Principal Applicant (Primary Point of Contact)

Principal Applicant (Primary Point of Contact)

Maricopa Community Colleges Learning Grants up to $10,000


Principal Applicant (Primary Point of Contact)

First name / Last name / Phone / Email
College / Department chair / Department chair email


First name / Last name / Phone / Email
College / Department chair / Department chair email


First name / Last name / Phone / Email
College / Department chair / Department chair email


First name / Last name / Phone / Email
College / Department chair / Department chair email


First name / Last name / Phone / Email
College / Department chair / Department chair email


First name / Last name / Phone / Email
College / Department chair / Department chair email

Project Summary

Project start date (i.e., July 10, 2017) / Project End Date (i.e., June 29, 2018) / Total Requested Budget
(Must not exceed $10,000.00)
Disciplines addressed
Project summary (200 word limit)

Project Details

Project Description
  • Provide a clear explanation of the problem or gap that currently exists and how the proposed project will contribute to a solution.
  • Provide relevant data, literature, and documented effective practices related to the proposed project.
  • List the goals you plan to accomplish with the project.

System Initiatives and Outcomes
  • Explain how the project aligns to one or more of the following system initiatives (i.e., Achieve60AZ , MCCCD Strategic Commitments, and MCCCD Governing Board Outcomes and Metrics):
  • Strengthening the K-12 pipeline
  • Completing credentials
  • Increasing access
  • Return on Investment (ROI)
  • Retention and recruitment
  • Opportunity Youth
  • Building a thriving community through access and student success
  • Promoting economic and workforce development in Arizona
  • Promoting innovation
  • List specific references to MCCCD outcomes and metrics (
  • University Transfer Education and General Education
  • Workforce and Economic Development
  • Developmental Education
  • Community Development and Civic and Global Engagement

Success Indicators and Evaluation
  • Provide a comprehensive plan for determining the degree to which objectives are met and methods are followed:
  • Describe success indicators.
  • Describe testing instruments, surveys, and/or questionnaires that will be used for the project.

  • Describe theroles, responsibilities, and qualifications for personnel required to complete the project.

  • Explain how the project will be implemented (activities or services).

Dissemination Plan
  • Explain how the results of the project will be disseminated both internally and externally (e.g., department meetings, national conferences, MCCCD conferences, discipline specific conferences)

  • Explain how the project will be sustained following the funding year
  • Describe the extent and means by which the project will be integrated into the college/department within a defined time frame

Project Timeline

Type the dates and description of your work for that block of time. Eligible dates are July 5, 2017 through June 29, 2018.

Start date
(i.e., July 5, 2017) / End date
(i.e., June 29, 2018) / Describe activity/task/milestone / Resource assigned to activity/task


Type the amounts for Faculty compensation and/or miscellaneous expenses that will be paid for by this grant. Wages must include the faculty rate of $27.50 per hour and 20% for statutory benefits.

Name: Faculty participant
20 hours x 27.50 per hour = $550.00
$550.00 x .20 = $110.00
$550.00 + $110.00 = $660.00 (Total wages for faculty participant)

Faculty compensation
Payee / Faculty position
(i.e., Residential, Adjunct, One-year-only, One-semester-only) / Hours / Rate / Statutory benefits / Total wages
Miscellaneous Expenses
Description and Quantity / Amount
Total Budget

Funding Questions

Partial Funding
Are you willing to accept partial funding? Explain.
Additional funds
Are you expecting to receive additional funds for this project? If so, how much money? Are additional funds from your college and/or non-MCCCD source?
Continued Support
Does your college administration intend to continue to support this project after the Learning Grant is completed? Explain.

Acknowledgements and Agreements

By submitting this application, you agree to the following:

I have reviewed this Learning Grant application with my College’s Vice President of Academic Affairs.

If awarded, I agree that any products and other tangible results of the services I expend under this Grant (“Work”) belongs to and shall be the sole and exclusive property of MCCCD/MCLI. “Work” includes all works based on, derived from, or incorporating the Work.

If awarded, I agree to contribute to an MCLI sponsored faculty development program, which may include either a dialogue day, workshop, conference, or related planning team.