Built environment and student outcomes
A school’s built environment can cast a positive influence on learning outcomes.Having the right infrastructure delivered in the right place at the right time can have a direct impact on student outcomes.
School Enrolment Management Plans
A School Enrolment Management Plan (School EMP) is implemented in a state school which is nearing its capacity and aims to maximise the use of available facilities and ensure that students residing in a school's catchment area are able to enrol at that school, by restricting out-of-catchment enrolments. The principal must ensure sufficient capacity is reserved to accommodate in-catchment students, taking into account projected enrolment growth.
Independent Public Schools support the implementation of School EMPs where required.
The School EMP procedure, operational guidelines and the School EMP template are available at:
Further supporting documentation, including template letters for principals, and frequently asked questions are available at:
If your school has been identified to implement a School EMP, you will be notified by your regional office.
Should you have any questions regarding the School EMP procedure or require assistance in preparing your School EMP, please contact your Infrastructure Manager – Region. You can also contact the School EMP team at:
or on (07) 3034 4642.
Public Private Partnerships
An Independent Public School that is subject to a Public Private Partnership (PPP) is requiredto comply with the PPP contract conditions. For example, a PPP school is not required to formulate either a maintenance or an infrastructure (asset) plan as these are incorporated into the PPP arrangements. The PPP contract will continue to be managed centrally by the department.
School strategic infrastructure plans
Principals of Independent Public Schools need to consider infrastructure requirements and industry links to shape a physical environment that best matches the strategic vision for their school. Independent Public Schoolprincipals are encouraged to put in place a strategic infrastructure plan as a priority within their school strategic plan.The plan is a tool which enables Independent Public Schools to document the school’s facility and education future direction aims, timeframes and what is required to achieve them.
Plansare developed in consultation with Infrastructure Services Branch (ISB).
For more information on developing a plan for your school, please contact:
Joe Willis, Director, Infrastructure Strategy Schools, on (07) 3034 4635 or .
Queensland Schools Planning Commission
The Queensland Schools Planning Commission has produced a series of demand maps for high growth areas, showing growth in student numbers and residential growth areas across the state. These are available from the website:
The recommendations from the Queensland Schools Planning Commission are currently being revisited in consultation with key stakeholders.
To understand how the growth or decline in numbers of school-aged children may affect enrolments at your school, see the enrolment forecasts in the facility dashboard in OneSchool. It is important to note that enrolment forecasts are based on current trends, and do not take into account the impact of School EMPs on enrolment trends.
Smart Schools Subsidy scheme
The Smart Schools Subsidy scheme (SSS scheme) is available to all schools, including Independent Public Schools. The funding is initiated for capital works that fall outside of the scope of other capital works programs offered by the department. The SSS scheme is supportive of innovative infrastructure projects. For more information or to contact the coordinator go to:
In addition, ISB provides specialist support services to Independent Public Schools todevelop proposals such as feasibility studies into businesscases.
If Independent Public Schools have any questions or would like advice regarding business ideas, please contact:
Bruce Duncan, Manager, Infrastructure Programs and Delivery, on (07) 3034 4842 or .
Direct to Market engagement and school maintenance
Like all Queensland state schools, Independent Public Schools can elect to manage their own direct to market (D2M) maintenanceusing private contractors.
Schools choosing D2M will receive funds for planned and routine breakdown maintenance deposited to the school bank account. Further information is available at:
Schools electing to use Building and Asset Services (BAS) for maintenance delivery will have maintenance funding held in a notional account in line with previous practice.
School maintenance allocations will be funded under a new allocation method agreed with principal associations and the School BusinessManagers Association of Queensland. This methodology uses a number of factors to ensure a fair distribution of available funding to schools.
Additional funding is also held centrally or regionally for emergency maintenance, asbestos management, service maintenance and special maintenance, for example Targeted Maintenance, swimming pools and condition assessments.
Minor works funding
Independent Public Schools receive a minor works grant annuallyto undertake small routine maintenance and minor new work activities. There are two types of activities funded under this grant:
- small routine maintenance activities -for example refixing locks, repainting signs, cleaning out gutters, replacing tap washers
- minor new works activities - minor new works projects under $100,000 for example, access lighting, access paths, minor grounds development or security issues.
These funds are tied to facilities-related activities. For more information, including the minor works program procedure visit:
Facility dashboard
The facility dashboard in OneSchool is a single point of contact for school facilities data. The facility dashboard is a tool to assist schools with facilities planning, management and reporting.
The facility dashboard includes information such as enrolment forecasts, catchment details, capital works information, maintenance information and utilities information.
Principals, deputy principalsand business service managers have access to the facility dashboard on the school management tab in OneSchool. For technical issues contact the Service Centre Online at:
For data questions and feedback on the facility dashboard contact your Infrastructure Manager— Region.