INSTRUCTIONS: To be completed by the teacher
Samples available in Teacher Toolbox located at:
Employee : Betsy Brown School/Location: MacArthur
Highly Qualified: __X_ YES (In what Area(s): _____ NO
Year Summative Evaluation Due: 2007 Number of Years Experience: 24
Level III
Goals should focus on:
·  demonstration of students' taking responsibility for their own learning;
·  integration of multiple source data to inform teacher practice;
·  taking leadership roles in the improvement of instruction at the local, state, or national levels; and
·  Conducting action research to improve learning of all students.
Goals: Strand and Competencies To Be Addressed / Connection to Education Plan for Student Success
(Check the Strand(s) to be focused on and circle the competencies to be addressed. All three Strands must be addressed over a three (3) year period.)
£ Strand A Competencies: 1 2 5
X Strand B Competencies: 3 *4 6 *7
X Strand C Competencies: 8 *9 / How does the implementation of the district/school EPSS support student learning?
Goad B-4 will articulate and implement a plan for oral language development in the literacy curriculum as stated in our EPSS Smart Goals for literacy.
Goal B-7 will motivate students to be responsible for recognizing areas of strength and needs in themselves and work to augment both.
Goal C-9 To articulate and implement a process of communicating educational standards, benchmarks, and objectives to parents and the community.
GOAL(S) (1, 2, or 3 measurable objectives):
Strand B-4 The teacher will understand the principles of student growth, development, and learning and will apply them appropriately. The standards, benchmarks, and objectives will be shared with the students to enable them to develop rubrics and assessments that will encourage them to recognize areas of strength and needs in themselves. The students will be given many opportunities during instruction to analyze and synthesize information during the weekly literacy curriculum. The goal ultimately is to empower the students assist in development and implementation of the “next step”.
Strand C-9 The teacher will communicate and work productively with colleagues, parents, and community members in developing and implementing decisions concerning educational content.
Strategies/Actions to attain goal / TIMELINE / PERSON(S) RESPONSIBLE / RESOURCES
Oral fluency assessment will be administered a minimum of three times each quarter.
Working With Word Walls
Writing Connections Oral Language to Written Text
Communicating w/parents and students via individual conferences to assist in interpretation of new grading criteria based on standards, benchmarks, and objectives.
Strand C-9 Participating in the enhancement of EPSS Smart Goals via co-chairing the committee / Quarterly
School Year 2005-2006
School Year 2005-2006
School year 2005-2006
School Year 2005-2006 / Teacher
Classroom Teacher/Students
Classroom Teacher/Students
Classroom Teacher
Classroom Teacher & Committee Members / MacMillan/McGraw-Hill Reading Fluency Assessment
Month-By-Month Phonics, SDS, Power Point Presentations
Nancy Fetzer’s Writing Connections
New report card, NM standards & benchmarks
EPSS Safety/Budget Committee
What formative evidence/measures will I use to determine my progress?
§  Assessment of students’ work and projects
§  Performance levels reported quarterly on report cards.
§  Individual student graphs, along with students’ portfolios (evidence of the progress they have made throughout their 5th grade year)
§  Periodical parent surveys
§  Growth in student development of assessment rubrics (from beginning of year to end)
§  Periodical parent surveys
§  Continuous organization of relevant data and reports
Desired Results: (How will my PDP impact instruction, student learning or professional learning?)
Eighty-five percent of students will have scored “at grade level” in their fluency tests.
All students will have increased their fluency by fifty percent.
The majority of students will be proficient readers and at grade level in school administered tests for Language Arts.
Students will be able to manipulate data and create Excel graphics to self-monitor their own progress.
Students will be able to recognize proficiency or non-proficiency in conferencing with teachers and parents by communicating their strengths and needs.
Teachers will have established lasting parent-teacher-student collaboration to assist students in their academic progress.
Through professional discussion and research, the EPSS committee will enhance the school’s goals to meet the latest research-based teaching practices and knowledge of students’ learning.

The PED regulation requires that the teacher and administrator create the plan collaboratively no later than forty (40) days after the first day of each school year or forty (40) days after hire date. (Initial signatures)


Principal / Supervisor Date Teacher Date

Teacher Reflection: Provide a written comment on your PDP, including a description of instruction, student learning, and professional learning.
·  What were the observable results of your action plan in terms meeting your goals?
·  What worked well?
·  What would you do differently if you had the opportunity to do the PDP again?
Principal Feedback:

Professional Development Plan Completed ______YES _____ NO ___ Continued (if multi-year plan)


Principal / Supervisor Signature Date Teacher Date

Copies to: Staff Member, Personnel File, Supervisor