Primary Program 2011: “I Know the Scriptures are True”

Prelude Music: Primary children begin playing songs on the piano fifteen minutes before church starts and take turns playing the prelude music (one verse each) as the congregation enters the chapel. Each child will play as many verses as he or she can.Three Reverence Children will be standing at the front.

Children Playing:

Opening Song:

Primary President:The worldwide theme for Primary this year is “I Know the Scriptures are True.”In classes and sharing time we have taught the children that if they search the scriptures and listen with their heart, they will hear the Savior’s voice. His voice will fill their soul with peace, comfort them in times of need, and testify to them that the scriptures are true.

Song: If I Listen with My Heart

A Teacher at Pulpit: This yearwe have strived to use the scriptures to help the children understand gospel principles such as the Atonement of Jesus Christ, the role of past and present prophets, the Restoration of the Gospel, the blessings of the temple, and the importance of missionary work.

Setting: A teacher (Class Teacher); two boys dressed as missionaries; and a class of four children (Class Child 1, 2, 3, 4) will sit on stools with a microphone

Class Teacher: Good morning, class. (Gestures to missionaries) I have invited the missionaries to speak with us today about the scriptures. (Tells the missionaries) In class we have been discussing how the scriptures are the word of God.

Missionary 1: That’s true. The Book of Mormon and the Bible are the word of God.

Class Child 1:(raises hand—the missionary calls on him) How did you find out that the scriptures are true?

Missionary 2:Well, there’s actually a scripture in the Book of Mormon that tells us what we need to do to gain a testimonyof the scriptures.

Entire Class at Pulpit:Recites 2 Nephi 32:3. “Feast upon the word of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do.” --2 Nephi 32:3.

Class Child 2: (raises hand—the missionary calls on him) What does it mean tofeast upon the words of Christ?

Missionary #1:You feast upon the words of Christ when you study the Book of Mormon and the Bible in Primary and as youread them at home on your own and with your family.

Class at Pulpit

Teacher at Pulpit:Inviting children to learn from the scriptures will help them todevelop a lifelong love for the word of God. At the beginning of this year in Primary, weencouraged the children to read the scriptures at home. Each Sunday, if a child had readalone or with his or her family during the week, he or she placeda gold coin in a treasure box that was displayed at the back of the Primary room. The children did so well reading at home that we ran out of gold coins several times.

Child at Pulpit:One of my favorite scripture stories to read with my family is...

Child at Pulpit:My family loves to read the story of…

Child at Pulpit:My favorite scripture story to read with my family is...

Teacher at Pulpit: As a reward for feasting upon the words of Christ this year, we had our own Primary feast of a different sort on Friday evening. Through this activity we feel the children felt the connection between not only nourishing their bodies with food, but also the importance of nourishing their spirits through scripture study.

Class Child #3:(raises hand, missionary calls on her) “What’s one of your favorite principles from the scriptures to teach investigators?”

Missionary #2:I love to teach peoplethatHeavenly Father has a plan for each one of us. There are many who don’t know the answers to life’s simple questions that you and I have learned from the scriptures since we were young childrenin primary. Heavenly Father’s plan answers questions such as:(we have a younger sibling asking the question and an older sibling answering it)

Child at Pulpit:Who Am I?

Child at Pulpit:You are a Child of God.

Child at Pulpit:Where did I come from?

Child at Pulpit:You came from heaven above.

Child at Pulpit:Why am I here?

Child at Pulpit:To follow God’s plan.

Child at Pulpit:What will happen to me after I die?

Child at Pulpit:If you make right choices here on earth you will be able to return to live with Heavenly Father and your family.

Missionary #1:Now I have a question for you. What will you do to follow God’s plan?

Class Child #4:I will work and I will pray. I will always walk in His way.

Sing “I will Follow God’s Plan”

Missionary #2:One of the most important parts of God’s plan is for us to come to earth to gain a body and earthly experiences. But he didn’t want us to come here without guidance and structure. Therefore he gave us not only the scriptures, but also living prophets who tell us the things that Heavenly Father wants us to know and do.

Entire Class at Pulpit:Recites D&C 1:38. “What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken…whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same.” –D&C 1:38

A Teacher at Pulpit:One thing modern-day prophets have encouraged us to do is read the scriptures.(the children who say the prophets’ names are our Sunbeams)

Child at Pulpit:Howard W Hunter told us.

Child at Pulpit:“When we…read and study the scriptures, benefits and blessings of many kinds come to us. This is the most profitable of all study in which we could engage.”

Child at Pulpit:Spencer W. Kimball said.

Child at Pulpit:“No father, no son, no mother, no daughter should get so busy the he or she does not have time to study the scriptures and modern prophets.”

Child at Pulpit:President Gordon B Hinckley encouraged members of the church to read the Book of Mormon. He promised:

Child at Pulpit:“As you read, your minds will be enlightened and your spirits will be lifted. At first it may seem tedious, but that will change into a wondrous experience with thoughts and words of things divine.”

Child at Pulpit:President Monson says.

Child at Pulpit:Spending time each day in scripture study will strengthen our foundations of faith and out testimonies of truth.

Class at Pulpit

Teacher at Pulpit:When we read the scriptures as modern-day prophets have encouraged us to do, we learn from the counsel and examples of prophets from the past.

Child at Pulpit:Daniel showed us the importance of prayer, praying helped me one time when…

Child at Pulpit:David put his faith in God, not his armor when he slayed Goliath. I can show my faith by…

Child at Pulpit:Abinadi stood for the right by delivering God’s message and testifying of Jesus Christ to King Noah. I can stand for the right like Abinadi by...

Sing “Stand for the Right”

Class Teacher:Do you know another prophet who stood for the right even though it was hard?

Class Child #1:(raises hand and teacher calls on him) Joseph Smith.

Class Teacher:Yes. Even though he met a lot of opposition, Joseph Smith took the necessary steps to restore the Gospel and bring forth the Book of Mormon.

Class at Pulpit

Child at Pulpit:When Joseph Smith was 14 years old, he attended many different churches, but he was confused about which church he should join.

Child at Pulpit:Then, while reading the Bible, he found a scripture in the Book of James that said “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.”

Child at Pulpit:Joseph went into the woods, knelt down, and prayed, asking Godwhich church was true. A pillar of light appeared over his head, and he saw two personages above him in the air, whose brightness and glory defied all description.

Child at Pulpit:Joseph asked which church was true, but he was told not to join any of them because none of them were the true church.

Child at Pulpit:While praying one night, a bright light filled Joseph’s room. An angel named Moroni appeared in the air above Joseph. Moroni told Joseph about an ancient book written on gold plates, which told about the former inhabitants of America and the gospel that Jesus taught to these inhabitants.

Child at Pulpit:Moroni showed Joseph where he had buried the gold plates. At the end of four years, Joseph was allowed to unbury and take them.

Child at Pulpit:Joseph Smithtranslated the Book of Mormon with the help of the Urim and Thumim and scribes such as Oliver Cowdery.

Sing “Praise to the Man”, verse one (Primary boys and teachers only up to the chorus and then whole Primary sings chorus, verse one; whole Primary and Congregation sing verse three)

Missionary #1:I see you all have your Book of Mormons with you today. Will you please open to the title page? (children do this) It’s so important that Joseph Smith translated the gold plates into the Book of Mormon because the title page tells us that the Book of Mormon is another testament of whom?

Class Child #2:Jesus Christ.

Missionary #1:Yes. The Book of Mormon testifies to us that Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the world.

Class at pulpit

Teacher at pulpit:This year in primarywe have used the scriptures to teach the children the following about the Savior.

Child at Pulpit:Jesus Christ was chosen to be our Savior.

Child at Pulpit:Jesus Christ is the perfect example for me.

Child at Pulpit:Through the Atonement of Christ all mankind may be saved.

Child at Pulpit:Jesus Christ was resurrected, and I will be too.

Child at Pulpit:Bear testimony of the Savior.

Sing “Beautiful Savior”: (whole primary; small group at pulpit sings chorus)

Class Teacher: Since you have your scriptures open, I would like you to turn to the Fourth Article of Faith. This teaches us that the first principle of the Gospel is to have Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

A boy and girl sing the Fourth Article of Faith together at the pulpit.

Missionary #2:Having faith in Jesus Christ leads us to love Him, trust Him, and keep Hiscommandments.

A child gives a talk about faith.

Sing “Faith”(first verse Junior Primary; second verse Senior Primary; a child accompanies on the violin)

Class Teacher:Last month as a church we honored a group of people who had an amazing amount of faith.

Class Child #3:(raises hand with excitement and says) The Pioneers!

Class Teacher:(laughs) That’s right—the pioneers. It took a lot offaith for the pioneers to leave their homes and make the trek westward.

Missionary #1: It also took a lot of faith for them to build temples. It took the pioneers over 40 years to build the Salt Lake Temple, but they worked hard and sacrificed because they knew the importance of temples.

Entire Class at pulpit:Recite “Sacred ordinances and covenants available in holy temples make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally” –(The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” paragraph 3).

Class at pulpit

Teacher at pulpit:What a beautiful promise this is to each of us. Just like the pioneers, we also understand the importance of building temples today.

Child at Pulpit:There are currently 134 operating temples.

Child at Pulpit:Twelve under construction.

Child at Pulpit:Two undergoing renovation.

Child at Pulpit: and fifteen announced.

Child at Pulpit:Temples can be found in thirty-five U.S. states and in forty-four different countries.

Child at Pulpit:Temples spot the globe and we love to visit them.

Different Class at Pulpit(each child tells about a temple he or she has visited and how it made him or her feel)

Child at Pulpit:

Child at Pulpit:

Child at Pulpit: We love to see the temple.

Sing: “I Love to See the Temple”—first verse everyone; second verse is sung by children who have been baptized this year)

Missionary #2:Your teacher told us that your stake has put into place a missionary plan in which they have asked each ward to place 100 Book of Mormons before the end of the year.

Class Child #4:Yep, that means that each family in our ward needs to give away at least one Book of Mormon.

Class Teacher:That’s right. Our ward has been doing really well with this goal.

Child at Pulpit: We would like to share with you some of the ways the children in our Primary and their families have given away a Book of Mormon this year.

Child at Pulpit:Shares the story of how their family gave away a Book of Mormon.

Child at Pulpit: Shares the story of how their family gave away a Book of Mormon.

Missionary #1: Thanks for letting us visit your class today and share with you our love for the scriptures.

Missionary #2:I promise you that you will receive power as you read and study the scriptures daily.

Sing: “Scripture Power” (A teacher sings part one while a child sings part two; whole Primary sings on chorus)

Bishop gives closing remarks.

Closing Song: