Minutes of the the monthly meeting of Pamber Parish Council held in the Memorial Hall, Pamber Heath on Monday 13th June, starting at 7.30pm.

Present:Apologies: Borough Cllr. Mrs M. Tucker

Cllr. C. Goss (Chairman) County Cllr. K. Chapman

Cllr. P. Kingston (Vice Chairman)

Cllr. Mrs J. Tyson

Cllr. Mrs M. Hale

Cllr. Mrs. A. Witchalls

Cllr. G. Mcgarvie

Cllr. G. March

Cllr. D. Snook

Cllr. R. Gardiner

Cllr. T. Young

Miss L.S. Browne (Clerk)

9 members of the public were present.


122/16: Declarations of Interest:

Councillors were reminded that any changes must be reported to BDBC.

123/16: Minutes of the last meeting.

The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed as a true record.

124/16: Matters arising and not appearing elsewhere on the agenda.

There were no matters arising.

125/16:Public Participation to include question by parishioner regarding the stated duties of the Pamber Parish Council including “Engage with all interested parties regarding current and future shape of life in the local area.”

Extract from correspondence from a Parishioner:

“In light of the comments made at the Pamber Parish Annual Meeting about the need for the Pamber Parish Council to be more proactive rather than reactive, how does the Pamber Parish Council intend to achieve this with respect to the above duty in both the current financial year and the future financial years?”

It was noted that funds were limited for the financial year ahead so long term planning often tended to be replaced by short term firefighting. However, it was agreed that the perception of the Council needed to be addressed and there was a need to for the Council to reconnect with its Parishioners.As soon as legislation was finalised a Neighbourhood Plan would be brought to Council, with a series of public meetings about this. The Parish Lengthsman Scheme was the current focus with regard to actively making improvements to the local area but it was noted that it took two years to implement and this was not through lack of effort.

126/16: Planning.

a.)Planning applications to include issues relating to Planning Application 15/02132/OUT-Berry Court Farm: There was nothing further to report.

Planning applications:

T/00175/16/TPO: Crown reduction of 1 no. sycamore tree.

6 Georgina Gardens, Pamber Heath.

T/00220/16/TCA: Proposed works to trees in a conservation area.

Honey Mill, Dix Hill, Pamber Hill.

16/01431/HSE: Raising part of roof to form first floor accommodation. Erection of open front porch.

Benmore, Frog Lane, Little London.

No objection

16/01726/FUL: Erection of replacement 3 bed dwelling and garages following demolition of existing bungalow.

Oakfield, New Road, Pamber Green

16/01796/RES: Reserved matters applicant pursuant to outline planning permission 15/01757/OUT for the erection of a 5 bed dwelling and associated works, including layout, appearance, landscaping and scale.

Wayside, Silchester Road, Little London.

Members noted that trees and hedges conditions should be put on any decision made.

b.) Planning decisions:

16/00300/FUL: Erection of 2 no. three bedroom bungalows.

Land Rear of Greenacres Aldermaston Road Pamber Green Hampshire



1. Oak - Crown lift to give 5m clearance above ground level. Crown clean by removing all major deadwood.

2. Beech No Action.

3. Oak Lift existing crown by 1m.

4. Oak - Crown lift to give 5m clearance above ground level. Crown clean by removing all major deadwood. Reduce lateral spread on northern side growing towards property by approx. 2m pruning back to suitable growth points.

5. Oak - Oak - Crown lift to give 5m clearance above ground level. Crown clean by removing all major deadwood.

6. Oak (group of 4) - Crown lift to give 5m clearance above ground level. Crown clean by removing all major deadwood. Reduce lateral spread on northern side growing towards property by approx. 2m pruning back to suitable growth points.

7. Oak - Crown lift to give 5m clearance above ground level. Crown clean by removing all major deadwood.

8. Oak - Crown lift to give 5m clearance above ground level. Crown clean by removing all major deadwood. Reduce lateral spread on northern side growing towards property by approx. 2m pruning back to suitable growth points.

Wakeford Court Silchester Road Pamber Heath Hampshire RG26 3XD


16/01016/RET: Retention of tennis court at Wyeford Manor Farm

Wyeford Farm Road to Wyeford Farm Ramsdell Tadley RG26 5QL


16/01128/FUL: Creation of new vehicular access.

Ramblers Aldermaston Road Pamber End Hampshire


T/00118/16/TPO: T1, T2, T3 common oak - crown lift to 5m, crown thinning of 20% (including 20% reduction in length of lateral branches overhanging driveway) and removal of deadwood.

Rustlings Green Lane Pamber Green Tadley Hampshire RG26 3AD


T/00098/16/TPO: Oaks (T1&T2) - Crown reduce height and spread by approx. 1m. Finished height approx. 7m, finished crown spread (radius). approx 3m. Remove deadwood.

Oaks (T3-T6) - Crown reduce height by approx. 3m and spread by approx. 2m on southerly side predominantly over highway, finished crown height approx 12m and finished crown spread (radius) 5m approx. Deadwood.

Raise crown on all trees up to 5m over highway.

37 Silchester Road Pamber Heath Hampshire RG26 3ED


15/03029/OUT: Outline application for the erection of up to 12 no. dwellings together with the creation of a new vehicle and pedestrian access to the A340.

Land Between Elmdene and Fairholme Aldermaston Road Pamber End Hampshire.


16/01205/HSE: Erection of a detached garage.

Clovelly Silchester Road Little London RG26 5EX.


15/02685/RET: Siting of a mobile home for residential use of one gypsy family and erection of a utility/day room building.

Land Adjoining Forest Farm Sandy Lane Pamber Heath Hampshire.


127/16: Finance to include reinvestment of funds:

a)Cheques for signature:

1326 / BDBC / Grounds Maintenance May / 971.44
SO / Benyon Trust / Englefield Estate rent / 231.25
1329 / HALC / Books / 1.00
1332 / HMRC / Tax payments / 383.07
1334 / The Villager Magazine / Insertion of Survey fee / 25.00

b) Income received since the last meeting

HMRC / VAT Repayment / 2688.44
Lloyds Bank / Fixed Term Deposit interest / 56.40
Lloyds Bank / Interest May / 1.55

c) Reinvestment of funds

Resolved: the investment sum of £12,000 which matured in June be re-invested in a fixed term deposit account for a further six months.


d) any other issues:

“See Ability” donation request: It was agreed that the Council would need to have access to the end of year accounts of See Ability before agreeing on any donation.

128/16: Accounts, Audit and Annual Return 2015 – 2016.

a) approval of the Income and Expenditure Account, Balance Sheet and Supporting Papers.

Resolved: to approve the income and expenditure accounts.

b) To receive and consider the Internal Auditor’s Report.

The report was presented and accepted. There were no significant items arising from the audit.

c) To approve and sign the Annual Governance Statement.

Resolved: That the governance statement be approved and signed.

d) To approve and sign the Accounting Statements (Audit Return).

Resolved: that the accounting statements be approved and signed.

129/16: Parish Lengthsman Scheme

A full discussion took place regarding what tasks could be delegated to the Parish Lengthsman. It was noted that the grass along the A340 needed cutting and access to the housing development site be made clearer. The footpath at the bottom of Pamber Heath Road was deemed extremely overgrown and the one along New Road had a broken stile so would be considered.

The issue of Impstone Car Park had been passed to the SCMC for consideration as the area was part of the Common and not technically a car park so Silchester Council were wary of any future liabilities. This would be discussed further after the SCMC’s meeting but the Clerk was asked to contact Silchester Parish Council regarding the Small Grant Fund that they could apply for to contribute towards this.

130/16: Consideration of Annual Safety Inspection.

The annual inspection report had been received and there were no matters that required immediate attention.

131/16: The Memorial Hall.

It was asked whether the tennis courts behind the Memorial Hall could be used for a fete but the Council decided that while the tennis club was spending money on them it would not be fair to do so as the tables and chairs could make the court surface deteriorate rapidly. Cllr. Kingston brought up the issue of CCTV there and stated the need to look into replacing it.

132/16: St. Stephen’s Hall

Cllr. March reported that at the meeting the committee voted to look into taking control of the lease on the existing hall if the planning application which included a new hall was successful. He said that he would ask for a policy to look at insurance and liability. It was agreed that these policy details should be passed to an internal auditor. Cllr. Witchalls reported that there were three fundraising events planned for next month.

133/16: To consider any issues arising from the Annual Parish Meeting.

There were no issues arising.

134/16: Police Matters.

After complaints from residents from Burney Bit the Council had asked the local Police Patrol Officer to increase late night patrols of the area which she agreed to do.

135/16: Open Spaces.

a) Inspection of play equipment by BDBC: Regular inspections had been carried out and no new faults had been reported.

b) Request for Pamber Parish Council to inform Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council of any open space, play area or sports facilities improvement projects planned over the next 5 years: Whilst no projects had been planned as yet, the Clerk was asked to contact the Council to Inform them that the Council were considering installing new equipment in Pamber Park, or the tennis courts if this was not feasible. Cllr. March suggested outdoor gym equipment and he and the Clerk agreed to look into costings for this.

The grass by the allotments still had not been cut so the Clerk was asked to look into this. Cllr. Tyson and Cllr. Gardiner agreed to judge the allotments this year.

136/16: Highway Matters to include speeding issues on Silchester Road, Little London: possibility of implementing a community speed watch programme as in the village of Silchester.

The Council agreed to financially contribute towards a Speedwatch scheme if a minimum of five volunteers could be found. Cllr. Witchalls and the Clerk agreed to advertise for this and the Clerk said that she would contact AWE to request a contribution from them.

137/16: Council Meetings:

The Chairman reported that there had been a complaint made against one councillor. He asked members of the Council to think about the way issued are raised between parishioners and councillors and questioned how everyone in the Parish could effectively get their points of view across. It was agreed that at the next Council meeting a new seating layout would be trialled so Councillors could interact more with those attending the meeting. It was noted that people who wanted to get their views across and minuted needed to be made more aware of the Public Participation element of the meeting rather than Open Forum. It was agreed that improved communication was needed to help bridge the gap between the Council and its residents and Cllrs. Witchalls, Kingston and March agreed to look into the use of social media to support this. With regards to the Public Consultation, it was agreed that those on the Council were interested in making a statement about why they voted in support of the planning application could write a small contribution for the upcoming newsletter explaining the reasons for their decisions.

138/16: Borough and County Councillors’ Reports.

There was no report from the County Councillor. Cllr. Gardiner reported that savings of £1.5 million need to be found. A suggestion of alternative weekly waste collections was not supported but other areas would need to be looked at for cost cutting.

139/16: Reports from Parish Council Representatives: -

a) Pamber Forest Advisory Committee: The bat boxes were due to be erected in the summer and a lot of frogs had been reported in the area. The Councillor’s walk would be held on Sunday 10th July at 10am, beginning and ending at the Plough.

b) Basingstoke and District Association of Town and Parish Councils: no meeting.

c) The Memorial Hall, Pamber Heath: no report.

d) St. Stephens Hall, Little London: no report.

e) AWE Local Liaison Committee: meeting due to be held on June 22nd.

f) Hampshire Association of Local Councils: no report.

g) BDBC Parish Liaison Meeting: no report.

140/16: Correspondence.

BDBC: HARAH invitation

DigiHealth UK: Newsletter

Hampshire Alerts

See Ability-donation request

LGBC-Electoral review of Hampshire

Citizens Advice-Receipt of and thanks for donation

141/16: Date of Next Meeting.

The next meeting of Pamber Parish Council will be held in St Stephen’s Hall, Little London on Monday 11th July at 7.30pm.

The meeting closed at 9.20pm