Core Business Competencies

Category description: A program or enterprise that applies a company's core business products and services, skills, networks, markets or other strategic assets to address health challenges. Entries are welcome from health-promoting social enterprises that have been operational for three years or more. Applications should emphasize and identify the specific core competencies leveraged in a company's health interventions.

Please fill out all gray fields below. If you have problems, email us at:

Your Information

First name: Last name:


Phone: Fax:

Postal address:

How did you hear about the awards program?

Company Information

Company name:

Company website:


Company description:

Name of Chief Executive:

Chief Executive (or assistant) email:

Chief Executive (or assistant) postal address:

Areas of operation (check all that apply):

Africa Americas Asia & Pacific Europe Middle East Russia & CIS

Name of Communications/Marketing contact:

For approval of case study and marketing materials.

Communications/Marketing contact email:

Program Information

Program name:

Program start date: Program end date:

Program area(s) of operation:

Africa Americas Asia & Pacific Europe Middle East Russia & CIS

Program website (if any):

Please provide a short (fewer than 500 words) summary of your program:

Application Questionnaire

  • Each answer may be up to 500 words in length
  • Concise responses are preferred! Please feel free to use bullet-points
  • If you believe that you have answered a question earlier in the questionnaire, refer the reader to the number of the relevant answer, e.g. 'See answer 4, above.' Your application must not contain any blank fields.
  1. Describe the overallaim and specific objectives of the program. (Please include details such as target population, geographic location and scale.)
  1. Describe the program’s activities and how each contributes to meeting the program purpose/objectives.
  1. Did your company conduct an initial needs assessment? If so, what was yourmethodology and how did the results inform the program’s development?
  1. Describe any partnerships with NGOs and other external entities (whether technical, financial, etc.) that have been involved in the development or execution of this program. (Please include details about the specific roles/responsibilities of each partner.)
  1. What is the overall program budget and how is the program funded? If there are multiples sources of funding, please specify the contributions from each partner. [Note: this response is not scored but is used to assess overall program magnitude.]
  1. What metrics or indicators are you using to measure success?
  1. Whateffect is the program having on health outcomes? What are the most significant results and accomplishments to date?
  1. What are the key lessons learned so far? How were any unforeseen challenges addressed?
  1. Describe any steps your company has taken to make the program interventions consistent with national or international guidelines for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the health conditions addressed.
  1. If relevant, please describe any activities or features of the program that contribute to strengthening the country’s health care system (e.g. physical infrastructure, provider ability and skills, distribution of supplies and medicines, etc.).
  1. Describe any ways in which the program strengthens local NGOs or otherwise provides for sustainability over the longer term.
  1. How does the program make an innovative, unique and outstanding contribution to global health and development?
  1. Provide any additional relevant informationyou want the judges to know about your program.

Supplemental material

You may provide supplemental material with your application(such as educational materials, photos, PowerPoint presentations). Please note that these will not be considered by judges when evaluating entries; however, submitted information may be used in publicity surrounding the 2014 awards e.g. website features, case studies, etc.


By entering my signature below, whether manually or digitally,I declare my wish for this program to be considered for a GHC-GBCHealth Award for Business Action on Health. Furthermore, I hereby authorize GHC and/or GBCHealth to edit and use non-commercially sensitive content included in (or attached to) this application to publicize the Business Action on Health Awards and highlight my company’s program.


Print name:



Please email your completed application and any supplemental materials to: y11:59pm ET on June 12, 2015.

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