in all assignments to date will be invited to a special seminar and lunch with the Principal.

Instructional standard for service learning:

The Bear Tracks peer tutor program is designed to provide a comprehensive approach focusing on ethical, social and intellectual skill development in the peer tutor through the duties and responsibility of working with the special education students. Mastering the standards will enable the peer tutor to develop personal integrity based on positive values, to learn respect and responsibility, and to learn citizenship in school and community while providing the same learning opportunities to the peer students.

The Bear Tracks peer tutor program provides the participants with a. form of learning in which students develop knowledge and critical thinking skills while addressing genuine community and school needs. Through tutoring of students with special needs, students gain an understanding of human psychology and diversity. Bear Tracks peer tutor program offers a pro-active and comprehensive approach that promotes development of core values in thinking, feeling and behavior. The Bear Tracks peer tutor program develops trustworthiness and a sense of responsibility to a commitment, to the task itself, and to those who are involved in it. Students realize the benefits of collaboration and team-building, respect for others, and the ability of all students to be successful.

(As adapted from the standards of service learning downloaded from l!!tQ://

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Bear Tracks Written Assignments

Report topics are listed below:

  • IDEA and definition of Special Education
  • Mental Retardation
  • Blind and visually Impaired
  • Hearing Impaired
  • ADD and ADHD (Attention Deficits Disorder)
  • Dyslexia
  • NCLB (No Child Left Behind Act)
  • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (Substance-Abuse)
  • HIV
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Fragile X Syndrome
  • PKU or errors of metabolism
  • Epilepsy
  • Spina Bifida
  • Students may substitute a topic of special interest with instructor’s approval


Primary concern of this paper is how the disability impacts the student's ability to learn and function in society. Treatment options and classroom modifications should be included. Experimental options may be presented; however, research-based practices are preferred. The paper may also have information on the causes and effects of the disability, such as how and when it manifests and what part of the body is most impacted by the disability.

Corrections may be made on graded papers and resubmitted for a grade improvement any time before finals week.

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Bear Tracks term paper rubric

Student______Topic Score ______

Content (20 points)

Current information on disability 5 - causes 5 - preventions 5 - symptoms 5 - treatment practices

Teaching strategies (40 points)

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10classroom modifications

10 teaching strategies 20 - how to best help the students learn

Composition (20 points)

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Clearly written and well organized paper with a _5_-introductorv paragraph, with each sentence of introduction used as topic sentence for a supporting paragraph. Each paragraph with 3 to five sentences 5supporting the topic sentence. 5Paper should include three references with all interior5quotes cited

Follow directions (20 points)

4 Three to ten pages4- typed double spaced4 with one inch margins 4 in 12 point 4 Arial or Times New Roman

Name: ______Extra Points: ______

Sign and return with final draft for extra credit points

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Procedures for Bear Tracks Peer Tutor Program


Prospective Bear Tracks students must make application with a teacher recommendation and be interviewed by the Peer tutor committee the semester before enrolling in the Bear Tracks Class.


Any student enrolled who is in good academic standing with a minimum of 15 class credits and minimum GPA of2.0 is eligible to apply. To be considered, candidates must have less than 5 unexcused absences and not more than 10 total absences in any academic year. The prospective applicant can have absolutely NO disciplinary referrals.


The application packet may be picked up in Guidance or the SPED office. Return completed applications as soon as possible to schedule interviews before class registration. Any application not approved before class registration will not be considered for the next semester.

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Parental Permission for Bear Tracks Tutors

This is to certify that my son/daughter has my permission to register and attend the Bear Tracks peer tutor program class for the Spring Semester of the 2009/2010 school year. I understand my child will receive a transcript recorded grade and credit toward graduation for this class. _

The main focus of this class is responsibility in service. Consequently, absences become the primary grading factor. Students must complete make-up assignments for any absence for what ever reason, even excused absences or board authorized field trips (For unexcused absences, refer to school board policy.) ______

I understand that my child will be working with special education students of varying degrees of disabilities in a variety of settings but always under the direct supervision of a licensed Sevier County School System teacher. ____

I understand that as a peer tutor my child is subject to all state and federal regulations regarding the rights of student with disabilities. ______

I understand that my child as a peer tutor must participate and receive passing scores in specialized training including but not limited to Student's Rights of Confidentiality, Avoidance of Blood Borne Pathogens, Duty to Report Abuse, etc. ______

I give my consent for my child's name and picture to be taken and released for publication in any situation and media deemed appropriate by the school and that all such publication material are the sole property of the school. ______

I give my permission for my child to accompany peer students in off-campus activities and field trips where all school, school system and school board policies and rules apply. ______

I hereby release the school system, the school, and all teachers and administrators from liability and from any and all claims against them, individually or collectively, for any injuries which might be received during any and all Bear Track peer tutoring duties or in traveling to and from such activities or duties. ______

In case of emergency, I can be reached at ______(phone number). The teacher may authorize professional medical treatment for my child as deemed necessary by a licensed medical professional. ______

I accept any and all financial responsibility for the cost of any such treatment. ____

Parent or guardian signature ______

(Please initial the blanks after each paragraph)

Professional Dispositions Expected of All Bear Tracks

Peer tutors are expected to demonstrate behaviors that are indicative of the following dispositions characteristic of effective Bear Tracks peer tutors.

The Bear Track Tutor shows a disposition toward and commitment to each of the following:

1.The Bear Track Tutor will help students with disabilities become included in everyday life at high school.

2.The Bear Track Tutor will assist students with disabilities to participate in the same activities as their non-disabled peers.

3.The Bear Track Tutor can accompany students with disabilities into general education classrooms, lunch, assemblies, field trips, job sites, community experiences, school supervised extra-curricular activities and clubs, and any other activity that occurs in high school.

4.The Bear Track Tutor can assist students with disabilities with assignments, learn important skills together, and help students with disabilities learn appropriate social behaviors.

5.The Bear Track Tutor will follow the directions of the special education and regular education teachers, will adapt assignments (always under the supervision of the teacher) as needed, and provide support for student to whom he or she is assigned.

6.The Bear Track Tutor is not a discipline figure or a supervisor of students with disabilities.