Revision Date

/ River Dock
Barge Unloading
South Dock /


Certification Date
Original Date: Oct. 2001
2009 / 2009
2010 / 2010
2011 / 2011
2012 / 2012
2013 / 2013

procedure for unloading product at south dock

Included in this Procedure: / Links to Associated Procedures
  • General Unloading a Barge
  • Special Procedures/Precautions
  • HSD Blend
  • Procedure Information
  • Jet A Barge Unloading.doc
  • Gasoline Blend Component Barge Unloading
  • Ethanol Barge Unloading Tk 80

General Unloading a Barge

1.______Confirm Barge Order

1.1Check orders to determine amount and type of product to be unloaded.

1.2Contact tow and confirm ETA, product and amount.

1.3Inform Oil Movement Superintendent of tow ETA, product, amount and ask if product should be certified before unloading starts.

2.______Barge Arrival

2.1when barge arrives, secure barge to dock in such a manner that allows minimum amount of movement

2.2Dock PIC will:

a)connect bonding cable & cargo hose

b) All valves associated with the product transfer should be properly aligned

c)check with Pumper to ensure correct tank alignment.

3.______Sample and Gauge Barge

3.1The Dock PIC shall ensure that an opening gauge and water cut is obtained on each compartment of the barge.

3.2inspector will sample and gauge all barges before unloading.

a)If product should be certified before unloading starts wait for test results.

3.3Refer to the following Quality Management System procedures for specific requirements on sampling, gauging, and other quality considerations:

a)Jet A Barge Unloading

b)Gasoline Blend Component Barge Unloading

c)Ethanol Barge Unloading Tk 80

4.______Align Receiving Tank to Barge

4.1The Pumper shall:

a)Line up the proper tank and pump according to the unloading instructions provided by the Oil Movement Superintendent or Shift Superintendent according to product specific procedures (Quality Control Management System)

b)Obtain an opening gauge, water cut, and temperature on the tank.

4.2The Dock PICand the TankermanPIC shall have a pre-transfer conference and sign the Declaration of Inspection Form RD-4 Declaration of Inspection

4.3The Dock PIC will issue theTankermanPICan intrinsically safe radio.

5.______Start Product Transfer

5.1The Dock PIC will:

a)Confirm with the Pumper that he is ready

b)Confirm with the TankermanPIC that he is ready to unload the barge.

NOTE: the metering system is not used at the south dock there therefore are no blinds to be changed before discharging product.

Note: The Tankerman PIC must start the unloading slow and check for leaks. If there is no leaks increase unloading rate until maximum is reached.

6.______Stop Unloading (Completion of Unloading)

6.1Once transfer is complete, the barge product pump will be stopped, & all valves closed.

6.2The Dock PIC will:

a)Confirm with inspector that barge is empty & ready to be released.

b)Drain & disconnect the cargo hose and properly contain any residual product from the hoses

c)Disconnect and remove bonding cable

NOTE: The work area where the flanges for the dockside hose connection are made on the floating dock barge is diked (metal curbing) to prevent loss of product. This diked area will contain approximately 250 gallons. At the conclusion of any transfer operation, the hose is drained into the drip pan or collection facilities on the cargo vessel. The free end of all cargo hoses, are placed in a portable drip pan when the hoses are not in use.

7.______The Pumper shall obtain a closing gauge, water cut, and temperature on the tank and sample the tank if required.


Special Procedures/Precautions

Unloading Jet A

8.______Review the following Quality Management System procedures for specific requirements on sampling, gauging, and other quality considerations:

8.1Jet A Barge Unloading

9.______Refer to and use the following form to document the unloading of Jet A.

9.1Form A Jet A Barge Receipt Quality Assurance Checklist

Unloading HSD Blend

10.______If unloading HSDBlend and unloading line is full of LCO, a linewash must be done into the LCO Tank

Unloading Gasoline Blend Stock

11.______Review the following Quality Management System procedures for specific requirements on sampling, gauging, and other quality considerations:

11.1Gasoline Blend Component Barge Unloading

Unloading Ethanol

12.______Review the following Quality Management System procedures for specific requirements on sampling, gauging, and other quality considerations:

12.1Ethanol Barge Unloading Tk 80


PURPOSE:This procedure details the steps necessary to unload VGO, NAPHTHA, HSD BLEND, LCO, JET A, or BLEND STOCK from a barge.

PREREQUISITES: Appropriate orders must have been received concerning the barge to be loaded.


  • The #2 Pumper is responsible for aligning the tanks for transfer from the River Dock to the designated tank.
  • The Dock PIC is responsible for ensuring the barge is properly connected, proper safe-guards and checks have been made, and for transferring the product from the Barge.

MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: Gauge line, thermometer, water cutting and gauging paste (optional).


Special or Unique Hazards: N/A

Engineering Controls: N/A

Administrative Controls: This procedure is an administrative control to help prevent possible problems.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):Normal River Dock personal protective equipment must be worn at all times. This includes hard hats, fire retardant clothing and safety glasses. Personal Flotation Devices (PFD) are required any time River Dock Personnel access the Docks or Barge areas.

Additional protective equipment may be required per permit requirements.


Shutdowns: Emergency Shut Downs

Relief: Pressure Relief Valves

Other Safety: N/A

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RD Barge Unloading South Dock.docMay 18, 2009


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RD Barge Unloading South Dock.docMay 18, 2009