Would you like to help play a leading role in shaping the water industry for the benefit of customers?

We are currently looking for someone to help ensure that all customers of the water and sewerage companies in Wales receive a good quality and efficient service at a fair price, now and in the future. If this appeals to you, why not apply to be considered for appointment to our Committee for Wales?

The Consumer Council for Water (CCWater) provides a strong voice for consumers on all water and sewerage matters. We haveoffices in England and Wales so that we can keep in close contact with consumers and the water companies that provide water and sewerage services.

You will need to live or work in, and therefore be a customer of, a water company allocated to the Wales Committee (namely Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water and Dee Valley Water). We encourage all applicants, but customers of DVW are currently under-represented on the committee, so we particularly welcome applications from their customers and those in the Wrexham and Chester area, or other parts of North Wales. You should not have been employed by a water company within the last 12 months.We are particularly keen to receive applications from under-represented groups such aspeople from ethnic minorities,those who are disabled andWelsh speakers.

You should have experience of representing customers and contributing to a wider strategy.You should have excellent communications skills, with an enquiring mind, sound judgement and the ability to extract salient points from complex data,plus be able to appreciate issues from the consumer’s point of view. Knowledge of the water industry and the special needs of customers whose circumstances make them vulnerable is desirable.

You must be able to devote at least 4 days a month to LCA duties and will receive a remuneration of £4,465 per annum. Travel and certain other expenses will be reimbursed.

For further information, please download the informationpackhereVacancies : Consumer Council for Wateror telephone 0121 345 1053, or e:mail . Again, please email your request to Andrew Spence. The closing date for receipt of completed applications is midday on 31 May2016.

Applications are welcome from all sections of the community and in particular those groups currently under represented including women, Welsh speakers and minority groups.