Quality Indicator annual summary report

Learner engagement and employer satisfaction surveys

RTO No. / RTO legal name
3784 / Educational Living Pty. Ltd.

Section 1Survey response rates

Surveys issued (SI) / Surveys received (SR) / % response rates
= SR *100 / SI
Learner engagement / 509 / 342 / 67.2%
Employer satisfaction / 30 / 20 / 66.7%
Trends of response statistics:
  • which student/employer cohorts provided high/low response rates
  • how did response rates compare with previous years (if applicable)

We have noticed a decrease in response rates over last year's surveys. This is partly due to a dramatic increase in the number of surveys issued. 509 surveys were issued in 2014 for the 2015 data, while only 140 were issued in the previous year. The responses we have is indicative of a far broader cross-section of our student community over previous years.

Section 2Survey information feedback

What were the expected or unexpected findings from the survey feedback?
Learner data: There has been a movement up and down of less than 3% across all nominated categories. Given the increase in the numbers of learners surveyed, this indicates a consistent level of satisfaction with opportunites to improve.
Employer data: Trainer quality and resources have reflected a 4% improvement, where all other nominated categories are showing a decrease in satisfaction by up to 11%. This creates the opportunity to engage with the employers and determine ways to increase their satisfaction while continuing to deliver a quality product.
What does the survey feedback tell you about your organisation’s performance?
Both data sets indicate issues with assessment and relevance. This is consistent with our internal identification of the need to implement efficiencies with the assessment process. While all resources have been reviewed and updated, the management team has identified areas for improvement that have not yet been implemented due to recent changes in compliance standards.
An example of this is the blended learning approach which has been put on hold while ensuring compliance to the new Standards. Changes to both the ASQA Standards and the Training Package have shown significant improvement. These changes have provided opportunities for us to improve our processes, but have meant delays in our current strategic plan.

Section 3Improvement actions

What preventive or corrective actions have you implemented in response to the feedback?
The results of this survey will be shared and discussed at our July team meeting. We will be running a reflective practice session to ascertain where the trainers are needing additional support. This will also enable us to identify areas where improvements can be made in our overall processes. We will also continue to regularly meet with key personnel at each of our delivery venues to help drive future improvements.
How will/do you monitor the effectiveness of these actions?
We will continue to survey our candidates throughout the year. This allows us to make the necessary changes to benefit our existing candidates before they finish their course. We will also be running targeted focus groups with various cohorts to acquire feedback and check the temperature of learner engagement while they are still undergoing training with us.

Form–QualityIndicator annual summary report, updated 20 April 2012Page 1 of 2