Class: Physics / Period:2 / Date:10/24-28/16
Guiding Questions: What are 1 or 2 guiding questions that directly address the big ideas/key understandings?
Can students apply kinematic equations to real life situations and graphs?
Objectives: Students will review projectile motion until they show proficiency on a pseudo test.
In the boxes below, please add the activity your students will be engaging with and links or items they may need in order to access that activity.
Tue :
Introduction/Do NowActivity:___ Do now ____Time: _10__ mins
● Students will answer a question on projectile motion and discuss the events in the problem.
Learning Segment 1
Activity:______Red station______Time: __ mins
● .
Learning Segment 2
Activity:______Blue Station ______Time: _40_ mins
● Braingenine assignment to be done solo
Learning Segment 3
Activity:______Cannon fire ______Time: _70_ mins
● Students will be given large whiteboards and the challenge to find an opposing groups base in the same vein as battleship. The ‘shells’ have to be fired using calculations on projectile motion.
Closure with Assessment
Activity:______Time: __mins
Introduction/Do NowActivity:______Cannon fire v2______Time: __45 __ mins
● A more difficult version with an extra axis added.
Learning Segment 1
Activity:____.______Time: _45 mins
Learning Segment 2
Activity:______Time: ____ mins
Learning Segment 3
Activity:______Time: __ mins
Closure with Assessment
Activity:______Time: _____ mins
Introduction/Do NowActivity:______Time: ___ mins
● .
Learning Segment 1
Activity:______Red station______Time: __ mins
● .
Learning Segment 2
Activity:______Blue Station ______Time: _20_ mins
● Braingenine assignment to be done solo
Learning Segment 3
Activity:______Green Station (lab) ______Time: _100_ mins
● .Students will be given an event to observe. The students must identify what information they can measure and what tools they will need to measure in order to write up a lab report due next week.
Closure with Assessment
Activity:______Time: _____ mins