3 OCTOBER 2016 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.

Chair:Cllr Meryl Liddell

Councillors:Richard Bell, Andrew Browell, Steve Fletcher, Richard Leech, Derek Liddell, Debra Smithand Ron Stier.

In attendance: Barnsley Chronicle reporter, Ward Cllr Paul Hand-Davis, Elaine Down Clean & Tidy team – Barnsley MBC and 1 member of the public.


It was reported that Lamppost 14 on Cone Lane is obscured by trees that needs trimming back. The Clerk will advise street lighting at Barnsley MBC. Post Box on Moorend Lane planned to be removed and replaced with a freestanding post box is now completed wrecked. Clerk to advise area manager and chase replacement box again.

Japanese Knotweed reported at 65 Moorend Lane – Private land, environmental services at Barnsley MBC aware.

Cllr Richard Bell reported that telephone boxes in both villages are in poor condition, especially the one next to the Methodist Church in Silkstone Common, which may have been damaged by a ball-bearing gun. Police are aware. Cllr Meryl Liddell will add a note to the Facebook Page.

Lamppost 17 High St Silkstone has been lit continuously for months, gully cleaning is needed on A628 and road-signs need to be cleaned especially on the corner at Silverwood Scout Camp.

Cllr Derek Liddell complained at the widespread poor state of household waste bins, and advised that replacement bins are free but incur a £20 delivery fee.

Cllr Richard Leech reported an aggregation of white goods on land to the rear of the stocks. Environmental Health are to be informed.

Cllr Meryl Liddell identified an YLCA branch meeting at 7.30 on Wednesday 5 October 16 at Huskar Rooms, and requested a presence from Councillors.


RESOLVED to accept apologies from the Parish Clerk.

RESOLVED to noteCllr Ron Stier’s declaration of interest in agenda item 19 which includes a payment to the handyman.


Elaine Down from Barnsley MBC Clean & Tidy team addressed the meeting about the services provided by the Clean & Tidy Team. The team aims to work on areas of local concern, wherever possible alongside groups of volunteers. Work undertaken to date includes clearing over-grown areas, putting in benches, litter-picking in laybys, planting of wild flower areas. The team will ensure safe work practices, and provide necessary equipment. Team members are undergoing spraying training, and will be able to undertake this work soon. Cllr Meryl Liddell asked that any requests for work to be undertaken in the parish be passed through the Clerk who will liaise with Elaine Down, and thanked her for her address.


Ward Cllr Paul Hand-Davis addressed the meeting regarding the possible benefit of siting a flood container in Silkstone. Several of these have been located in other areas, and they contain equipment for dealing with flood situations. The cost of the container is in excess of £1000, and as it is large at 20 x 8 foot it might be best to locate it in the recreation ground.

Discussion ensued about the maintenance of culverts and works carried out since 2007. Cllr Ron Stier advised that the area at most risk is the waterway behind The Bells Steakhouse, which he felt receives too little maintenance. However, Cllr Ron Stier and Cllr Derek Liddell agreed that the risk of flooding has been significantly mitigated since 2007, and that there has been no indication of problems in recent downpours. Cllr Meryl Liddell recommended that the Parish Council should assess flood risk regularly, but there seemed no immediate need to try to locate a flood container in the parish at this time.

Other issues addressed:

Ward alliance has confirmed its grant for works on the A628, and Steve Croft – Barnsley MBC Highways is arranging a date for the works to be carried out.

Fly-tipping remains a problem, and ward councillors believe the solution is to make tipping easier for businesses. Cllr Richard Leech noted the shortened hours of the dumpit site in Penistone. Cllr Paul Hand –Davis recommended that the PC actively engage the Clean and Tidy Team to work on particular areas of concern.


RESOLVED to note that Bill Barkworth resigned from Silkstone Parish Council on 17 September 16 and to thank him for his work with the Parish Council over the last 4 years.

FURTHER RESOLVED to note that as a result of his resignation the vacancy on the Council has been advertised. In accordance with procedure if no election is called within 14 days of the notice displayed in the villages then the Council can progress to fill the vacancy by co-option – the deadline for the calling of an election is 7 October 16.

RESOLVED that Bill Barkworth will be removed from the Parish Council’s bank mandate.


RESOLVED that the following amendments be made to the committee structure and councillor representatives list:

Committee Structure
Policy Committee – Remove Bill Barkworth and add Cllr Meryl Liddell

Staffing Committee – Remove Bill Barkworth and add Cllr Debra Smith

Councillor Representatives
CARE & Silkstone in Bloom – Remove Bill Barkworth and leave Richard Leech and
Ron Stier as councillor representatives.

Silkstone Luncheon Club – Remove Bill Barkworth and add Cllr Richard Bell.

Silkstone Common Good Companions – Remove Bill Barkworth and leave Ron Stier as councillor representative.

16-107 MINUTES

RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Silkstone Parish Council meeting held on Monday 3 September16 as a true and accurate record, the Chair signed the minutes.

RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Neighbourhood Planning feasibility working party meeting held on 7 September 16.

FURTHER RESOLVED to progress setting up a steering group to progress Neighbourhood Planning. Funding requests and any financial matters relating to Neighbourhood Planning to be brought to the Parish Council for approval.

RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Silkstone Playing Fields Committee meeting held on Monday 11 July 16.

RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Local Development Plan/Neighbourhood Planning public meeting held on Monday 19 September 16.


None received


RESOLVED to note the Clerks report on the Business Continuity plan and to note that the Chair and Vice Chair have a full pack of information. Chair and Vice Chair to consider the review provided by Zurich and will report back to Council at the next meeting with any recommendations for amendments to the business continuity plan.


RESOLVED to arrange a meeting of the Policy Committee on 10 October 16 to review the terms of reference documents for all committees and working parties and consider the following policy documents

* Retention of Documents Policy
* Community Engagement Strategy
* Staff Appraisal Process
* Training Statement of Intent
* Complaints Procedure


RESOLVED to note that the Silkstone newsletter deliverer has resigned. Thanks were given to Cllr Richard Bell for completing the delivery of newsletters in Silkstone. He will discuss the issues identified with the Clerk as some properties have not been receiving the newsletter and a few addresses were difficult to find. Cllr Meryl Liddell reported that the new colour newsletter had been well received.

A meeting of the Media working party will be arranged in due course.


RESOLVED to note that there will be no police presence at the Remembrance Day service in Silkstone this year. A wreath has been ordered and will be placed by a councillor. The Clerk will liaise with Rev Browell regarding the arrangements for the day.

16-113 A628 CROSSING

RESOLVED to note that a date is awaited for works to commence on the A628 crossing following a successful grant application to Barnsley MBC ward alliance.


Cllr Steve Fletcher provided an update. Leafleting and a survey have been undertaken, and whilst full collation and analysis hasn’t yet been done, the responses to the online survey (85 respondents) show rates of positive response exceeding 80% for all proposed undertakings. Feedback once completed will be posted in the Huskar Rooms.

Having secured £10k, the Parish Council will now obtain tenders from contractors for the trim trail. The result of the application to Veolia for a £75k grant should be advised by December 16. An application for planning permission has been submitted for the proposed MUGA, although some queries were raised and these need to be addressed in order to avoid delaying Veolia’s considerations. Cllr Ron Stier thanked Cllr Steve Fletcher for his hard work, to which all present agreed.


a. Shared Access

Cllr Steve Fletcher explained that he had been approached by ‘ Shared Access’ who could offer to market the Recreation Ground to mobile phone companies, and if successful, will provide benefits to the site – specifically new floodlighting to incorporate one very tall floodlight which will carry the mobile mast. Benefits to the parish could be in the region of £30k. Cllr Steve Fletcher has held a meeting regarding feasibility and a more detailed survey is the next stage after which a report will be made to Council.

Cllr Derek Liddell referred to local uproar regarding a proposal to put a mast up at the Church, which resulted in the abandonment of the scheme. He was concerned also about the visual impact of the mast. He also pointed out that any improvements to local mobile coverage would be welcome.

Cllr Debra Smith pointed out that the opportunity to site a mast in the parish might attract revenue from other businesses besides Shared Access, and that steps should be taken to ensure value for money in any contract.
RESOLVED that Cllr Steve Fletcher be authorised to proceed with organising a survey and to liaise with the Clerk to present a report to Council in due course.

b. Health & Safety

An emergency lighting contractor has been appointed and the works are due to commence. There are mole problems on the pitches and rats have been reported around the Huskar Community Rooms’ bins.

16-116 SUMMER FAIR 2017

RESOLVED to note the report issued to members on the day of the meeting following the first meeting of the Summer Fair working party on 28 September 16. Members expressed enthusiasm for a fair in Silkstone Common and agreed to a proposed date of
2 September 17 (approval will be sought from Barnsley MBC who manage the Silkstone Common recreation ground). Members agreed that the anniversary dates next year of 150 years of South Yorkshire Buildings and the 180 year anniversary of the Huskar Pit disaster should be linked into the event. Cllr Ron Stier suggested involving Silkstone Common school. A further meeting of the working party is to be arranged which all councillors are welcome to attend.

16-117 EXTERNAL AUDIT 2015/2016

RESOLVED to approve the completed external audit for 2015/2016 which has been returned from the external auditor. The Parish Council noted thanks to the Clerk for all the hard work she completed to achieve this completed audit.


RESOLVED to note that the Clerk, Cllr Richard Leech and Cllr Debra Smith have reviewed the accounting processes of the Parish Council with a view to considering the use of an accounting software package.

FURTHER RESOLVED that for the time being the accounting records will continue to be maintained in excel. It was agreed that the Clerk should undertake advanced excel training. The Clerk and Cllr Debra Smith will work together to create a new financial report for Parish Council to ensure that known future costs are incorporated within the budget reports. A further review will take place in due course and an allowance made in the budget for 17/18 to cover the cost of accounting software.


RESOLVED to approve the invoices for payment schedules dated 3 October 16summarised below:

Payee / Description / Total / Cheque no
Paid in between meetings
Capstone Consulting / War Memorial Structural Survey / 660.00 / 301117
Moving Words / Pre approved 16-17 grant for Somme Commemoration / 250.00 / 301118
Silkstone in Bloom / Remainder of pre-approved grant / 200.00 / 301119
Horner Associates / Re-valuation of Silkstone sports Pavilion / 210.00 / 301120
Co-op bank / Charge card fee / 2.00 / Charge card
Silkstone Common WI / Pre- approved 16-17 grant / 65.00 / 301121
BOS Office Supplies / Newsletter printing / 518.29 / 301122
Salaries / Parish Clerk, Tax, NI and Pension / 1,612.91 / SO, 301123,301124 & 301125
Zurich Municipal / Insurance 1 Oct 16-30 Sept 17 / 2,074.03 / 301126
BDO LLP / Annual audit fees 16/17 / 1,032.00 / 301127
Bothams Prestige / Pitches maintenance Sept 16 / 901.50 / 301128
SLCC / Membership renewal up to 30 Oct 17 / 167.00 / 301129
Expert Water Services / Legionella monitoring Oct 16 / 54.00 / 301130
EON / Pavilion gas bill / 60.90 / DD
EON / Pavilion electric bill / 44.06 / DD
Blue Tree Accoustics / Noise survey for MUGA / 660.00 / 301131
Handy man / Maintenance August and September 16 / 2,522.31 / 301132
Total / 7,692.73

All payments include VAT where applicable

SO = Standing order DD = Direct Debit

Cllr Andrew Browell / None
Cllr Richard Leech / 30 September – meeting with Clerk and Debra Smith about accounting software. Also 30 September meeting of Twinning Association.
Cllr Meryl Liddell / 28 September – Summer Fair 2017 meeting
7 September & 19 September - Neighbourhood Planning Feasibility meeting
Cllr Debra Smith / 30 September – meeting with Clerk and Richard Leech about accounting software
28 September – Summer Fair 2017 meeting
7 September & 19 September - Neighbourhood Planning Feasibility meeting
Cllr Derek Liddell / YLCA Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting.
Cllr Ron Stier / Silkstone Charities meeting
2 meetings of Silkstone Common good companions
Community Hub meeting
Cllr Stephen Fletcher / 30 September – meeting with Clerk about trim trail tenders
Community Hub meeting
Feasibility meeting with Shared Access


In Clerk’s absence no correspondence to the Council office was reported.

RESOLVED to note correspondence received by the Chair from a resident complimenting the piece in the newsletter regarding dog fouling but complaining about the general state of the footpaths and littering around the Parish.


RESOLVED to note that the next meeting of Silkstone Parish Council will be held on Monday7 November2016 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.

Chairman’s Signature / Date

The Chair closed the meeting at 8.46 pm

Silkstone Parish Council3 October 16