Policy written by: Ian Farr & Shahla Matarazzo



  1. Introduction

Every day missed from school is a lost opportunity. Requests for holidays during term time have increased and it is important that parents are aware that these will be refused unless there are really exceptional circumstances. If a child is taken away for a two week holiday every year and has the average number of days off for sickness and appointments, by the time they leave at 16 they will have missed a year of school.

Staff monitor attendance closely and parents of any child whose attendance is seen to be of concern below 90% in the first half term rising to below 96% as the year progresses will be contacted by the college.

Linton Village Collegeaims to:

  • raiselevelsof achievementbyensuringthehighestpossiblelevelsofattendance; punctualityandinvolvementin the college;
  • ensurethatevery studenthas access to theeducation to which theyareentitled and
  • be proactive in addressingearly patterns ofabsence.

2. Legal and National Context

Amendmentstothe Education(PupilRegistration)Regulations2006 makeclearthat Headteachersmaynot grant leave of absence duringterm timeunlessthereareveryexceptional circumstances. TheCollegeupholdstheseregulationsandapplicationsfor holidayorleave duringtermtimewillnotbeauthorised. Toavoiddifficultyor disappointment, parentsareaskedtorefrain fromsuch requests.

Amendments have also been made to the 2007 Regulations in the Education (Penalty Notices) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013. The amendments described below came into force on 1st September 2013.

Penalty notices (fines) may be issued to each parent who fails to ensure their children’s regular attendance at school or fails to ensure that their excluded child is not in a public place during the first five days of exclusion. Parents must pay £60 within 21 days; or £120 within 28 days.

3. Implementation

The College will:

  • ensurethat collegepolicywith regardto term-timeholidaysis clearly statedin the collegeprospectus,onthe collegewebsite andiscommunicatedto parents termly;
  • remindparentsof the importance of ensuring their children’s regular, uninterrupted college attendance;
  • activelydiscourageparentsfrom arrangingholidaysduringterm-time;
  • unequivocallyremindparentsthattheydonothaveanyrightorentitlementto expect term-timeleavetobe granted and that all leaveisgrantedat the discretionofthe Principal(orthoseauthorisedtoexercisediscretiononher behalf);
  • adviseparentsthatifleaveistakenwithoutauthorisationitwillberecordedin the college attendanceregister as unauthorisedabsence,andthatthematter may be referred to the attendance team;
  • adviseparentsthatnon-attendance orabsencethatisunauthorised and that attendance which falls below 96% will result in contact from the college; attendance below 85%couldresultin parentingcontracts,or legalenforcementincludingPenalty Notices, School AttendanceOrders, Education Supervision Ordersorprosecution;
  • provideattendancedataon thetermlyreport;
  • reporton attendancetoGovernors and
  • pass on attendance data to all Post 16 centers as required.

4. PromotingAttendance

Thecollegeusesopportunitiesastheyarise toremindparentsand pupilsofthe importanceofattendanceforinstancethroughparentinformationevenings,thepupil planner,ParentHandbooksandhome/schoolagreements.Attendance isalsocelebrated through assemblies andattendanceawards.

In additionthefollowingpersonnel have a keyrolein supporting goodattendance.

4.1. Lead tutors, who will:

  • give attendancea highprofile atassemblies and college events;
  • monitorYear Group attendancetargetsandrecordkeeping;
  • implementsystemof rewards andsanctions;
  • supportTutorsonissuesofnon-attendanceandwithinternal truancy,remedyingcauses andapplying sanctions;
  • meetwith parentsto discuss attendanceproblems as soon as theyare identified;
  • leadonstrategiestoimproveattendanceof students whoareidentified as beinga concernthrough meetings with studentsandparents;
  • work with the Student support team to implementthe two letter warningsystem;
  • work with the Student support team to referifabsenceisunauthorisedof 90%or moreover asixweekperiodorishistorical;
  • work with the Student support team to ensure work is provided for excluded students and long-term absentees;
  • lookforpatternsofabsencesandconsiderimpactofcurriculumupon attendance alongside other possible causes and
  • workwiththeAssistantPrincipal(Inclusion),EWO, SENCO,LocalityTeam and student support teamto work alongside the creation of individual packagesand re- integration plans,whereappropriate.

4.2.Tutors, who will:

  • be a goodrolemodel for students;
  • give attendancea highprofile;
  • praise students for arrivingon time;
  • take prompt action where studentsare late or absent without explanation, recordinglateness andreferringto Lead Tutor;
  • keepan accurate register and
  • inform theLead tutor when absenceiscausingconcern.

4.3.Student support team member, who will:

  • oversee administrationof theSIMS Register system;
  • contact parents of any child whose absence is unexplained by phone by 11.00 am;
  • keep parents informed of any unexplained absences before they become unauthorized;
  • supporttheworkof SLT,Lead tutor and Tutorsby providingregular attendanceinformation;
  • liaise with Lead tutors to monitor accuracy of record keeping;
  • keepingtheAssistantPrincipal(Inclusion)informedofattendance issues through weeklyreports;
  • keeptheAssistantPrincipal(Inclusion)informedofinaccurate markingofstaffregistersaspart ofanalert systemforstaffwho maynotbemaintaining accurate recordingof registers;
  • workwiththeAssistantPrincipal(Inclusion),EWO, SENCO,LocalityTeam and student support teamto create individual packagesand re- integration plans,whereappropriate and
  • meet regularly with the college’s EWO to seek advice and consultation.

4.4.Class Teachers, who will:

  • praise studentsfor theirpunctuality tolessons;
  • maintain an accurate class register through the Lesson Monitor system and
  • alerttheAttendanceofficer if thereareconcernsover studentabsence.

4.5.Parents, who will:

  • ensurethatchildren leave for college ontimeeveryday;
  • provide awritten explanation forchildren’s absences fromcollege in the planner or by letter/email;
  • endeavour not to take children outofcollege intermtime;
  • notifythe college assoonasproblemsarisewithchild’sattendance and
  • ifnoletterhasbeensentinadvancetelephonethe collegeonthefirst morningchild isabsent.

4.6. Students, who will:

  • arrive by 8.25am for registration every morning at 8.30am;
  • arrive 2.05pm for registration period 5;
  • be punctual for lessons;
  • make surea note issentfrom parentsto explainabsences;
  • sign in at reception if theyarelate arrivingfor college;
  • signoutat receptioniftheyleaving college during anypartofthe collegedayotherthan3.05pm and
  • tell their Tutor or Lead tutor or a member of the Student support team if they are having any problems attending college.

5. The work ofEducationWelfareOfficer (EWO)

TheschoolandEWOalways endeavour to work with studentsandparentsatanearly stage toresolve problems. Thisis nearlyalwayssuccessful. However,the EWOalsohasalegalrole andifotherwaysof resolvingattendance havefailed,these officerscan use legalsanctionssuch asPenalty Noticesorprosecutionsinthe Magistratescourt.

The Role of the Educational Welfare Officer at Linton Village College

The college buys half a day per week of an Educational Welfare Officer’s time. This is from 12:45pm – 4:15pm, every Thursday. Each member of the student support team meets weekly with the EWO (for approximately 20 minutes) to discuss and review all cases that are under the 96% threshold. The purpose of these meetings is to:

  • determine that, procedurally, all reasons for authorized absences are legitimate and the school processes are robust;
  • receive advice and guidance where the school feels unable to authorize absences and the presenting total absences are giving cause for concern;
  • arrange meetings, if applicable, when the EWO can be present, to support the school in its work in raising attendance levels. This may include supporting the school in organizing parental contracts and
  • request formal involvement in PACE meetings, and in other cases such as Children Missing Education (CME), all forms of legal enforcement, including the issuing of penalty notices, schools attendance orders and education supervision orders.

6. Sanctions forPoor Attendanceand Punctuality

The College reserves the right to use any of the following sanctions to fulfil its obligationswith respectto school attendance:

  • Facultydetention
  • Afterschool detention for truancy or persistent lateness
  • Report for attendance/punctuality
  • Parentmeetings
  • ParentContracts
  • Penalty notices

Section444(1)oftheEducationAct1996providesthataparentcommitsanoffenceif hisorher compulsoryschoolage childwhoisa registeredpupilfailstoattendschool regularly. Thiscanresultintheschoolofferingtheparenttheopportunitytoenterinto aparentingcontractfollowingapupil‘struancyornon-attendanceundersection19of theAnti-social BehaviourAct2003.

Section444(1)oftheEducationAct1996providesthataparentcommitsanoffenceif hisorher compulsoryschoolage childwhoisa registeredpupilfailstoattendschool regularly.ThiscanresultintheschoolinstigatingaPenaltyNoticeundersection23of theAnti-socialBehaviourAct2003(instigatedby thePrincipalandDeputy andAssistant Principals authorisedbythem,or soauthorisedbytheLocal Authority).

Amendments have also been made to the 2007 Regulations in the Education (Penalty Notices) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013. The amendments described below came into force on 1st September 2013.

Penalty notices (fines) may be issued to each parent who fails to ensure their children’s regular attendance at school or fails to ensure that their excluded child is not in a public place during the first five days of exclusion. Parents must pay £60 within 21 days; or £120 within 28 days.

Parentingorders,EducationSupervisionOrdersorPenaltyNoticescanalsobe issued.

Prosecution bytheEducation WelfareServiceonbehalf of theLA.

AppendixA: Procedureforreporting absence

1. Ifachildisabsentfrom collegethefollowingproceduresarerequiredto ensurethecollegeis fullyinformed

1.1.First day absence

  • The Student support team is notified by telephone: 01223 891233 ext 383 or an email is sent to a member of the Student support team ; ; ; ;

Informationisprovided,includingthereasonforabsence, student nameand form group.

  • Onreturnto college,theparentprovidesanotewithanexplanationfor absence,unless thereason has alreadybeen provided via college email.

1.2.Thirdday absence

  • Ifthe studentisabsentforthreedays,furthercontactwith the teamis requiredbytheparenttoprovidedetailsabouttheduedateforareturn to collegebythe student.


  • Inthecaseoflongertermabsence, Student support teamisinformedsothat appropriate work orsupportcan beprovided.
  • Ten days’ absence
  • A student whoisabsentwithoutanexplanation for10consecutivedayswillbe notifiedtothe LocalAuthority,bysubmittingareferraltotheChildren’sServices AttendanceTeam.This is a legal requirement.
  • This should be treated as a ‘Children Missing From Education’ matter and a formal request for education welfare intervention must be made within 10 days.
  • For students with a medical reason for absence details should be obtained from a qualified medical practitioner. Appropriate work and support should be offered.
  • For safeguarding purposes, if there is social care involvement or child protection then the EWO and the linked social worker should be informed immediately.

2. Ifachildneedstobeabsentduringthe college daythefollowingprocedures arerequired.

  • Parent to contact the college on 01223 891233 ext 383 or by email to inform of reason for absenceduringtheday, appointment.
  • Thestudent mustsignoutbeforetheyleavethe collegepremisesandsigninon their return.

3. College actionin the caseof student absence

  • Onthefirstdayofabsence,the Student support teamwillusetelephonecontact toconfirmabsencewiththeparentif contacthas notalreadybeen made.
  • A member of the Student support team, Lead tutor,accompaniedbytheEducationWelfareOfficeroraSenior Colleague islikelytomakeahome visitincasesthatare deemed‘atrisk’ ofpoor attendance.

•Inthecaseof studentattendancethatisdeemed'at risk',theparentwillbeinvited toschooltodiscussabsenceandactionsforimprovingattendance.

•Inthecaseofa studentabsencemovingtowardsthe85% PersistentAbsence(PA) level,thepupilwillbereferredtothe EWO.

AppendixB: Punctuality

Poorpunctualityisnotacceptableat Linton VillageCollege.Ifachildmisses thestartoftheday, theycanmissvitalworkandinformation. Latenessisalso disruptivetolessons.

1. TheCollegeday

The college day startswith aregistrationat8.30am. Studentsareexpected to bein their tutorroomby8.25am. Any student whoarrives afterthistimeisregisteredaslateand minutes late willbe recorded.

Registersareclosed as soon as they are called 8.30am. A studentwhoislateafterthistime will be marked late by their tutor, if after 8.45am students shouldsignin at Reception and marked at late.

Afternoon register starts at2.05pm. Afternoonregisters closeat 2.10pm.

Ifa studentarriveslateto college,forexample duetoadentalappointment,anotemust accompanythechildontheirreturn whichtheywillgivetothe Student support team,when theysign in. In this casetheabsencewill be recordedasauthorised.

2. Lessonmonitor

Everylessonisregisteredthrough the college internalsystem. Teachersareexpectedto ensure thattheregisteristaken aspromptlyaspossible. Thereasonforthisistotrack punctualityandin collegetruancy. Itisessential thatregistersarerecordedaccurately, usingthe internalsystem. Inthe rareoccasionthatthe register isnot accessibleonthe system,apapercopyoftheregistershouldbeused. Inthiscasetheteacheris expectedtocompletetheregister

Ifa student islateinarrivingtolesson,the teacherwillrecordlatenessonthe systemto show thenumberof minutes late.

The Lead tutor hasthe overview ofpunctualityandwillfollow uplatenesswith individual students,whowillbeexpectedtomake upthetimelost. Incasesofpersistent lateness, Lead tutors will place student onmonitoringreport or in Afterschool detention.

AppendixC:Understanding types of absence

Everyhalf-dayabsencefrom college hastobeclassifiedbythe college,eitheras authorisedorunauthorised absence.

1. Authorisedabsences

AuthorisedabsencesareapprovedbytheSLT member designatedonbehalfofthePrincipal. Anexampleofanauthorisedabsencethatmaybe approvedwouldbe a morningor afternoon awayfrom school for a reason such as illness or medical/dental appointmentsthatunavoidablyfall within theschoolday, or a sporting commitment drama, dance or music examination or competition.

Allabsence requestsmustbe made on the college Leave of Absence form and sent to Assistant Principal.

Unauthorised absences

Unauthorisedabsences are thosewhichthe collegedoesnotconsiderreasonableandfor which permission has notbeen given.Thisincludes:

  • parentskeepingchildrenoff college unnecessarily
  • truancybeforeorduringthe college day
  • unexplainedabsence
  • students who regularly arrivelate,after registrationhas closed
  • holidays/daysoff college
  • students stayingoff collegeforinvalidreasonssuchasshopping,caringforsiblings, etc

ThistypeofabsencecanleadtotheLocalAuthorityusingsanctions and/orlegal proceedings

3. PersistentAbsenteeism(PA)

A student becomesa ‘persistentabsentee’ (PA) when theymiss 15%ormore schooling acrosstheyearfor whateverreason. Absenceatthislevelwillcauseconsiderable damagetoachild’seducationalprospects. The collegemonitorsallabsencethoroughly. Ifachild’sabsence isdeemedtobe‘atrisk’ ofPA,the parentwillbeinformedofthisby theLead Tutor. PA studentsaretrackedthroughthepastoralsystem, combinedwith academicmonitoring. AllPAcasesaremadeknowntotheEducationalWelfareOfficer. AllPA studentsare madesubjecttoanactionplanwhichisdiscussedbetweenthe pupil, parent,PastoralLeaderandEWOifappropriate. Studentsatriskmayalsobereferredto theParentSupportAdviser,whoworkswith familiestoprovidesupportandstrategies to encourage attendance.



Asaparent/careryouare stronglyurgedtoavoidtakingyourchild out of college duringtermtime. Pleasenotethe followingbeforeapplyingfor leaveofabsencefrom college:

Amendmentshavebeen madetothe2006regulations in theEducation(PupilRegistration)(England) (Amendment) Regulations2013. Theseamendments,asdescribedbelow,cameinto forceon1September2013.

ThereisnolongerprovisionintheEducation (PupilRegistration)(England) Regulations2006togrant leave of absencefor thepurpose ofafamilyholidayduringtermtime. Theregulationsmakeclearthat principals/head teachers maynotgrantanyleaveof absenceduringterm timeunlessthereareexceptionalcircumstances.

Ifyoubelievethatthereareexceptionalcircumstancesthat warranttheneed to takeyourchildout of schoolduring termtime,pleasecompletethisformandreturnit to the Assistant Principal, providingatleast10 collegedays notice,wherecircumstancesallow.

Pleasenotethatif leaveistakenafterpermission has been withheld then thiswill berecorded as unauthorised absenceonthe college registerandmayresultintheservingofaPenaltyNoticebytheLocalAuthorityorpossible

legal proceedings.

Irequestthatthefollowing student(s) (pleaseincludesiblingsat Linton Village College)



begrantedleave of absencefrom Linton Village Collegefrom to

Totalnumberofschooldaysabsent(excludingweekendsetc.) days

Ineedtotake mychild outof college duringtermtimebecause(pleasegiveasmuchdetailsaspossible):

Signature of parent/carer Date

Permission authorised Yes/NoRegisters notedYes/NoCopysentYes/No
Signature of Assistant Principal





1.Under Section 23 ofthe Anti-Social Behaviour Act2003 local education authority officers,headteachersand the police have thediscretionary power toissue Penalty Notices tothe parents ofwho children who truant.

2.The new power provides an alternative toprosecution ofparents under Section

444 ofthe Education Act1996 and enablesparents todischargepotentialliability forconviction forthatoffence by paying a penalty of£60 if paid within 21 days or

£120 if paid within 28 days.

3.Should the Penalty Notice remain unpaid or have been paid only in part atthe end ofthe 28 day period Cambridgeshire CountyCouncil mustprosecute the parents forthe offence towhich the notice relates,or,in specified circumstances (see section 29 below), withdraw the notice.

4.Penalty Notices may only be issued in Cambridgeshire in accordance with the terms ofthis Code ofConduct. The purpose ofthe Code ofConduct is toensure thatthe power is applied fairly and consistently across the County Council and that suitable arrangementsare in place fortheeffective and efficient administration of the scheme.

5.Inimplementing this Code ofConduct the County Council will liaise when appropriate with neighbouring education andpolice authorities.

6.This Code ofConduct has been drafted inaccordance with the Education (Penalty Notices) (England) Regulations 2004:StatutoryInstrument 2004 No 181 and guidance issued by the Department forEducation and Skills.

7.Inpreparing this Code ofConductthe County Council has consulted with Cambridgeshire headteachers and the Chief Officerof Cambridgeshire Constabulary.

1BCircumstances inwhichPenaltyNoticesmaybeissued

8.APenalty Notice may be issued in cases ofnon-school attendance.Such a notice is intended tooffera rapid intervention, which may be used toaddress non-school attendance before it becomes entrenched.

9.Penalty Notices may only be issued inrelation toabsence from school, which is unauthorised. The County Council’s recommended criteria forauthorising/not authorising absence can be found in the Local Authority School AttendancePolicy. (All Cambridgeshire schools are encouragedtoadhere tothe criteria detailed


10.Penalty Notices may only be issued inrelation toa child whose attendance at school has been below 85% over theprevious 4-week period.

11.The key consideration in deciding whether toissue a Penalty Notice should be whether it is considered likely tobe effectivein helping the child towhom it relates toreturn toregular attendance.

12.Before issuing a Penalty Notice due consideration should be given toother strategies which may help return the child concerned toregular school attendance. Such strategies might include:

a) writing tothe child’s parents toremind them oftheirlegal responsibilities;

b) meeting with the child’s parents;

c) ensuring a first-day response toany absence;

d) setting targets forimprovement;

e) referral tothe Education Welfare Officer;

f)involvement ofotherservices/agencies.

13.The usual response toa firstoffence would be towarn the parent rather than to issue a Penalty Notice. Authorised officers do, however, havethe discretion, in exceptional circumstances, toissue a PenaltyNotice fora firstoffence. Such exceptional circumstances could be where the unauthorised absence had been for an extended period oftime and condoned by the parent.

14.Headteachers and police officers shouldonlyissue a Penalty Notice following consultation, discussion, reflection and joint decision with a County Council Education Welfare Officer.

15.The Education Welfare Officerwill not agree tosanction the issuing ofa Penalty Notice unless he/she considers thatwith regard tothe offence to which it relates there is sufficient evidence tosecurea conviction underSection 444 ofthe Education Act1996. Evidence could be letters sent toparent, minutes ofmeetings and record oftelephone conversations.

16.Amaximum ofthreePenalty Notices may be served on any one parent over a 12- month period.

17.There is no statutoryright ofappeal against the issuing ofa Penalty Notice. A parent should therefore, if possible, be given warning ofthe possibility ofa notice being issued in order toallow him/her tomake representations should he/she wish todo so.

2BAuthoritytoIssue a PenaltyNotice

18.An Education Welfare Officermayissue aPenalty Notice tothe parent ofa child who is a registered pupil ata school in Cambridgeshire or who is a registered pupil ata school in an authority, which has an agreement tothateffectwith Cambridgeshire County Council.

19.Aheadteacher or an authorised deputy or assistantheadteacher may issue a Penalty Notice tothe parent ofa child who is registered athis/her school, in consultation with a CCC Legal Panel.

20.Apolice officer,including a community support officer or other accredited person, may issue a Penalty Notice.

21.Headteachers and police officers shouldcomply with the terms ofthis Code of Conduct when issuing a Penalty Notice and should provide a copyofany notice issued tothe relevant EducationWelfare Officer.

3BForm andContentofPenaltyNotices

22.APenalty Notice should give the following particulars alleged toconstitute the offence towhich the noticerelates and should contain:

a)the name and addressof the person towhom the notice is issued;

b)the name and addressofthechild who is failing toattend school regularly and the name ofthe schoolatwhich he/she is a registered pupil;

c)the name, title and official detailsofthe authorised person issuing the notice;

d)the date ofthe offence andofthe issue ofthe notice;

e)the amount ofthe penalty which is tobe paid and details ofthe timescales and any variation involved;

f)the address ofthe County Council officeatwhich the penalty is tobe paid and towhich any correspondence relating tothe notice may be sent;

g)the method/methods by which payment may be made;

h)the specified period withinwhich the penalty should be paid;

i)a statement thatfull payment within the specified period will discharge any liability forthe offence;

j)an explanation ofthe consequences should the penalty not be paid in full before the expiry ofthespecifiedperiod;