Island Heights Environmental Committee

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: 11/19/08 Time: 7: PM

Attendees: Robert Wilber Jr., Mary Judge, Rob Harrington, Pat Sherwin

Absent: Greg Heizler, Marsha Cudworth, Al Gabriel, Pete Lukowiak, James Ryan, K.C. Baney

Visitors: Norman Scheer, Don Roberts, George Kotzas


Minutes / ·  Minutes of previous meeting circulated via email. / Motion by M. Judge to accept as submitted. 2nd by R. Harrington. Carried.
Energy Audit / ·  Don Roberts shared information gathered at meeting in Point Pleasant with Dr. Hossay.
·  Council aware of energy audit through councilperson Brian Taboada
·  Importance of a town-wide committee to work on audit: involve reps from existing groups and committees. / Plan to have Dr. Hossay return to speak specifically about how to move forward with audit.
Contact Council re this opportunity for input and guidance. / .Rob Harrington, Don Roberts, Greg Heizler and Speakers sub-committee.
Speaker series / ·  Possible additions to speakers list: workshop on composting, and a “youth-friendly” program to be held at the school, and possibly someone from Ocean Gate or Point Pleasant about their experience with the Energy Audit.
·  Need to advertise well. / Plans to contact speakers and set up schedule.
R. Harrington will talk with B. Hyle & A. Elley re calendar of events. / R. Harrington, M. Judge, Speakers sub-committee
Recycling information update / ·  Newsletter info insert awaiting approval from Council
·  Seek clarification about when Post Office will begin recycling program.
·  Update on school recycling program by Robert Wilber
·  Recycling co-coordinators meeting is the 1st Friday of every other month-importance of having an IH rep there. / .
R. Harrington will contact Mayor Hershey & G. Heizler re this.
R. Harrington will contact A. Gabriel to see if he can attend-if not, contact Mayor Hershey re an alternate.
Projects for Mini-grants / ·  Rain garden-possibly at school, rain collection device at Post Office, bulkhead planting along Wanamaker waterfront, continuation of River Ave. planting.
·  Need to see copy of towns master plan. / P. Sherwin and other interested people to pursue Wanamaker planting. M. Judge will email info to help get application together. / R. Harrington will contact E. Rogalski re master plan.
Tree ordinance / ·  Existing town tree ordinance gives authority for tree management to the County Soil Conservation Bureau: this is a function they do not handle. / Need for clarification of existing ordinance & consideration of a re-look at proposed ordinance.
Town web site / ·  Rob Harrington gave information to April Elley for EC spot on web site. / Rob asks that members review info for any suggestions as to revisions.
Adjournment / ·  Motion by Rob Harrington to adjourn meeting. 2nd by Pat Sherwin. / Meeting adjourned at 9:35PM

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 at 7:PM