Healing Your Personal Psychology—Teachings of the Divine Mother on Healing the Soul and the Spirit

Emotional Self Mastery—Overcoming Anger Part 1


The ascended masters have given profound teaching on anger and its detrimental effect on the chela on the spiritual path. Almost everyone has some form of anger. It is not always expressed but it may be apparent nevertheless. It is important that we recognize when we have anger and that we go to work on it, spiritually and in therapy. It can be overcome. There are 4 important reasons why we should control our anger..

1.  You Set Yourself Back on the Spiritual Path

All progress stops when you are angry. A chela on the path can destroy many years of intense and magnificent service by justifying outbursts of anger, condemnation and allowing the indulgence of the dweller-on-the-threshold.

Grace is cumulative and when you blow it with unkindness and anger, you set yourself back. You never know really how far you set yourself back.

Morya says, "No man knoweth the measure of himself." You don't realize how many weeks or months you have to redo because somehow your ego or the remnant of the ego convinces you that for this injustice that is done to me, I have a just cause to now unleash my anger upon this person. That's the deadliest lie and the worst plot you can ever fall for. [i]

2.  You Will Open the Door to the Entities of Anger

Nobody is exempted. If we allow ourselves to be angry, we open the door to entities of anger. Entities are like little demons. Instead we want to open the door to angels. If you allow yourself to be angry, it just gets worse and worse. Until finally you get out of control. Anger builds.

Do not think that hours of service and even an entire lifetime of service in this Community will compensate for the little explosions you may justify having here and there. El Morya says that the good we do does not compensate for the evil we do. You can't take all of your good deeds and say, "Well, I've done so many good deeds, I've done all these marvelous works for the Brotherhood, a little bit of indulgence over here isn't going to hurt." If you indulge in the human consciousness, you are making karma. The law is the law. You can't take the good you've done and say, "God's going to wink now." [ii] He might for a while but don’t count on it.

3.  We Make Big Karma

Do not underestimate how lethal anger can be. Consider anger to be your most deadly enemy. In Tibetan Buddhism anger is one of the five deadly poisons that are of ultimate danger to the soul.

If you can't deal with anger by resolving the situation in terms of your psychology, you should really be in therapy. One outburst of anger toward anyone in your life, especially when you're on a spiritual path, is very costly. The messenger has said that you make karma, big time, when you engage in anger.

4.  You Can Lose Fragments of Your Soul

Elizabeth Clare Prophet says, “I have seen people become angry and lose a fragment or fragments of their soul on the spot. By repetitive outbursts over lifetimes, some have actually lost their soul. I have observed anger that is unleashed night after night over a lifetime cause insanity and demon possession in a certain individual. I have also witnessed people go into a rage and in that rage literally extinguish the divine spark—the part of us that is God.” [iii]

Many people take anger for granted. We must never take it for granted. It is a fire that will put out the soul. The divine spark is your threefold flame, your connection to God. Anger can put out the threefold flame. If you engage in anger repetitively through your lifetime, you can lose your threefold flame. That threefold flame may be snuffed out by your very anger.

It then takes a lot of hard work and even sometimes lifetimes to regain it. Jesus has to come to re-ignite the threefold flame.

So if this has been a problem to you, if you are imitating parents, loved ones, others whom you have known, if anger has been a way of life in your household, that is what you must tackle first, foremost, and every day. You never know when that next or last outburst of anger is the one that has just put out the threefold flame.

Who Are We Angry At?

We must ask ourselves “Who are we really angry at?”

The master Morya spoke profoundly on this subject, explaining that when we hit the bedrock of the depths of the unconscious and the misqualified substance of the human consciousness, what is found is an ancient residue, present in almost everyone without exception, of some form of anger against God. He warned that if we do not deal with this anger against God because, it could take the chela from the Path. [iv]

We are angry at God. We may not want to think about this but it is true. Anger against God is defined as resentment against God because for example, God has allowed someone in your life to be taken from you, because some event that you wanted to happen in your life did not happen. There are all sorts of resentments whereby you may feel that the karma you have been dealt is a raw deal.

Hidden or Suppressed Anger

These elements of anger are often hidden or suppressed to unconscious levels, because you cannot or will not face that you have anger against Almighty God. Often you transfer that anger to a spouse, to a child, to your own inner child, [i.e., your soul]. Or your unloving inner adult may contain it and unleash it upon just about anyone. Or, instead of directing that anger to God, you might vent it upon an authority figure.

How Does Anger Manifest?

Morya explains, “Anger manifests in a certain passivity. It manifests as resentment. It manifests as an unwillingness to roll up your sleeves and do what needs to be done. Anger comes out in every manner of physical disease, emotional or psychological problem, the inability to function, inability to hold down a job. It takes you into alcoholism, sugar and drug addiction, et cetera.” [v]

Sometimes people don't understand what anger really is. They don't know how to tell when they are angry. They may even hotly deny that they were angry. It was so much a part of them that they couldn't disassociate themselves from this anger, the dweller-on-the-threshold.

Anger does not always express itself as an outburst. It can be turned inward and takes the form of passivity or depression or extreme illness [although not all illness is anger based].

It is Not Easy to Contact Anger

Remember the compartments of consciousness—conscious, subconscious (below the threshold of awareness) unconscious (deeply buried and generally not accessible) and the super-conscious mind.

El Morya teaches that it is not easy to contact this unconscious anger, and your Holy Christ Self has designed it so. “For if you were to open up the "manhole" to your own unconscious and descend into that unconscious, you would have to deal directly with the livid anger of your own dweller-on-the-threshold and you might be totally overcome by it.” [vi]

Take some time to reflect. Do you know when you are angry? What are the signs for you?

Slow to Anger

The author of Proverbs said, "He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city." [Prov. 16:32.] Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s book KABBALAH—Key to Your Inner Power Chapter 1 speaks about the effect of diet on a person’s anger and gives keys on how to be slow to anger.

“I believe that the wrong diet can increase a person's tendency to be angry. According to macrobiotic theory, based on ancient Chinese medicine, a toxic liver tends to make people ill-tempered and aggressive. Conversely, a healthy liver tends to make people patient and thoughtful. We can harm our liver, and therefore make ourselves more susceptible to irritability and anger, when we overconsume drugs, alcohol, caffeine, soft drinks or fatty foods such as meat and dairy products.

“People are angry because they are out of balance. I have personally found that the Eastern diet of macrobiotics can restore equilibrium. As you apply the principles of macrobiotics, you restore the balance of yin and yang in your body. Yin and yang are the opposing but complementary forces of the universe. Yang is a tight, constrictive, warming force. Yin is a relaxed, expansive, cooling force. Eating too many yang foods, such as animal foods, may cause you to become hot, bothered and angry more easily. If you reduce your intake of animal foods and eat more whole grains and vegetables (which are more yin), you may notice that you are slower to anger.

“Whether or not you think you have an anger problem, I suggest that you modify your diet. You will then be better equipped to encounter your karma, which is the effect of the causes you have set in motion in this and past lifetimes.”[vii]

Spiritual Tools to Deal with Anger

We have all the decrees we need in order to work with the momentum of anger. But you may also need a qualified professional on the spiritual path to guide you through the labyrinth of your unconscious and bring you to the understanding that bit by bit and piece by piece, as you consciously deal with the root causes of anger.

Ask God to guide you to the right professional and ask Kuthumi to overshadow you. You can also transmute anger through your surrender to God and with your diligent use of the violet flame].

The ritual of Soul Retrieval at the quarterly conferences at the Inner Retreat contains many of these important elements.

Archangel Michael Can Help Us With Anger

Archangel Michael is our best friend. We need to call to him for protection of our four lower bodies. We can give the decree to Archangel Michael to seal us.

Archangel Michael has also told us that we can place our anger in a blue box and he will seal it for us until we can deal with that anger by understanding our psychology and by transmuting it with the violet flame. Sealing that anger is your greatest protection.

You can also use the Cosmic Clock to seal the anger and transmute it. Visualize the sealing of the untransmuted energy on every line of the Clock. Visualizing that sealing is a powerful experience, actually sealing every chakra, every point on the 360 degrees of the Clock, if you wish.

Invoking the Light of the Heart

The flame in the heart can consume the anger from within and without. We might experience a little pain as it is being transmuted but this will increase the fire of the heart.

There are many decrees which increase the flame in the heart. I AM the Light of the Heart by Saint Germain is an excellent decree. I AM Light by Kuthumi is another powerful decree. It encourages us to visualize a waterfall or river of light transmuting the darkness of anger or discord.

Anger is a Habit

In the workshop on fear we learned about unwinding the coils of a state of consciousness. We can do the same with anger. Anger is also a habit which releases energy in a negative way. After a while we get used to the anger being released. We can use the violet flame to transmute the anger and its cause, effect, record and memory.

Arrest the Spirals of Anger

We can also call for the arresting of the spirals of anger. The Great Divine Director is a master who can arrest spirals of negative energy. He is the teacher of masters such as Morya and Saint Germain.

Even though you do not remember how you set in motion a negative spiral when you were three or ten or twelve or twenty-five, you can still pursue it right back to the very point of its origin. As you know you not change merely with the violet flame or the Ascended Masters' Teachings. You can use call to the Great Divine Director to arrest those spirals even of your psychology that are negative in your world, even though you know not where they have come from or how they began.[viii]

The Great Divine Director can arrest those spirals! You can ask for them to be cast them into the sacred fire and you can ask to be illumined as to what are the elements of the mind or heart or soul that must be healed and must be made whole? [ix]

Call for the Arresting of the Spirals

In the name of my Mighty I AM Presence and the Great Divine Director; in the name JESUS CHRIST, I demand and command the arresting of the spirals of negative karma throughout my entire consciousness, being and world!--that every single cycle of every single cell and atom within my form that is not outpicturing the perfect cycles of the Christ consciousness be now dissolved, be now arrested and turned back by the authority of my God Presence! And in the name JESUS CHRIST, I demand and command that the cycles of immortal Life and my Divine Plan be fulfilled and that my ascension prevail! [x]

The Queen of Light Cuts Through the Anger

The Queen of Light can cut through the densest of human creation including anger. She and her legions wield crystal swords and release a tremendous action of crystal lightning. She works with the Goddess of Light and the Goddess of Purity.

Tackling Unconscious Anger

Morya suggests that when you are far enough along in therapy or far enough along in the healing of your inner child, you tackle this unconscious anger. “When you are ready to proceed with tackling your unconscious anger, because this is a most serious condition, you will need to do so, whether in a group or individually, with a therapist who can guide you. For once you begin to open up this compartment of the mind, once you are mindful of suppressed anger and watchful for its subtleties, you will be able to see the specter of anger suddenly come up on the screen of your mind to trigger your emotions. And this time you will know that it is not directed at you from without, but you will know that it is coming from within. It is coming up [out of the unconscious] for transmutation.” [xi]