Proposed Changes to Perkins (CTE) Accountability Definitions
(February 21, 2015)
- Secondary Student Definitions:
- Participant:
A student who is enrolled in one or more courses in any CTE program.
- Concentrator: NEW
Current Definition:
A student who has successfully completed at least fifty percent of the credits required to complete a state-approved CTE pathway of sequenced courses, and is enrolled in a course at the next level in the same pathway.
Proposed Definition:
A student who has successfully completed fifty percent of the credits required to complete a state-approved CTE pathway of sequenced courses.
Justification for change:
Feedback from LEAs indicates that the existing definition of a concentrator is difficult to operationalize. The requirement for students to be enrolled in the next level of the pathway ties the identification of the concentrator to course scheduling which does not occur at the same time of the year for all LEAs. The proposed definition is easier to understand and allows for an automated process of identifying concentrators using credit earned from student transcript data. This change is proposed to go into effect in the 2015-16 school year.
Timeline for change:
- Completer:
A student who has successfully completed a state-approved CTE pathway.
- Performance Indicator Definitions:
- Perkins CTE Performance Indicator 1S1 & 1S2 (Academic Achievement – ELA & Math) NEW
Current Delaware Definitions:
1S1 Numerator:Number of current year 12th grade CTE concentrators who scored at performance level 3 or more on their 10th grade DCASreading assessment.
1S2 Numerator:Number of current year 12th grade CTE concentrators who scored at performance level 3 or more on their 10th grade DCASmathematics assessment.
Denominator:Number of current year 12th grade CTE concentrators who took the 10th grade DCASreading and mathematics assessment.
Proposed Delaware Definitions:
1S1 Numerator:Number of current year 12th grade CTE concentrators who were proficient (scored at performance level 3 or more) on their 10th/11th grade ESEA standardized (DCAS/SBAC) ELA assessment.
1S2 Numerator:Number of current year 12th grade CTE concentrators who were proficient (scored at performance level 3 or more) on their 10th/11th grade ESEA standardized (DCAS/SBAC) Math assessment.
Denominator:Number of current year 12th grade CTE concentrators who took the 10th/11th grade ESEA standardized (DCAS/SBAC) ELA and Math assessment.
For discussion:
The current definition indicates that the 10th grade DCAS is the ESEA standardized test used to measure proficiency in ELA and Math for CTE concentrators. The DCAS assessment will be replaced by the 11th grade SBAC assessment starting in 2014-15, hence the measure includes both types of assessment. The DCAS assessment will be used for reporting of this measure in program year 2014-15. This measure will align with the state’s ESEA assessment in program year 2015-16.
Timeline for change:
OCTAE 1S1 Definition:
Numerator:Number of CTE concentrators who have met the proficient or advanced level on the Statewide high school reading assessment administered by the State under Section 1111(b)(3) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act and who, in the reporting year, left secondary education.
Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators who took the ESEA assessment in reading and who, in the reporting year, left secondary education.
OCTAE 1S2 Definition:
Numerator:Number of CTE concentrators who have met the proficient or advanced level on the Statewide high school mathematics assessment administered by the State under Section 1111(b)(3) of the (ESEA) as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act based on the scores that were included in the State’s computation of adequate yearly progress (AYP) and who, in the reporting year, left secondary education.
Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators who took the ESEA assessment in mathematics whose scores were included in the State’s computation of AYP and who, in the reporting year, have left secondary education.
- Perkins CTE Performance Indicator 2S1 (Technical Skill Attainment) NEW
Current Delaware Definition:
Numerator:Number of 12th grade CTE concentrators who successfully completed an approved CTE Pathway during the reporting year.
Denominator:Number of 12th grade CTE concentrators who at the beginning of the school year were eligible to complete an approved CTE Pathway.
Proposed Delaware Definition:
Numerator:Number of CTE concentrators who demonstratedrelated technical skill attainmentand left secondary education during the reporting year.
Denominator:Number of CTE concentrators who left secondary education during the reporting year.
For discussion:
The current definition measures the percent of students that complete a CTE pathway which is similar to the percentage of CTE concentrators that complete school (3S1) or graduate (4S1). To differentiate between an objective measure of technical knowledge (2S1), program completion (3S1), as well as graduation (4S1) we are proposing to measure each of these aspects separately so that appropriate supports and/or interventions can be put in place for LEAs that do not meet state targets.
The current definition of technical skill attainment does not include an objective measure of technical knowledge or skilland does not measure similar data to that of the suggested OCTAE definition. The proposed Delaware definition would better align to the national expectation and would reflect a measure that adds value for CTE students. The proposed denominator for this indicator includes all CTE concentrators since the goal is for all CTE concentrators to be proficient in at least one technical skill assessment.
The suggested definition for Technical Skill Attainment would be, “an industry recognized certificate or credential earned through an approved CTE program of study which holds value at the professional level, post-secondary level, or in an associate or baccalaureate degree program.”
Timeline for change:
OCTAE Definition:
Numerator:Number of CTE concentrators who passed technical skill assessments that are aligned with industry-recognized standards, if available and appropriate, during the reporting year.
Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators who took the assessments during the reporting year.
- Perkins CTE Performance Indicator 3S1 (Secondary School Completion) NEW
Current Delaware Definition:
Numerator:Number of current year 12th grade CTE concentrators who successfully completed an approved CTE Pathway and graduated by the end of the reporting year.
Denominator:Number of current year 12th grade CTE concentrators who at the beginning of the school year were eligible to complete an approved CTE Pathway.
Proposed Delaware Definition:
Numerator:Number of CTE concentrators who successfully completed an approved CTE Program of Study and left secondary education by the end of the reporting year.
Denominator:Number of CTE concentrators who left secondary education during the reporting year.
Justification for change:
The current definition measures the percent of students that complete a CTE pathway and graduate high school. In effect, this definition is a combination of the current technical skill attainment indicator (2S1) and graduation indicator (4S1). It does not provide any new or actionable information. To differentiate between an objective measure of technical knowledge (2S1), program completion (3S1), as well as graduation (4S1) we are proposing to measure each of these aspects separately so that appropriate supports and/or interventions can be put in place for LEAs that do not meet state targets.
The proposed definition measures the percentage of students that complete a CTE program of study. It does not conflate this information with school completion, even though it is very likely that the students will have completed other graduation requirements. The definition also drops the specification of students being in their senior year since students could complete a program of study in grade 11 and leave the school before completing their senior year. As proposed, this measure will be an indicator of effective CTE programs of study.
Timeline for change:
OCTAE Definition:
Numerator:Number of CTE concentrators who completed a CTE career pathway and earned a regular secondary school diploma or other State-recognized equivalent during the reporting year.
Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators who left secondary education during the reporting year.
- Perkins CTE Performance Indicator 4S1 (CTE Student Graduation Rate)
Current Delaware Definition:(No change proposed)
Numerator:Number of current year 12th grade CTE concentrators who were included as graduated by the end of the reporting year in the State’s ESEA computation of graduation rate (diploma and certificate holders).
Denominator:Number of CTE concentrators who left secondary education during the reporting year.
OCTAE Definition:
Numerator:Number of CTE concentrators who, in the reporting year, were included as graduated in the State’s computation of its graduation rate as described in Sec. 1111(b)(2)(C)(vi) of the ESEA.
Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators who left secondary education during the reporting year.
- Perkins CTE Performance Indicator 5S1 (Secondary Placement)
Current Delaware Definition:(No change proposed)
Numerator:Number of CTE concentrators who graduatedin the previous reporting year
and were placed in post-secondary education, employment, or the military
in the lastquarter (Oct - Dec) of the year they graduated.
Denominator:Number of CTE concentrators who graduatedin the previous reporting year.
OCTAE Definition:
Numerator:Numerator: Number of CTE concentrators who left secondary education and were placed in postsecondary education or advanced training, in the military service, or employment in the second quarter following the program year in which they left secondary education (i.e., unduplicated placement status for CTE concentrators who graduated by June 30, 2007 would be assessed between October 1, 2007 and December 31, 2007).
Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators who left secondary education during the reporting year.
- Perkins CTE Performance Indicator 6S1 (Non-traditional Participation)
Current Delaware Definition:(No change proposed)
Numerator:Number of under-represented gender CTE participants who were enrolled in any course in a CTE pathway that leads to employment in nontraditional fields* during the reporting year.
Denominator:Number of CTE participants who were enrolled in any course in a CTE pathway that leads to employment in nontraditional fields* during the reporting year.
* A non-traditional occupation is one in which males or females comprise less than 25 percent of the employed workforce.
OCTAE Definition:
Numerator:Number of CTE participants from underrepresented gender groups who participated in a program that leads to employment in nontraditional fields during the reporting year.
Denominator: Number of CTE participants who participated in a program that leads to employment in nontraditional fields during the reporting year.
Perkins CTE Performance Indicator 6S2 (Non-traditional Completion) NEW
Current Delaware Definition:
Numerator:Number of under-represented gender 12th Grade CTE concentrators who completed a CTE pathway thatleads to employment in nontraditional fields* during the reporting year.
Denominator:Number of 12th Grade CTE concentrators who completed a CTE pathway that leads to employment in nontraditional fields* during the reporting year.
Proposed Delaware Definition:
Numerator:Number of under-represented genderCTE concentrators who completed a CTE pathway thatleads to employment in nontraditional fields* and left secondary education during the reporting year.
Denominator:Number of CTE concentrators who completed a CTE pathway that leads to employment in nontraditional fields* and left secondary education during the reporting year.
Justification for change:
The current definition measures CTE pathway completers that are in their senior year only. It does not include those completers in grade 11 who also left secondary education either due to graduation or because they transferred to another school. In order to provide more accurate and complete data for this measure, the proposed definition includes all CTE program completers in the numerator and denominator. This change is proposed to go into effect in the 2015-16 school year.
Timeline for change:
OCTAE Definition:
Numerator:Number of CTE concentrators from underrepresented gender groups who completed a pathway that leads to employment in nontraditional fields during the reporting year.
Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators who completed a pathway that leads to employment in nontraditional fields during the reporting year.