Published by Gold Medal Staff Development, LLC

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Published by – Gold Medal Staff Development, LLC

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Table of Contents

How to use this book……………….page 3

WBJ ……………………………………….page 4

WBJ……………………………………….page 5

WBJ……………………………………… 6

WBJ……………………………………… 7

WBJ……………………………………….page 8

WBJ……………………………………….page 9

WBJ………………………………………page 10

WBJ…………………………………… 11

WBJ……………………………………page 12

WBJ………………………………… 13

WBJ…………………………………page 14

WBJ…….………………………… 15

Create a bumper sticker………page 16

Write an Acrostic Poem………page 16

Write Super Sentences………page 17

Create a word search……… 18

Algebra Review……………….page 19

Fact Fluency………………page 20

Glossary………… 21

Glossary…………page 22

Glossary……… 23

Glossary……… 24

30 Algebra Words That Every Student Must Know1

How to use this book

This book is set up as a Whole Brain Journal with a glossary. Your job is to write the definition for each word and draw a picture to show what the words means. There will be times when it is challenging to think of something to draw and that would be a perfect time to show an example.

Let’s take a look at the two ways you can do this.

  1. Definition and Draw
  2. Definition and Example

You will see that there are examples and drawings in the glossary. This is to help you understand what the words mean. These drawings and examples are meant to give you a start. For example, if the glossary shows an example of a cylinder, you could create a drawing of a soda can, a garbage can, or any other container.

Be sure to do detailed work and to use color.

Create a Bumper Sticker

Choose one of the math words that from your Whole Brain Journal and create a bumper sticker that shows the meaning of that word. Include a drawing or design that shows the meaning of the word. Please use your creativity and color!

Design a Cartoon Strip

Choose one (or as many as you would like) of the math words in this book and create a cartoon strip that shows the meaning of the word or words. You can use your own characters or your favorite characters that you know from books and television. Have fun and don’t forget to be creative and use color.

Write an Acrostic Poem

You can write and acrostic poem using the directions below.

  1. Choose one of the math vocabulary words.
  2. Write the word vertically on your paper. Be sure to capitalize each letter.
  3. Start each line of the poem with the capital letters you wrote.
  4. Each line of the acrostic poem should include a word or phrase related to thate word. Please see the example for reference.
  5. For an added bonus, you may choose to make this colorful.





Try your own acrostic poem below.

Super Sentences

Choose fifteen of your vocabulary words and write each one in a complete sentence following the directions below.

  1. Use capital letters and punctuation.
  2. Do your best to spell correctly.
  3. Underline the vocabulary word.
  4. Be sure that the sentence helps people understand what the word means.

Example:The building in Washington, D.C., is called the Pentagon, because it has five sides.


Create a Word Search
… become more familiar with your new math vocabulary

  1. Choose fifteen of your new math words and write them in the word bank at the bottom of this page.
  2. Write the words in the grid. You may do this across (horizontally), up and down(vertically), and diagonally.
  3. Fill in the open spaces with random letters that will hide your words and make it challenging for your friends to find them.
  4. Double check your work to make sure it is neat and accurate.
  5. Trade with a partner and start searching for those new math words!

Math Word Search

Word Bank

1. / 2.
3. / 4.
5. / 6.
7. / 8.
9. / 10.
11. / 12.
13. / 14.

Glossary – Algebra

Algebra:thepartofmathinwhichlettersandothersymbols areusedtorepresentnumbersandquantities.

Variable:a letteror symbol that represents anumber.

Distributiveproperty:a propertyof realnumbers statingthat - a*(b+c)=(a*b) +(a*c) . Forexample,3*(40+5)=(3*40)+(3*5).

Evaluate:tofindanumerical expressionorequivalenceforan equation, formula,or function.

Equal:= this symbol, =,goesinbetween two numbers andsymbolizesthat thenumbersarethe samein value,orequal. Forexample,4=4,½=0.50.

Algebraicexpression:anexpressionthatcontainsa variable. Forexample, ifBrodyis2inchestallerthan Nora and if thevariable B representsBrody’s height,then thealgebraicexpression B-2representsNora’s height.

Associativepropertyofaddition:groupingtheaddends in differentways doesnotchangethesum. (answer).Forexample,3+(7+5)=(3+7)+5.

Associativepropertyof multiplication:groupingthefactorsin differentways doesnotchangethe product(answer).Forexample, 2x(5x6)=(2x5)x6

Commutativepropertyofaddition:itdoesnotmakea differencein whichorderthe numbersareadded. For example,2+3=5and3+2=5.

Commutativepropertyofmultiplication:It doesnotmakea differencein whichorderthe numbersare multiplied.For example,2x3=6and3xz2=6.

Expression:A groupofmathematical symbols thatrepresentsanumber–orcanrepresentanumberif valuesareassigned toanyvariables intheexpression.Anexpressioncouldincludenumbers,variables, andoperationsymbols suchas+,-,x.

Inequality:anumbersentencewith,, .For example,the sentence815isaninequality.

Greaterthan :this symbol,,goesbetween two numbersandsymbolizesthat thefirstnumberis greater thanthesecondnumber. For example,42.

Lessthan :this symbol,<,goesbetweentwotownumbersandsymbolizesthatthe firstnumberisless thanthe secondnumber. For example,24.

Notequal :This symbol,, goesinbetweentwonumbersandsymbolizes thattheyarenotthesame value,or notequal.Forexample,49.

Less than orequalto :Thissymbol inbetweena b means thata is less thanor equal tob.This isknown as an inequality.

Greaterthanor equalto :Thesymbol inbetween abmeansthat ais greaterthanor equaltob.This is known as an inequality.

Glossary – Number Sense

Numbersentence: similartoanEnglish sentence,except thatit usesmath symbolsinsteadof words. A number sentencemust containat leasttwo2 numbers (orvariablesthat standformissingnumbers) andone relationsymbol(=,<,).

Orderof operations:rulesthattellinwhatordertoperformoperations inarithmeticandalgebra.The orderofoperations isasfollows:

  1. Do everythingin parenthesesfirst.
  2. Calculatealltheexpressions withexponents.
  3. Multiplyanddivideinorder fromlefttoright.
  4. Addandsubtractinorderfromlefttoright.

Parentheses ( ):symbols usedtogroup, ( ), things and tell us that tell whichparts ofan expressionshouldbecalculatedfirst.

Prime number:anumbergreaterthan1that hasexactly2factors (1anditself).1hasonlyonefactor so it isnota prime number.

Composite number:numbersthat have3ormorefactors.Forexample,6isacompositenumber becauseithas4factors(1,2, 3, 6).

Proportion:a number model thatstatesthattwo fractions areequal.Thefractions in a proportion representratesor ratios. For example, theproblemRuby’s speedis12miles perhour. Atthesame speed, howfarcanshetravel in3hours?canbemodeled bythe proportion.

12miles =nmiles

1hour 3hours

Opensentence:a numbersentencethathasvariablesin placeofoneormoremissingnumbers. An open sentenceisusuallyneithertruenor false. For example,6+x=13isopen.Thesentencewouldbe true ifweputa 7in the placeof x.Thesentencewouldbefalseifa 3wasisputinplaceofthe x.

Exponent: a numberwritten aboveandtotherightof anothernumeral toindicatehowmanytimesthe original numberisusedasa factor. Forexamplein 2(3)the number2ismultiplied3 times:.2x2x2.

Identitypropertyofaddition:addingzerotoanumbergives asumidentical tothegivennumber. For example,3+0=3.

Identitypropertyof multiplication:multiplyinganumberby1givesa productidentical to thegiven number. Forexample, 3x1=3.

Irrationalnumber:a numberthatcan’tbewritten asafraction,whereboththenumerator and the

denominatorareintegers andthedenominator isnot zero. (pi)is an exampleof anirrational number.

Glossary – Data &Measurement

Bargraph:a graphthat useshorizontalorvertical bars to representdata.

Brokenlinegraphdata: informationthat isgatheredbycounting, measuring,questioning,or observing.

Landmark: a notablefeature ofa dataset.Landmarks canincludeminimum,maximum,median,mode, mean,andrange.

Maximum:thelargestamount.Thelargest,orgreatest,numberinasetof data.

Minimum:thesmallestamount.Thesmallestnumberin asetof data.

Mean:the averagenumber inasetof data.Themeanisfoundbyaddingall ofthedatavaluesand dividingbythenumberofnumbers numerals inthesetof data.

Median: themiddlenumberinasetof datawhenthenumbersareputinorder fromleasttogreatest.

Range:thedifferencebetweenthe largest(maximum)andthe smallest(minimum)numbersinasetof data.

Circle graph:agraphin whichacircleand its inside areisdivided intosectors,orparts, toshowtheparts of asetof data.Thewholecirclerepresents thewholesetof data. It is also known Same asa pie graph.

Average:a typicalvaluefor a set ofnumbers. Thewordaverageisthe sameasthemeanof asetof numbers.

Line graph:aline graphthe useslinesegments toconnectdatapoints.Linegraphs showhowsomething has changed overtime.

Line plot:a sketchof data in whichcheckmarks,x’s,orothermarks abovealabeled lineshowthe


Length:the measurement ofsomethingfromendtoend.

Volume:themeasurement ofhowmuch spacea solidobjecttakesup. Volumeismeasured incubic units, such ascubic centimetersorcubic inches.

Width:themeasurement ofsomethingfromsidetoside.

Mass:ameasureof howmuch spacea solidfiguretakesup.Volumeismeasured incubic units such as cubic centimetersorcubic inches. Thevolumeor capacitywilltellhowmuch thecontainerwill hold. Capacityismeasuredin units likegallonor liters.

Area:theamountof surfaceinsideashape. Aresismeasured insquare units such as square inches, square feet,and or squareyards. Areacanalsobefoundby multiplyingthebaseand by theheight.

Metric: a systemofmeasurementbasedonthebase-tennumeration system. Itis usedinmost countriesaroundthe world. Examplesofmetricmeasurement includedecimeter(dm),centimeter(cm), millimeter (mm),andkilometer(km).


Capacity:theamountacontainercanhold. Capacitycanbemeasuredingallons, pints,andcups. Capacityalsorefers to the heaviestweightascalecanmeasure.

Circumference:thedistancearoundacircle;often referred toastheperimeter of acircle.


Diameter:a linesegmentthat goesthroughthecenter of acircleandhasendpointsonthecircle.The diameterof acircleorsphereis twicethelengthof theradius.

Venndiagram:A picturethatusesa circletoshowrelationships betweensets.

Tallychart:atablethat usesmarks,calledtallies,toshowhowmany times each valueappears ina setof data.


Radius:alinesegment from thecenterof acircle toanypointonthe circle.Theradius of acircleisone-

halfof thediameter.


U.S.s customarysystem: themeasuringsystemmostfrequentlyused intheUnited States. Some examplesof unitsofmeasurement includeinches,feet, yards,andmiles.

Square unit: a unitusedin measuringan areasuchas asquarecentimeteror asquare foot.

Glossary – Geometry

Angle:a figurethat isformed bytwo raysortwolinesegmentswithacommonendpoint.

Apex:inaconeor pyramid, thevertexis oppositeto thebase. Inapyramid, allthefacesexceptthebase meetattheapex.

Base:anameusedforaside ofapolygonor aface of a3three- dimensional figure.

Area:theamount ofsurfaceinsideashape. Areaismeasured insquare units such as square inches,.sSquare feet, or squareyards.

Concave polygon:a polygonin whichatleastonevertexgoesin. Atleast oneinsideangleof a concavepolygonisareflexangle, with ameasureofmorethan 180degrees.

Concentric circles:circlesthathavethesamecenter butradiiof different lengths.

Cone:athree-3 dimensional shapethat hasacircular baseandacurved surfacethatends in a pointcalledan apex[LT4] or vertex.

Congruent:figures thathavethesameshapeandthesamesize.TwoTowfigures arecongruent if they matchexactlywhen placedontopof eachother.

Convex polygon:apolygoninwhichallverticesarepushedoutward.Eachinsideangleof aconvex polygonhas ameasurelessthan 180degrees.

Cube:a3three- dimensional shapethat hassixsquare faces. A cubehas 12edgesand8vertices.

Cylinder:aathree-3 dimensional shapewith twocircularbasesthatareparallel andcongruent andare connected byacurved surface. A soda canisshaped likeacylinder.

Edge:thelinesegment wheretwo facesofasolidfiguremeet.

Equilateral triangle:a triangle with all threesidesequal inlength andall angles havethesame measure.

Face:A flatsurfaceor side ofasolidfigure.

Vertex:a pointwherethe sidesofthe angle,thesides ofapolygon, or theedges ofasolidmeet;any cornerofa solid.


Line segment:a partofaline. Alinesegmenthas two endpoints.`

Parallel:alwaysthesamedistanceapart,andnevermeetingor crossingeachother. Railroadtracks are parallel.


Parallel Lines

Parallelogram:A quadrilateral(four-4 sidedfigure)thathas bothpairsof oppositesidesequal and parallel.

Perpendicular:twosegments, rays,or linesthatforma90degreeangle.

Point:anexactlocationinspace,often representedbya dot.

Polygon:aclosed figurewith sidesmadeof straight- linesegments. Someexamples includerectangles, triangles, andsquares.

Prism:a solidthathastwoparallelbasesthat areformed bypolygonswiththe samesize andshape. Theother facesconnectthe basesandareaall shapedlikeparallelograms.Prismstaketheir namesfrom the shapesoftheir bases. Triangularprisms andrectangularprisms aretwo examples.

Pyramid:asolidinwhichoneface,the base,mayhaveanypolygonshape. Allof theother faceshave triangularle shapesandcome togetheratavertexcalled theapex. A pyramidtakesits namefromtheshape of thebase. Ifthebaseis rectangular, itisa rectangular pyramid.

Ray:a partof alinethathas an endpointandgoesforeverin theotherdirection.

Reflection:the“flipping”of afigureoveralinesothatits imagereflectsandisthemirror imageofthe original figure.

Rotation:amovementof afigurearoundafixed point, oraxis. A rotationis likea turn.


Translation:amovement of afigurealongastraightline. Eachpointof thefigureslidesthesame distanceinthesamedirection.

Vertex:a pointwherethe sidesofthe angle,thesides ofapolygon, or theedges ofasolidmeet;any cornerofa solid.

[LT1]It may be me, but I think there are two typos in this diagram. Shouldn't 1 centimeter = 0. 01m?? And, shouldn't 1 dekameter = 10m?? (if you copied this from somewhere on the Internet, I could just retype it for you.)

[LT2]I think you should have a picture showing circumference like the one I copied from I have no idea how the copyright laws work, so I don’t know if you can use this one.

[LT3]same message as above - same source

[LT4]The picture below uses the word vertex, so I added the word to the description.

[LT5]Parallel was spelled incorrectly in the picture, so I cropped the picture and typed the words