Undergraduate New Major Action Request
Cross Disciplinary Form
General Instructions
The Undergraduate New Major Action Request – Cross Disciplinary Form is to propose a new major that is offered by more than one academic unit. All new major proposals must be discussed with the Associate Vice Provost for Cross Disciplinary Studies and Planning (Dr. A.J. Morey, ) as part of the pre-proposal process before beginning the C&I procedure. The Associate Vice Provost will assign the appropriate College C & I chairs to serve on the Cross College Curriculum Committee (CCCC). The Curriculum Support and Design Specialist for Cross Disciplinary Studies and Planning (Kristi McDonnell, ) will serve as the proposal manager when the proposal is distributed to academic units. The proposal manager will receive and track approval signatures and inform the program’s originators of the proposal’s progress.
To enter information, click to highlight the shaded entry field and begin typing. The entry area will expand to accommodate characters as they are entered.
If this proposal requires adding, deleting, or modifying courses, the necessary course action requests should originate at the same time as this proposal so all necessary actions may be considered at the same time.
Major Name: Enter the program name exactly as it will appear in the undergraduate catalog.
Last Date to raise questions about this request: DO NOT ENTER this information. This date is inserted by the proposal manager after the request is approved by the CCCC and before it is moved to the Approved page of the C&I Web site.
College C&I Chairs:
This proposal will be vetted by the CCCC. College C & I Chairs that should be notified are:
__ CAL – Jessica Adolino (adolinjr)__ CHBS – Paula Maxwell (maxwelpj)
__ CISE – Brad Striebig (striebba)
__ COB – Mike Busing (busingme) / __ COE – Maggie Kyger (kygermm)
__ CSM – Bob Hanson (hansonjr)
__ CVPA – Cole Welter (welterch)
__ University Studies – Fletcher Linder (lindergf)
__ General Education – Georgia Polacek (polacegn)
Faculty Contact for this proposal:
Academic units submitting request: Enter the name of the academic units with which the program is affiliated.
Cross Disciplinary Studies on behalf of ______(Proposer’s Name), the ______(Major Name) Steering Committee, and the following participating units:
Action(s) desired: Select each option that applies.
New Major / Other (enter description):NEW major catalog description: The description should avoid jargon, include only complete sentences, and be written so that an undergraduate will understand.
Purpose and/or justification: Describe the reason(s) the request is being submitted. This should include information on why or how the idea was initiated (e.g., requests from students, requests from other academic units, results of assessment activities or Academic Program Review, new faculty specialty area, etc.).
Date proposed change should take effect: Enter the semester and year this change should become effective (e.g., fall 2008)
Additional Requirements
Faculty: Select the option that applies. All new courses must check at least one of the following options:
____ Existing Faculty: If existing faculty will teach the courses, explain how course loads will be adjusted to accommodate the change.
____ Additional Faculty: If additional faculty will be required, describe how they will be funded.
Additional classroom/laboratory space: Describe any new classroom/laboratory space that will be required, including where it is located.
Equipment: Describe any additional equipment that will be required (e.g., hardware, software, laboratory apparatuses, etc.) and how it will be funded.
Special funding: Describe any additional funding that will be required, the reason(s) for the funding and, how it will be obtained.
Library/information technology: Describe any additional library or information technology resources that will be needed. If such resources are required, the Dean of Libraries must be consulted and must sign the Acknowledgements page where indicated.
Other Affected Academic Units
Affected units: If this request will potentially affect other academic units, briefly describe the impact.
GEN-ED/IDLS/PECC Impact: Select each program that may be affected by the request.
____ General Education Requirements: If selected, explain how General Education may be affected by this request. Prior to submitting the request, be sure that the Dean of Gen-Ed has been consulted and has signed the Acknowledgements page where indicated.
____ Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies Major: If checked, explain how the Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies Major may be affected by this request. Prior to submitting the request, be sure that the chair of the IDLS Steering Committee has been consulted and has signed the Acknowledgements page where indicated.
____ Professional Education Coordinating Council: If checked, explain how teacher education may be affected by this request. Prior to submitting the request, be sure that the chair of PECC has been consulted and has signed the Acknowledgements page where indicated.
___ Office of International Programs: If selected, explain how the Office of International Programs may be affected by this request. Prior to submitting the request, be sure that the Executive Director of OIP has been consulted and has signed the Acknowledgements page where indicated.