Oak Grove Presbyterian Church
2200 West Old Shakopee Road
Bloomington, MN 55431
ATTN:Social Justice/Witness Committees
Session Clerks & Teaching Elders
Member Congregations of Presbytery of Twin City Area
Dear Colleagues in Ministry,
DO YOU CARE ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT? DO YOU CARE ABOUT EQUITABLE TAXES? DO YOU CARE ABOUT HEALTH CARE? DO YOU CARE ABOUT ADEQUATE SAFETY REGULATIONS?DO YOU CARE ABOUT RACIAL INJUSTICES? DO YOU CARE ABOUT IMMIGRATION REFORM? Of course you do. These are all “Jesus values”. Underlying these and virtually every justice issue out there, is how campaigns are financed. The Move to Amend process is an entirely non-partisan movement that will overturn Citizens United, help get money out of politics, and restore democracy in the US. As State Senator John Marty stated, “There is no more important issue.” Learn ways you can participate in this critical movement at a one-hour luncheon meeting at noon on Wednesday, January 31, at Central Presbyterian Church in St. Paul, (500 Cedar Street). This is a follow-up to the resolution originating with the Oak Grove Social Justice Committee and Session and passed at the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area in November. An article about Oak Grove's resolution with supportive documentation from PC(USA) was in the November Presbytery Newsletter “Emerge”. Presbytery encouraged all member congregations to study and endorse the resolution adopted by Oak Grove and being proposed by the Move to Amend movement.
Food service begins at 11:30. Commercial parking is available across Cedar Street. A suggested contribution for lunch is $8.00. To assist in event planning, including Central’s food service, please phone 218-855-1295. Leave your names and your congregation. Please extend this invitation ecumenically.
This is an exceedingly significant issue for American democracy at all levels. Please put the 11:30
January 31 event on your calendar.
In shared witness,
Rev. Dr. Jeff Japinga, Presbytery Executive
Rev. Bill Chadwick, Oak Grove
Rev. Roger Grussing, Move to Amend
Barbara Lutter, Presbytery Clerk
Ray Olson, Macalester-Plymouth
Peter Soulen, Presbytery Bills and Overtures
Carol & Allen Frechette, Oak Grove