City of Bell Gardens Draft Version 1.0

Project:Content Management Website forCity of Bell Gardens

Version 1.0

May 2012


Document Details:

Name / Version No. / Description
City of Bell Gardens Website / 1.0

Revision Details

No. / Revision
Date / Revision
Description / Page
No. / Prev
Page No. / Action
Taken(Added/ deleted/ changed) / Added a New Page / Release
Notice reference
NA / NA / NA / NA / NA / NA / NA / NA

This document and any revised pages are subject to document control. Please keep them up-to-date using the release notices from the distributor of the document.

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Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Bell Gardens Website Functions

3.0 Out Of scope of City of Bell Gardens Website

4.0 Bell Gardens Home Page

4.1 Home page

4.1.1 Overview

4.1.2 Process Flows

4.1.3 Actors

4.1.4 Scope

4.1.5 Assumptions

4.1.6 Pre-conditions

4.1.7 Input Fields

4.1.8 Output Fields

4.1.9 Validation

4.1.10 Exceptions

4.1.11 Security

4.1.12 Audit

4.1.13 Post-conditions

5.0 Inner Page Modules

5.1 Our Partners Module

5.1.1 Overview

5.1.2 Process Flows

5.1.3 Actors

5.1.4 Scope

5.1.5 Assumptions

5.1.7 Input Fields

5.1.8 Output Fields

5.1.9 Validation

5.1.10 Exceptions

5.1.11 Security

5.1.12 Audit

5.1.13 Post-conditions

5.1.14 Open Issue

5.2 Our Sponsors Module

5.2.1 Overview

5.2.2 Process Flows

5.2.3 Actors

5.2.4 Scope

5.2.5 Assumptions

5.2.7 Input Fields

5.2.8 Output Fields

5.2.9 Validation

5.2.10 Exceptions

5.2.11 Security

5.2.12 Audit

5.2.13 Post-conditions

5.2.14 Open Issue

5.3 Subscribe with US Module

5.3.1 Overview

5.3.2Process Flows

5.3.3 Actors

5.3.4 Scope

5.3.5 Assumptions

5.3.7 Input Fields

5.3.8 Output Fields

5.3.9 Validation

5.2.10 Exceptions

5.3.11 Security

5.3.12 Audit

5.3.13 Post-conditions

5.3.14 Open Issue

5.4 Static Banner

5.4.1 Overview

5.4.2 Process Flows

5.4.3 Actors

5.4.4 Scope

5.4.5 Assumptions

5.4.7 Input Fields

5.4.8 Output Fields

5.4.9 Validation

5.4.10 Exceptions

5.4.11 Security

5.4.12 Audit

5.4.13 Post-conditions

5.4.14 Open Issue

5.5 Sliding Banner

5.5.1 Overview

5.5.2 Process Flows

5.5.3 Actors

5.5.4 Scope

5.5.5 Assumptions

5.5.7 Input Fields

5.5.8 Output Fields

5.5.9 Validation

5.5.10 Exceptions

5.5.11 Security

5.5.12 Audit

5.5.13 Post-conditions

5.5.14 Open Issue

5.6 Blog Module

5.6.1 Overview

5.5.2 Process Flows

5.6.3 Actors

5.6.4 Scope

5.6.5 Assumptions

5.6.7 Input Fields

5.6.8 Output Fields

5.6.9 Validation

5.6.10 Exceptions

5.6.11 Security

5.6.12 Audit

5.6.13 Post-conditions

5.6.14 Open Issue

5.7 Upcoming Events Module

5.7.1 Overview

5.7.2 Process Flows

5.7.3 Actors

5.7.4 Scope

5.7.5 Assumptions

5.7.7 Input Fields

5.7.8 Output Fields

5.7.9 Validation

5.7.10 Exceptions

5.7.11 Security

5.7.12 Audit

5.7.13 Post-conditions

5.7.14 Open Issue

5.8 Latest Images Module

5.8.1 Overview

5.8.2 Process Flows

5.8.3 Actors

5.8.4 Scope

5.8.5 Assumptions

5.8.7 Input Fields

5.8.8 Output Fields

5.8.9 Validation

5.8.10 Exceptions

5.8.11 Security

5.8.12 Audit

5.8.13 Post-conditions

5.9 Recent Galleries Module

5.9.1 Overview

5.9.2 Process Flows

5.9.3 Actors

5.9.4 Scope

5.9.5 Assumptions

5.9.7 Input Fields

5.9.8 Output Fields

5.9.9 Validation

5.9.10 Exceptions

5.9.11 Security

5.9.12 Audit

5.9.13 Post-conditions

5.10 Latest Video

5.10.1 Overview

5.11.2 Process Flows

5.10.3 Actors

5.10.4 Scope

5.10.5 Assumptions

5.10.7 Input Fields

5.10.8 Output Fields

5.10.9 Validation

5.10.10 Exceptions

5.10.11 Security

5.10.12 Audit

5.10.13 Post-conditions

5.11 News Feed

5.11.1 Overview

5.11.2 Process Flows

5.11.3 Actors

5.11.4 Scope

5.11.5 Assumptions

5.11.7 Input Fields

5.11.8 Output Fields

5.11.9 Validation

5.11.10 Exceptions

5.11.11 Security

5.11.12 Audit

5.11.13 Post-conditions

6.1 City Departments

6.1.1 Overview

6.1.2 Process Flows

6.1.3 Actors

6.1.4 Scope

6.1.5 Assumptions

6.1.6 Pre-conditions

6.1.7 Input Fields

6.1.8 Output Fields

6.1.9 Validation

6.1.10 Exceptions

6.1.11 Security

6.1.12 Audit

6.1.13 Post-conditions

4.0 Resident Registration

4.1 Resident Registration

4.1.1 Overview

4.1.2 Process Flows

4.1.3 Actors

4.1.4 Scope

4.1.5 Assumptions

4.1.6 Pre-conditions

4.1.7 Input Fields

4.1.8 Output Fields

4.1.9 Validation

4.1.10 Exceptions

4.1.11 Security

4.1.12 Audit

4.1.13 Post-conditions

5.0 Event Registration

5.1 Event Registration

5.1.1 Overview

5.1.2 Process Flows

5.1.3 Actors

5.1.4 Scope

5.1.5 Assumptions

5.1.6 Pre-conditions

5.1.7 Input Fields

5.1.8 Output Fields

5.1.9 Validation

5.1.10 Exceptions

5.1.11 Security

5.1.12 Audit

5.1.13 Post-conditions

6.0 Event Calendar

6.1 Event CAlander

6.1.1 Overview

6.1.2 Process Flows

6.1.3 Actors

6.1.4 Scope

6.1.5 Assumptions

6.1.6 Pre-conditions

6.1.7 Input Fields

6.1.8 Output Fields

6.1.9 Validation

6.1.10 Exceptions

6.1.11 Security

6.1.12 Audit

6.1.13 Post-conditions

7.0 Content Management

7.1 Event Colander

7.1.1 Overview

7.1.2 Process Flows


Purpose of this Document

This document contains materials and information, which 3Di considers confidential, proprietary and significant to the protection of its business. The distribution of this document is limited solely to City of Bell Gardens and/or people actively involved in the evaluation and selection of 3Di as the firm to conduct this assignment.

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Abbreviation/Acronym / Description
BG / Bell Gardens
NA / Not Applicable


City of Bell Gardens website will provide information about Bell Gardens (Like History, School, Library, Key Link, Visitor information etc.), City services, Government (City Mayer/ Council, City Manager, City Department, City Council Agents), Job Openings, News , Press Release, Promotions/ Advertisement etc. City of Bell Gardens website will provide the Event calendar to publish the various events organized in City of Bell Gardens. Citizen will be able toregister their Resident in Bell Gardenswebsite also they will be able to register Events online.

2.0Bell GardensWebsite Functions

City of Bell gardens website will be an integrated platform consisting of a Portal of content management. Website will have below mentioned functionality-

Resident Registration

Citizen of Bell Gardenswill fill the online Resident Registration form and submit. Web site will generate an acknowledgement number to the applicant. The Online process will follow the work flow,Once the citizen will submit the resident registration form it will flow to City Official to verify the address details. Citizen will produce the proof of address mentioned in registration form. Once the address is verified and approve, Residence will be registered and website will generate the user name and account activation link and same will be communicates to the citizen via email.

Event Registration

Bell Gardens website will facilitate registration of the events to the applicant.

Event Calendar

The events organized in the city of Bell Gardens will be available in Event Calendar. Citizen will be able to view the upcoming events through Event calendar.

View and update profile details

Citizen who has registered his/her resident with Bell Gardens Website will be able to view the profile and update the details if required. To update the Address, applicant has to visit the City Official and produce the updated resident proof.

Site Administration Functions

The admin module will have content management features. The site administrator will be able to change the content of the user site.

Content Management

Website will provide information-

  • About Bell Gardens (Like History, School, Library, Key Link, Visitor information etc.),
  • City services
  • Government (City Mayer/ Council, City Manager, City Department, City Council Agents)
  • Job Openings,
  • News
  • Press Release
  • Promotions/ Advertisement

Linking with Social Networking tools/websites like twitter and facebook pages

Need to add contents in this section

Developing Mobile website for City of Bell Gardens( Android, Ipad, Iphone and Windows Mobile

Need to add contents in this section

3.0 Out Of scope of City of Bell Gardens Website

  1. Integration with the payment gateway/ Bill Desk forEvent Registration will not be in scope of Initial Phase.
  2. Scanning and uploading of address proof document through website for Resident Registration is not in scope.
  3. Verification of address proof for Resident Registration will be manual process/offline process and not in scope of website.

4.0 Bell Gardens Home Page

4.1 Home page

4.1.1 Overview

The events organized in the city of Bell garden will be available in Event Calendar. Citizen will be able to view the upcoming events through Event calendar.

4.1.2 Process Flows


Step – 1

4.1.3 Actors

4.1.4 Scope

4.1.5 Assumptions

4.1.6 Pre-conditions

4.1.7 Input Fields

4.1.8 Output Fields

4.1.9 Validation

4.1.10 Exceptions

4.1.11 Security

4.1.12 Audit


4.1.13 Post-conditions

5.0 Inner Page Modules

Inner of the Bell Gardens will have two panes and three Pane layouts. Three Pane layout pages will have Left Pan, content Pane, Right Pane. Similarly two pan layout pages will have Left Pane, content Pane.Admin user of each department will be able to choice to have right pane or not. Also have an option to select the module for each pane.

Each pane will have modules, admin user will be able to add and manage the module in the pages. Please find the list of modules associated with Pane-

Left Pane / Middle Pane / Right Pane / Top Pane
Department name / News Feed / Upcoming Event / Static Banner
Manu / Latest Video / Latest Images
Subscribe with us / Sliding Banner / Recent Gallery
Our Partners / Blog
Our Sponsors

The inner pages which will have two pane and will not have right pan then content pane modules contents (text) will spread and fill the space of right pane, only image of the middle pane modules will not stretch. There should not be empty space at right pane.

5.1Our Partners Module

5.1.1 Overview

Our Partners module will be part left pane, which will have list of partner’s images.All partners will be available in the left pane under Our Partners module.There will be option to view all partners.Upon click of partner image, partner web site will be open in new window.

5.1.2 Process Flows

  1. Login with admin/ super user to add or manage Our Partner Module in the page and click on manage button.

5.1.3 Actors

1. Administrator

2. Super Admin

5.1.4 Scope

1. Our Partners will be available in left pane.

2. Our partners will module will have list of partner’s images.

3. Upon click of the partner’s image, the partner’s site will be open in new window.

Manage Our partners

4. Admin user will be able to add or remove the partner’s module in the inner pages. Admin user will be able to do page setting, module setting and permit ions of the module.

5. Admin user will be able to manage (Add /Remove) partners. To add new Partners will have following fields-

  • Partners Title
  • Partners Image
  • Partners URL/Page
  • Partners Description
  • Active option
  1. Once partners details are added it will be display the added list in the top of manage Partner page.
  2. Admin user will have option to Active the added partners, until the partners is activated, it will not publish.

5.1.5 Assumptions

1. If Our Partners Moduleis added in thepage but partners are not added in the module then Our partners module will not be displayed in the left pane.

2Our Sponsors will be part of the right pane, if admin user will try to put in different pane(content pane Or right pane)then it may impact the alignment ( look & feel) of the page.

4. All generic formats will be accepted to upload the partner’s image and there will be disclaimer for admin user during upload for format.

5. Admin will have option to active of inactive the partners, if the added sponsors are active state then only it will be available to view to all.

6. If the size of the uploaded image is lass or grater then expected sizethen image will be compressed and stretched into Sliding Banner size.

7. There will be no provision to Edit the details once the partners is added, admin user can only active or Inactive the specific partner details.

5.1.6 Pre-conditions

1. If admin user have added Our Sponsors module in page then only Sponsors list will be available to view.

5.1.7 Input Fields

Admin user will have following fields to manage partners-

  • Partners Title
  • Partners Image
  • Partners URL/Page
  • Partners Description
  • Active option

5.1.8 Output Fields


5.1.9 Validation

1. Validation of valid file format of the images during upload.

2. Validation on size limit of the image.

5.1.10 Exceptions


5.1.11 Security

1. Only admin user of the mange the content of the pages.

2. Admin will have user based access, so admin user will be able to manage the contents only access pages.

3. Admin user will have password passed access.

4. Super admin will be able to manage all the site and user type.

5.1.12 Audit


5.1.13 Post-conditions

User will be able to view the partners in our Partners module.

5.1.14Open Issue

Is there any size limit to upload of images?

5.2Our Sponsors Module

5.2.1 Overview

Our Sponsors module will be part left pane, which will have list of sponsor’s images. All Sponsors will be available in the left pane under our sponsor’s module. Upon click of sponsor image, sponsorweb site will be open in new window.

5.2.2 Process Flows

  1. Login with admin/ super user to add or manage Our Sponsors Module in the page and click on manage button.

5.2.3 Actors

1. Administrator

2. Super Admin

5.2.4 Scope

1. Our Sponsors will be available in left pane.

2. Our Sponsors will module will have list of Sponsors images.

3. Upon click of the Sponsor image, the Sponsors site will be open in new window.

Manage Our Sponsors

4. Admin user will be able to add or remove the Our Sponsors module in the inner pages. Admin user will be able to do page setting, module setting and permit ions of the module.

5. Admin user will be able to manage (Add /Remove) Sponsors. To add new Sponsors in sponsors module admin user will have following fields-

  • Sponsor Title
  • Sponsor Image
  • Sponsor URL/Page
  • Sponsor Description
  • Active option
  1. Once Sponsor details are added it will be display the added list in the top of manage Sponsor page.
  2. Admin user will have option to Active the added Sponsor, until the Sponsor is activated, it will not publish.
  3. If someone wants to sponsor any specific events, the registration process of sponsorship will be out of scope of Bell Gardens website.

5.2.5 Assumptions

1. If Our Sponsors Module is added in thepage but Sponsor are not added in the module then Our Sponsors module will not be displayed in the left pane.

2Our Sponsors will be part of the right pane, if admin user will try to put in different pane(content pane Or right pane)then it may impact the alignment ( look & feel) of the page.

4. All generic formats will be accepted to upload the Sponsor image and there will be disclaimer for admin user during upload for format.

5. Admin will have option to active of inactive the Sponsor, if the added Sponsor are active state then only it will be available to view to all.

6. If the size of the uploaded image is lass or grater then expected size then image will be compressed and stretched into Sliding Banner size.

7. There will be no provision to Edit the details once the Sponsor is added, admin user can only active or Inactive the specific partner details.

8. List of sponsors can be different in different departments OR pages.

9. If Bell garden invites sponsors or donator or volunteer for specific event, this will be covered in event detail section.

5.2.6 Pre-conditions

1. If admin user has added sponsors in Our Sponsors module in page then only Sponsors list will be available to view.

5.2.7 Input Fields

Admin user will have following fields to manage partners-

  • Sponsor Title
  • Sponsor Image
  • Sponsor URL/Page
  • Sponsor Description
  • Active option

5.2.8 Output Fields


5.2.9 Validation

1. Validation of valid file format of the images during upload.

2. Validation on size limit of the image.

5.2.10 Exceptions


5.2.11 Security

1. Only admin user of the mange the content of the pages.

2. Admin will have user based access, so admin user will be able to manage the contents only access pages.

3. Admin user will have password passed access.

4. Super admin will be able to manage all the site and user type.

5.2.12 Audit


5.2.13 Post-conditions

User will be able to view the sponsors listin sponsors module.

5.2.14Open Issue

Is there any size limit to upload of images?

5.3Subscribe with US Module

5.3.1 Overview

‘Subscribe with us’ module will be available in right pane. ‘Subscribe with us’. Who want to subscribe for News letter of Bell Gardens, will be able to subscribe by email Id.

5.3.2Process Flows

1.Login with admin/ super user to add or manage ‘Subscribe with us’ Module in the page and click on manage button.

2.In ‘Subscribe with us’ module, End user will have option to enter email id and select subscribe or unsubscribe option and enter.

3.On submission of valid email id, Message will be display in the top of the page for successful subscribe or unsubscribe.

4.On submission of valid email id,an email will be trigger to the requestor(Entered email address) with confirmation link. On click of the confirmation link mentioned in email , Confirmation page will be open, On submission of confirmation button, requestor email address will be added in the mailing list and successful subscribe.

5.3.3 Actors

1. Administrator

2. Super Admin

3. End User

5.3.4 Scope

  1. ‘Subscribe with us’ will be available in left pane.

Manage ‘Subscribe with us’

  1. Admin user will have option to add ‘Subscribe with us’ module in the page.
  2. User will have option to enter email id and select subscribe or unsubscribe option and enter.
  3. On submission of valid email id, Message will be display in the top of the page for successful subscribe or unsubscribe.
  4. On submission of valid email id,an email will be trigger to the requestor (Entered email address) with confirmation link. On click of the confirmation link mentioned in email , Confirmation page will be open, On submission of confirmation button, requestor email address will be added in the mailing list and successful subscribe.
  5. Upon submit of the button message will be display on top pane saying that ‘You will receive a confirmation email shortly containing further instructions on how to complete your subscription.’
  6. Subscribed user will receive New Letter on this email id.

5.3.5 Assumptions

1. ‘Subscribe with us’ module will be available in all the inner and child pages.