Minutes of a Meeting

2.00pm Tuesday 23rd June 2015

Gordon Canning Room

Present: / Mr David Crawford (DC)
Mrs Rosamund Blomfield-Smith (RBS)
Mrs Barbara Buck (BB)
Dr Beri Hare (BH)
Mr Russell Marchant (RM)
Mr Chris Moody (CM)
Mr Luke Rake (LR)
Professor Ron Ritchie (RR)
Mrs Rosie Scott-Ward (RSW)
Ms Claire Whitworth (CW1)
In Attendance: / Mr Edward Keene (EK)
Dr Chris Potter (CP)
Mr Graham van der Lely (GvdL)
Mr Charles Whitehouse (CW)
Apologies: / Ms Isabel Beveridge
Ms Lucy Dumbell
Mr Jack Reed
Dr John Selby
Minutes: / Mr Rob Lee
Professor Ritchie was in the Chair.
Apologies were received from Ms I Beveridge, Ms L Dumbell, Mr J Reed and Dr John Selby.
RR advised that Dr Selby was a new governor and had a previous engagement so could not attend this meetingbut he had provided written feedback.
RR also advised that it was unfortunate that our students could not attend but it was that time of year and their input had been highly valued at previous meetings.
Declaration of Interest Paper QES02/06/15
The Clerk advised that members’ interests would be taken as those disclosed in the Register of Members Interests. There were no declarations of members interests for agenda items.
Minutes of the Last Meeting Paper QES03/06/15
Minutes of the meeting held on the 12th March 2015 were agreed to be a true and accurate record and signed by the Chair.
Matters Arising
4.1.(4.4.) Update on teaching observations, including the trial of cross college observations in Veterinary Nursing will be discussed in the FE Section.
4.2.(5.2.) Confirm that the Associate Faculty Annual Review Action Plan has been amended to include Tariff on Entry.
RSW advised that this will be discussed as part of the KPI Agenda item.
4.3.(5.3.) The Update on the Colleges Scholarship and Pedagogical Effectiveness that was sent back to the Scholarship Committee for amendment will be discussed in the HE Section.
4.4.(5.8.) The Student Council Minutes will be on the Agenda when available.
The Clerk advised that this will be a Standing Agenda item and minutes should be available for each meeting next year.
4.5.(6.2.) Update to the A Level Review will be discussed in the FE Section.
4.6.(6.6.) New KPI format is an Agenda Item in HE and FE Sections.
HE Section
5.1.Discuss the HE Strategic and Operational Plans. Paper QES05.1/06/15
RR advised that this had been discussed at the last Board and it was thought there should be some consistency between the various plans and how they fit within the framework of the 2020 Strategic Vision. This, therefore, was the revision. RSW advised that this was a holistic document in the context of the 2020 Vision outlining the direction of our higher education. RSW outlined the process and the documents that fed into this plan as part of the pyramid with the 2020 Vision at the top. RR felt the inclusion of the six key themes were valid and showed how we are moving forward. GvdL believed that it still required measures of how things may be achieved and would want to see the targets and timespans linked to 2020. RSW advised that this could be found in other documents linked to this plan but GvdL explained that governors would like to pick up one document containing the strategy and not have to refer to several. RSW advised that some of the documents such as the Teaching, Learning and Scholarship Strategy were very detailed. EK advised that the document should also help governors make decisions on future resource investment and he could not see evidence for extra accommodation or Sports Academy2. EK explained that this would then help with the linkage to the enabling strategies. RM agreed that this should be included in both the HE and FE core strategies. RM also thought that the cycle of annual review should show the linkage to QuESt and the Corporation. RR felt that we also needed to make clear the origins to some of the statements in italics included in the College Vision section. BH felt that Strategic Priority 1 Outstanding Learning needs a linkage to page 13 the Teaching Learning and Scholarship Strategy. RR agreed and felt that there needed to be a revision of the front sheet with fuller explanation. CM questioned the use of senior post holders instead of holders of senior posts. RBS questioned where the actions are and how are they are going to be monitored. RSW advised that this will be covered in the HE Annual Report and RR clarified that currently we were unfortunately out of sequence with our documentation.
A revision of the Strategic and Operational Plan will be made, taking into consideration the above comments and presented at the next Board Meeting.
5.2.Discuss outcomes from the on-programme Learner Survey. Paper QES05.2/06/15
RR advised that this is giving QuESt early sight of the results of the on-programme survey. The Paper had not been progressed to other committees and actions will come at a later date. RSW advised that this is a paper based survey and as there was relatively strong engagement from the students it will remain this way for next year. The questionnaire was completed by those students not eligible for the National Student Survey. RSW outlined the positive outcomes and advised that the areas with the lowest scores will be scrutinised through the annual monitoring mechanisms. In response to DC RSW confirmed that the low mark for academic and pastoral support had been a surprise as this had always been a strong area but it does align with some of the areas we are currently looking at relating to a Hartpury specific career service. RSW advised that from question 26 down were new questions for this year and were there to try and gauge how our different types of investment are regarded by students. RBS noted that there were some low scores in these questions and obviously it seems as investment in, for instance, the Student Diary had not worked. RSW advised that this had been developed through student focus groups and believed that final year students (who had not taken part in this survey) would find the greatest value so there was a need to understand the data. CW advised that it was disappointing to see the low score for the Student Union and RM advised that this was the first year and it was not really in place for enrolment or Fresher’s Week and going forward it will improve. RSW advised that the results of this survey will be used to inform the NSS action plan ahead of date collection in January 2016.
5.3.Discuss updates to the Colleges Scholarship and Pedagogical Effectiveness. Paper QES05.3/06/15
RR advised that the paper had been presented at the last meeting and had been sent back for further work. RR thought this to be a very positive response and addresses the issues raised. CP advised that this is a follow up briefing paper on research and scholarship providing more detail on the professional practice nature of scholarship at Hartpury and its impact as well as giving details of financial support. EK enquired whether the two papers, this one and the one from the last meeting could be put together. CP stated that he was happy to do this and RR agreed that this would be very helpful. CP outlined how we define and conduct scholarship. DC questioned whether the Boyer’s model was widely used and CP advised that whilst it had been around since 1990 it is only latterly that it has been adopted by a lot of institutions and it is the model suggested by the HEI. BB advised that they were looking at FE students using the Boyer model. CP outlined the impact on specific areas such as equine which was leading the way internationally.RR was pleased to see that our increased research output has led us to being recognised as a major centre of equine biomechanics research in the UK. RR questioned how the weighted targets have been brought together. CP advised that he had consulted the QAA guidance for institutions seeking research awarding powers. Each line has an associate percentage attached to it and the more important items will be more heavily weighted. In response to RR CP confirmed that they had been validated and approved by Scholarship Committee and Associate Faculty Board. RSW confirmed that they had also been discussed and agreed by our external consultants.
The Briefing paper will be incorporated with the original paper and sent to members.
5.4.Discuss the outcomes of the analysis of the destination of leavers. Paper QES05.4/06/15
RSW advised that this was provisional data which has only just been released and gave a health warning that in some cohorts we are dealing with small numbers of students. RSW advised that the data showed a slowdown in the upward trajectory seen last year and that a higher percentage of our graduates are progressing to further study but there was significant variation between programmes. In response to DC regarding students going in to good graduate employment RSW advised, as an example that only 50 % of equine graduates that go into employment go in to the equine industry and it was frustrating that Veterinary Nursing does not go into these figures as not recognised as a graduate position. RSW believed that this paper supports our investment in Hartpury, Innovation, Careers and Enterprise (ICE) which will be discussed later.
5.5.Review Key Performance Indicators. Paper QES05.5/06/15
RSW advised that in year retention is high and is likely to exceed last year. Recruitment is up indicated by both accommodation and livery being full. RR believed that the Board needs to consider the implications on recruitment of both these areas being full. In response to RR RSW advised that progression from FE to HE has improved over last year but RR responded that the Corporation was interested in this and feels that it is not where it needs to be. RSW confirmed that Heads of Department will be given targets for this area of recruitment. BB advised that a change to the HE Sports programmes has helped with the increase in numbers progressing. In response to GvdL RSW advised that we do not have UWE targets for all our KPIs only those set out in the Academic Agreement.
5.6.Agree format of Key Performance Indicators for 2015/2016. Paper QES05.6/06/15
RSW advised that we have amended the form to include the new strategic objective from 2020 Vision and a new KPI for Scholarship and Research will be included. There was a discussion on whether the Tariff on Entry target should be adjusted down for next year. RSW advised that the national picture has changed due to the student number cap being taken off there was now more aggressive recruiting which has led to this figure falling. In response to RBS RSW believed this to be a lowering of the tariff entry and not a dip. In response to RR RSW would seek advice from UWE and look at benchmarking.
It was agreed that a new target figure for Tariff on Entry will be agreed at the next meeting.
5.7. Agree Annual Timetable. Paper QES05.7/06/15
RM believed that the strategic review should be in the timetable.
The timetable was agreed with the above amendment. / RSW
RSW / 09/07/15
FE Section
6.1.Discuss the FE Strategic and Operational Plans. Paper QES06.1/06/15
RR advised that as with the HE paper this is a revision of what went to Corporation. LR outlined the cycle for agreeing the strategy. BH asked whether we had made any process on a real time Self-Assessment Report that feeds in to the process all the time and embraces ongoing review and actions. LR advised that currently the Quality Review Boards send actions for the Quality Improvement Plan which is updated on a termly basis. CM welcomes the comments on A Levels where there has been tremendous effort without the results. CM believed that the proposal to increase numbers of A Level students to 350 would help with the critical mass and allow us to improve our teaching. GvdL agreed that the higher numbers will lead to a better resourced department but if there was little improvement in results it would have a huge impact on our overall performance. LR agreed that it does give us a higher risk. LR advised that we currently have a lot of one teacher departments which affects our quality but 350 will provide critical mass for teaching. In response to BB relating to re-structure LR confirmed that there will be formal progression routes for staff. RBS queried whether this increase was possible without further accommodation as had been mentioned in an earlier discussion. RR was pleased to see that the strategy was aiming to find a solution to the outcomes of the Ofsted Inspection.CW queried what the largest and most successful FE agricultural college would look like and believed this should be expanded in the paper giving figures and targets. In response to RR LR confirmed that the quality of teaching and learning was included in our key themes. LR agreed that he would look at a further review taking consideration of the earlier discussion on the HE Strategy. RR believed that as with the HE paper the front page needs revision to give more explanation.
A revision of the Strategic and Operational Plan will be made, taking into consideration the above comments, and those made earlier, and presented at the next Board Meeting.
6.2.Discuss outcomes from the on-programme Learner Survey. Paper QES06.2/06/15
LR advised that general satisfaction remains high in all areas except English and Maths which is significantly lower and advised the reasons why. In response to RR LR advised that actions will be agreed through a SWOT analysis to be undertaken at the end of June which will feed in to the subsequent curriculum self-assessment and Quality Improvement Plan.
6.3.Update on the A Level Improvement Working Group. Paper QES06.3/06/15
LR advises that after previous discussions at QuESt and Corporation this paper was to give governors re-assurance that we are moving in the right direction. LR advised that we are implementing Linear 2 year A Levels which means that students will study 3 A Levels over 2 years and this together with time-table changes will increase contact time. In response to DC LR advised that we will still be short of school attendance by 2 weeks over an academic year. In response to BH LR confirmed that there is further investment in support time but further work is required. RM advised that we are still looking at the option of non-residential staying longer but this gives transport problems. RR advised that it was good to see some predicted outcomes, although next year he would like to see them earlier, so that we can match the actual outcomes. In response to RR LR advised that if these are the outcomes then AS Level results are not where we want to be and there is no significant shift this year. CM welcomed this paper and thought for first time issues have been addressed and this together with obtaining a critical mass of students will improve the quality of staff are major steps forward.
6.4.Update on the Maths and English Working Group. Paper QES06.4/06/15
CW1 outlined the operational and strategic options for improving Maths and English success rates. CW1 confirmed that most of the operational enablers were in place for the start of the next academic year and we are hoping to increase the profile by Maths and English tutors attending Parents Evenings. CM was concerned that allocating teaching areas for these subjects to porta cabins may signal them as second class. RM advised there had been an issue of not having a regular base and this had become an excuse for poor attendance and further advised that these were the best porta cabins on campus. RBS noted that the national success rate figure was missing and CW1 advised that it was not available for 2014/15 and it was agreed that the 2013/14 figure should have been entered so as we can compare. LR advised that the maths pass rate for re-takes post 16 in schools is 10%. RR thought this was an excellent report and thanked CW1.
6.5.Discuss outcomes of the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Summary 2014/2015. Paper QES06.5/06/15
CW1 advised that 74% of lessons were graded as good or better against 80% last year. CW1 outlined the process that had been used and confirmed that they have been validated by the Landex Quality Manager. CW1 outlined the results in each curriculum area. A Levels, Agriculture, Maths and English and Specialist Sport had all dipped with a small increase in Equine and Animal Manage staying as last year but both still just below target of 80%. Sport and Outdoor Adventure were outstanding at 100% as last year. There was a good improvement in Veterinary Nursing. CW1 explained that the results were influenced by new teachers. BH enquired what we do with new staff before we allow them in the classroom and CW1 advised that as part of their formal induction they have sessions with lead practitioners but believed this could be improved.CW1 outlined the actions that were being taken in 2015/16 to improve these results.
6.6.Discuss the development of the Hartpury Innovation, Careers and Enterprise (ICE). Paper QES06.6/06/15
RR believes that given the significance this paper should be presented to the Corporation as it touches all areas of the curriculum. The paper was noted.
The paper will be presented to the next Corporation Meeting.
6.7.Discuss the implementation of a College-wide Virtual Learning Environment. Paper QES06.7/06/15
RM advised that we have appointed a Manager and we are looking for other staff. This was an area for further investment. The paper was noted.
6.8.Review Key Performance Indicators. Paper QES06.8/06/15
LR outlined the changes since the last meeting. As can be seen there is a declining trend in the numbers of short courses. In response to CW LR advised that the retention in level 2 Agriculture was influenced by the small number of students. CW noted that agriculture applications were down on last year which seemed to be against the strategic plan of becoming the largest.
6.9.Agree format of Key Performance Indicators for 2015/2016. Paper QES06.9/06/15
There was a discussion on whether a target could be set for internal progression to HE but this could be a problem in the context of needing to provide independent guidance for students. There could be a target set for all progression to HE and this should sit with FE.
It was agreed there will be a KPI for all progression from FE to HE. / LR
LR / 09/07/15
Cross College
7.1.Minutes from the Student Council Meeting when available. Standing Agenda item.
There were no minutes available for this meeting.
Any Other Business
There was no other business.
Dates of future meetings-all commence at 2.00pm
Thursday 12th November 2015
Tuesday 15th March 2016
Tuesday 28th June 2016
Thursday 10th November 2016

Mr David Crawford 12th November 2015