20th June 2016

Dear Parent/Carer,

Re: Recent Ofsted Inspection, May 2016

As you know St Paul’s Catholic High School was inspected by Ofsted just prior to May half term. I am absolutely delighted to inform you that St Paul’s is no longer in serious weaknesses. This means that the school no longer requires significant improvement but must continue to show that further improvements are being made to important areas to secure the good grade.

The report identifies strengths in leadership, governance and pupils spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We are particularly pleased with the following comments:

‘There is plenty of good practice at St Paul’s’

‘Many teachers are trying new learning activities to enthuse their pupils’

‘The Executive Head teacher has quickly identified the key steps which the academy needed to take to improve rapidly.’

‘Teacher’s morale has improved as a result of the support they have had.’

‘Spiritual, social and cultural development are good.’

‘Relationships between staff and pupils are good.’

‘The behaviour seen in most lessons was positive and was well managed.’

Getting to Good:

The report sets out clearly what the school must now do to get to the next level and quicken the pace of improvement. We have three improvement areas upon which to focus our work. (see summary below and copy of the report enclosed).


The inspectors say that there is now clarity about the schools direction in moving forward and that staff are united in this vision. The roles of the Executive Head teacher, and the national teaching school, All Hallows Catholic College, have increased the pace of improvement with a positive impact on teaching and leadership. The Interim Management Board, which replaced the Local Governing Body, is driving school improvement very strongly. There is a growing strength in the subject leaders who are said to be taking increasingly effective steps to rectify areas of weakness.

In the light of this, I am pleased to inform you that the Interim Management Board have requested that I continue in the role of Executive Head teacher together with All Hallows Catholic College, as a National Teaching School, providing support to St Paul’s during the coming academic year.

What’s Next?

We intend to continue the good work we have already started and the next stage is a move from

requiring improvement to the good judgement. What follows is a summary of Ofsted findings and our plans to move the school forward.

Summary of Findings / What we will do

Quality of teaching and learning:
We have been asked to use best teaching methods, make more demands of students, and to help them improve their work through better marking and feedback. We will:
  • Continue to develop teaching using the Teacher Enhancement Effectiveness Programme (TEEP)
  • Identify a group of teachers to become coaches and mentors to help every teacher provide consistently good lessons which ensure expected progress or better over time.
  • Improve the rigour and timing of assessments and help teachers make better use of assessment information in lessons.
  • Improve the quality of teacher’s marking and feedback and expect students to complete work and respond to advice.
  • Ensure marking develops literacy and routinely addresses the spelling of key words.
  • Continue to improve progress in all subjects especially in Mathematics.
  • Ensure that a whole school approach to numeracy skills is quickly implemented.

Special Needs Provision:
We have been asked to improve the leadership of SEND and the best teaching strategies to meet students’ needs. We will develop:
  • the leadership and training of the SEND Coordinator to ensure the correct priorities are identified.
  • TEEP as ‘quality first’ teaching, using the framework to ensure lessons meet students individual needs.
  • the teaching support staff and teachers effective use of support.

Personal development, behaviour and welfare:
We have been asked to reduce the persistent absence of a minority of students and to ensure every member of staff takes responsibility for making sure studentsbehaviour meets the required standard. We will develop:
  • robust strategies to ensure students attend school and reduce persistent absence.
  • a clear understanding of how effective teacher behaviours are linked to effective learner behaviours, with a particular focus on:
-more active engagement by students in learning
-an emphasis on thinking for learning
-better quality homework and ensure that it is completed and marked
-an explicit focus on the Catholic values of love, compassion, respect, service and stewardship, to make clear our moral purpose and raise aspirations
-eager and efficient movement to lessons to ensure maximum time for learning.

Parents as Partners

A key element in the success of any school is that parents and staff work together as partners in setting high expectations and aspirations for our children, to ensure that they can flourish personally, achieve their best and have a happy and healthy future in their relationships and in the world of work.

As a Catholic school we believe we are designed for a ‘definite purpose’ (John Henry Newman) and called by our loving God to realise our full potential. I believe the St Paul’s is united in this moral purpose, which will drive us towards excellence.

I thank you, in advance, for your support as we continue to work together as school and parents to do what is necessary to ensure they receive an excellent education.

Kind regards

Mr A S Billings

Executive Headteacher / National Leader of Education

St Paul’s Catholic High School, Wythenshawe & All Hallows Catholic College, Macclesfield