Office of the Superintending Engineer(Ele) Sharavathy, KPCL, Jogfalls - 577435
No: L3WX5A11/2416 DT: 29.12.2014
1.0 Sealed BIDS in two parts are invited for the work of “Design, manufacture, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of new delivery side gate valve, NRV and repair/rectification of starter panel of 30HP pump motor set at KPCL water supply pump house at MGHE colony, Jogfalls-577435, Shimoga-Dist, Karnataka” from reputed bidders with proven track record of successful completion of similar works.
The brief scope of work covers, dismantling of old existing valves and manifold etc., and design, manufacture, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of new delivery side gate valve, NRV and repair/rectification of starter panel of 30HP pump motor set at KPCL water supply pump house at MGHE colony, Jogfalls.
a. The Bidder shall be a regular Manufacturer/Authorized dealer/Firm and shall have proven experience in supply and installation gate valves and starter panels to pumps of capacity minimum 30HP to power houses/ power utilities/reputed organizations. In proof of the above, purchase order/work order/ work completion certificate copies should be furnished.
b. The Bidders in the last five financial years should have achieved in at least two financial years an average annual financial turnover of Rs.05.00 lakhs. In proof Annual Report/turn over certificates duly certified by chartered accountant should be furnished.
c. Bidder shall have PF registration, IT-PAN No, VAT No/ Service Tax Registration certificates. In proof, PF registration, IT-PAN No, VAT No/ Service Tax Registration certificates copies shall be furnished.
d. The bid of the bidders whose contracts have been terminated/ foreclosed in KPCL or elsewhere during last 05 years and also those who do not meet the above prequalifying requirement will be rejected.
4.0 The bid documents can be purchased from this office in person or by post on payment of fee Rs.106/- (Cost of tender document is Rs.100/- + 5.5% VAT, Rs.100/- extra if required by post), in the form of Demand Draft/Cash. DD shall be drawn in favour of Asst. General Manager (Finance), KPCL, Jog falls – 577 435, payable at State Bank of Mysore, Jogfalls-577435. KPCL will not be responsible for delays & damage of document sent through post/courier.
Bid Notification No: L3WX5A11/2416
DT: 29.12.2014
Name of work:Design, manufacture, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of new delivery side gate valve, NRV and repair/ rectification of starter panel of 30HP pump motor set at KPCL water supply pump house at MGHE colony, Jogfalls-577435, Shimoga-Dist, Karnataka / Tender Inviting Authority:
The Superintending Engineer (Elec.)
Karnataka Power Corporation Limited
Jog Falls.- 577435
Sagar – Tq, Shimoga – Dist, Karnataka
Ph No :08186 - 244606
Fax No :08186 - 244753
Web Site: www.karnatakapower.com
6.0 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs.5,500/- (Rupees Five Thousand Five Hundred Only) in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Asst. General Manager (Finance), KPCL., Jog falls – 577 435, payable at State Bank of Mysore, Jogfalls-577435 is to be furnished along with the tender. If Demand draft is drawn from the bank other than State Bank of Mysore than Demand draft collection charges of Rs.200/- (Rupees Two Hundred Only) shall be added to Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) value. Tender not accompanied with requisite EMD will not be considered.
7.0 After evaluation of technical and pre-qualification bid (Part-I) and whose offer meet the PQR and technical specification of the tender/bid in complete manner will be accepted and only such bidders price bid (Part-II) will be opened.
8.0 The bids shall be submitted in two separate covers & superscribed as “Part –I, Technical & Pre-qualification Bid” and “Part-II, Price Bid”. DD towards EMD shall be submitted in a separate cover along with Part-I.
9.0 All the covers shall be sealed and duly superscribed as EMD cover, Part-I Technical and PQR and Part-II Price Bids. Name of the work, Bid Notification No and due date shall be indicated on each of the covers
1 / Date of issue of blank bid documents / From 29.12.2014 (during office hours) up to 13:00 Hrs on 27.01.20152 / Last date for submission of the completed bid document (Part I & Part II ) / Upto16:00 Hrs on 27.01.2015
3 / Date & Time of opening the Part-I ie Technical & Pre-qualification Bid / At 16:30 Hrs on 27.01.2015
4 / Date & Time of opening the Part-II ie Price Bid / On 27.01.2015 at 16:45Hrs if possible or on any other convenient date which will be intimated separately.
11.0 The bidder shall quote in Indian Rupees only. The contractor shall quote his rates including all the applicable taxes as per the latest G.O.K/ G.O.I. orders
12.0 KPCL reserves the right to verify the authenticity of any or all the certificates furnished by any or all the tenders from the authorities who have issued the same. If it is found that any of the agency/agencies have furnished false certificates/ information, the tenders submitted by them are liable for rejection.
13.0 The quantity of materials and work mentioned/indicated in tender may vary depending on the final requirement at the time of placing the work order .
14.0 Right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason is reserved by the undersigned.
15.0 The bid documents are not transferable. Incomplete bid without EMD or Telegraph/E-mail quotation is not acceptable. KPCL will not be responsible for delay in receipt or non-receipt of bid documents sent through post & for damage of document. Bid notification along with prequalification and other terms and conditions of the bid can also be viewed on KPCL web site – www.karnatakapower.com.
16.0 Further information if required can be obtained from office of the Superintending Engineer (Elec.), Sharavathy, KPCL, Jog falls – 577 435, Sagar – Tq, Shimoga – Dist, Karnataka.
(K. R Shivaji)
Superintending Engineer (Elec.),
Sharavathy, Jog Falls-577435.
Copy to : The Deputy Secretary (State Tender Bulletin Officer), Energy Department, M. S Building, Bangalore – 01 - for kind information
: District Commissioner (District Bulletin Officer), Shimoga Dist. – for kind information and wider publicity
: MD/TD/FD – for kind information
: ED(T)/ED(BTPS/ADPH) – for kind information.
: CE(ED)/ECES/CE(O&M)/CEE/BTPS/ECEC-for kind information
: SE(E)MGHE/SE(E)GP/SE(E)V/SE(TA)/SE(E)Supa/SE(E)K/SE(E)N/SE(E)Almatti - for infn.
: SEE(CSD)-along with soft copy of Bid Notification for publishing in KPCL Web site.
: EE(MSP)J/EE(Technical Audit) Kargal - for information
: EE(E)S3/ AGM(F)J for information with a request to present during opening of the tender.
: AO(IA) Kargal
: Notice Board/Docket/MF/OC