Ημ. έκδοσης 5/2006


Retarding plasticiser


TSIRCO-FLO R2 is a retarding and water-reducing admixture.


TSIRCO-FLO R2 is a brown liquid based on non-fermented lignosulphonates extracted from soft woods. The product is non-toxic and does not contain calcium chloride or any other corrosive and harmful chemicals for either the concrete or the reinforcement.


To retard the setting of concrete and to reduce the quantity of water for a specified workability.


Site trials with the proposed mix must be carried out in order to determine the ideal dosage for the required degree of retardation. As a guide use 0.15 to 0.5 litres of TSIRC0-FLO R2 for every 50kg of cement to achieve a retardation of 1 to 6 hours at 20oC and 1 to 4 hours at 35oC.

Lower dosages may be used depending on the degree of retardation and workability desired.


20, 210 litre drums and delivery in bulk.


§  Placing time is prolonged thus reducing cold joints for improved structured continuity.

§  Workability of mixes is improved allowing better placing as well as better compaction and finishing.

§  Allows reduction of water content for normal workability mixes, leading to greater strengths, less shrinkage and lower permeability.


TSIRCO-FLO R2 is a plasticising admixture for concrete and mortars, specially formulated to disperse the agglomerates of cement particles formed in fresh mixes. This ensures that the cement is evenly dispersed through the mix yielding either increased strengths at reduced water content or better workability with the water content kept constant. At the same time TSIRCO-FLO R2 has a retarding effect on the setting of concrete.


TSIRCO-FLO R2 is both a set-retarding and a plasticising admixture.

As a set-retarder it may be used for two functions:

1.  To compensate for the acceleration of the setting of concrete caused by high ambient temperatures, occurring during summer.

2.  To prolong workability at normal temperatures in order to reduce cold joints and thus ensure better structural continuity. This is essential where interruptions and long delays between successive placing of concrete are unavoidable due to the size of the job e.g. concrete dams, large concrete platforms etc. Also where continuity is important like in slip-forming operations, cast-in-situ piles e.t.c.

As a plasticiser TSIRCO-FLO R2 may be used in multiple ways:

1.  To give a more workable concrete where placing is difficult, particularly around congested reinforcement. This is achieved by dosing the mix with TSIRCO-FLO R2 while keeping the water, cement ratio and the other proportions of the mix unchanged.

2.  To give higher strengths and improved durability to the concrete. This is achieved by dosing the mix with TSIRCO-FLO R2 while reducing the water content so that workability is similar to that of plain mix.

3.  To economise on cement without reducing strength or workability. A reduction of cement up to 10% from a mix dosed with TSIRCO-FLO R2 will keep strength and workability comparable to those of the plain mix.


TSIRCO-FLO R2 is derived from a non-fermented blend of selected lignosulphonates. It does not contain calcium chloride or other harmful chemicals. It can therefore be safely used in concrete, mortars and grouts surrounding reinforcement, pre-stressing and high tensile steel strands.

TSIRCO-FLO R2 is compatible with all types of Portland cement. For use with other types of cement, please consult our Technical Department.

Typical Product Data

Physical state: Brown, aqueous solution. The material may be considered non-toxic but ingestion should be avoided.

Composition: Non-fermented lignosulphonates extracted from soft woods.

Dry content material: > 38%

Specific Gravity at 20oC: 1.18

Chloride ion content: Nil

Applicable Standards: B.S. 5075: 1982, Part 1 and

ASTM C 494/C 494M– 99a – Type D.


The ideal dosage for any particular concrete mix, for a particular use, should be determined by site trials. As a guide you may use 0.15 to 0.5 litres of TSIRCO-FLO R2 for every 50kg of cement, depending on the degree of retardation desired. TSIRCO-FLO R2 is supplied ready for use and should be added to the mix preferably with the mixing water, allowing sufficient time for proper mixing throughout the entire batch. The table below may be used as a guide to show the relationship between retardation times and dosage rates for a typical 300kg cement content mix.

Its/50kg / Retardation at 20oC (hours) / Retardation at 35oC (hours)
0.15 / 1.5 / 1.0
0.30 / 3.0 / 2.0
0.50 / 6.0 / 4.0


Overdosing by two to three times the normal quantity causes retardation beyond those of the above table. Excessive overdosing will have some effect on the concrete strength.

Storage life

TSIRCO-FLO R2 has a storage life of not less than one year. The product must stay in the manufacturer’s sealed containers and kept under cover at temperatures below 50oC. TSIRCO-FLO R2 must be also protected from frost. In case it becomes frozen it must be thawed out completely and mixed thoroughly before use.

Handling precautions

TSIRCO-FLO R2 is an industrial chemical of slight acidity. Ingestion should be avoided and skin must be protected from prolonged contact with the liquid. Any splashes to the skin must be washed off with clean water. Also any splashes to the eyes must be washed off immediately with clean water and medical advice must be sought.

How to specify

TSIRCO-FLO R2 retarding plasticiser to be used strictly in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturers, TSIRCON CO LTD.

Test Results

The graphs below represent:

1.  The Effect of TSIRCO-FLO R2 on Retardation at 20° C (Figure 1).

2.  The Effect of Temperature on Retardation by using 0,3l and 0,5l TSIRCO-FLO R2 for every 50kg of cement (Figure 2).



Head office:
Strovolos Industrial Zone,
P.O. Box 23863, 1687 Nicosia, CYPRUS.
Tel: +357 22 487029, Fax: +357 22 487716