Kindersley Minor Ball Meeting April 21, 2010


Attending: Michelle, Jamie, Randy, Patty, Karen F, Karen S, Micki, Robin, Geralynn, Shelley, Shawna, Amy, Jennifer, Kenny F (Candace)

Division Reports:

We have had one withdrawal from Blastball, this program will not run this season with only 3 participants. Amy will call Amanda and see about having them move to prep ball.

Amy has 15 players right now; with the three from blast ball she will have two teams.

Shelly has 26 players, two rookie teams. They will not be in the league.

There are 27 mosquito players; Kenny thinks he can get three more players so they can make the split to three teams. Kenny & Candace will look into this tomorrow and contact the league and KMS office if they successfully recruit three more players.

Karen S has 26 pee wee boys; they will have a provincial team right from the start of the season. There will be tryouts for the provincial team. Karen has bid to host provincials.

There are 17 bantam players but they do not yet have a coach. John has been looking for coaches. The bantams will play in the Fertile Valley League.

Robin reported 13 midget boys; everything is in place for that division.

Geralynn reported 221 mite players with two teams. The mites need one more coach.

Jennifer has 19 squirt players. She has coaches and managers for two teams but is one player short of dividing. Discussion followed regarding the KMB Policies & Procedures guidelines. In order to change one of the guidelines, a motion has to be taken to the KMS Executive for approval. Motion made by Jennifer to split the squirts into two teams upon approval from the KMS Executive; seconded by Jamie. This motion was carried. Michelle will take the recommendation to the KMS Executive for approval.

Karen F has 21 pee wee girls; there will be tryouts for the provincial team.

Micki has 20 bantam girls and will not need tryouts for the provincial team. She has bid to host provincials on July 2, and is awaiting response. The house team doesn’t have a coach.

Midget girls have 11 players who want to play provincials and 4 who do not. It was suggested that the 4 midget girls combine with the 9 bantam house girls and form a bantam/midget team.

Shawna and Micki will do this. Kennedy Dommett would like to play with the midget provincial team. Motion made by Randy to accept Dommett’s request, seconded by Karen. This motion was carried.

Upcomong clinics:

Sheldon Sawatzkyfrom Ajarty Sports Consulting will be out May 1st for a skills session. COST $25.00

Rookie -9:30-11:30Mosquito - 12:30-2:30PeeWee/Bantam/Midget - 3:00-5:00

Pitching Clinic May 2COST $20.00

Rookie/Mosquito 10:00 – NOONPeeWee/Bantam/Midget 1:00 - 3:00pmTo sign upfaxJamie Flanagan at463-4899or call 463-4206BOTH DAYS WILL BE ON DIAMOND #1 BEHIND KINDERSLEY INN.

Fabian Schommer is running a catching clinic on May 8 on Diamond #1Cost is $20 per player, mosquito - midget boys & squirt - midget girls.Sessions will run from 10-12 & 1 – 3Registration deadline is May 1st, please call Fabian Schommer 463-3985 to register. Catchers must supply their own catching gear.

KMS coaches are encouraged to attend this clinic.

There will also be a Saskatchewan Baseball Association Rally Cap Orientation on May 8 at the Water Treatment diamond.This is for all parents and players in Rookie and Prep Ball divisions.Please check back for times.

Coordinators are asked to email their divisions to inform them of the clinics.

The baseball umpire clinic will be held on Saturday, April 24. There are currently 17 participants signed up. Immediately following the clinic, Randy will give the baseball umpires a quick run down on softball rules so we can use the same umpires for softball.

Discussion regarding the maintenance contract payments was held. The KMS Executive has set forward the following terms & conditions.

Terms and conditions for the Minor Ball Board to receive proceeds of the Maintenance contract

  1. Based on a 1 year trial with financial protocol to follow that of the KMS accounting system.
  2. A Treasurer must be appointed as a board member.
  3. Monthly financial reports must be presented to the Minor Ball President 48 hours before a board meeting. The Minor Ball President, along with the Treasurer can present these statements at their board meetings and the Minor Ball President can present them at the KMS executive meetings.
  4. A GST account must be set up to claim credits.
  5. A payroll account must be set up to submit remittances, T4’s must be produced for all employees.
  6. All expenditures must be approved by the Minor Ball President before payment is produced.
  7. The chequing account must be authorized by two signatures (Treasurer and one other board member – to be selected by the board).
  8. Any surplus funds from the maintenance contract will be reported to the KMS executive with a recommendation (motion from the minor ball board) as to further expenditures or carry over.
  9. No amount exceeding $500.00 can be expended without prior approval of the KMS executive.
  10. All accounting of this contract must be available and submitted for audit along with the KMS books at the end of the fiscal year.
  11. At least one new maintenance coordinator must be recruited and mentored during the 2010 ball season.

All terms of this agreement must be adhered to in order for it to carry forward.

Each point was discussed by the board. Point #5 was discussed as our employees are contract workers; there is no need for a payroll account. Michelle will discuss this with the KMS Executive. Motion made by Jamie to have Shawna Ervine as treasurer, seconded by Robin, this motion was carried. Michelle is all ready the second signature on the account and Amy will be placed on the account as well. The maintenance volunteers will be complemented by diamond dads this season, thus mentoring new people into the system. Robin will check into the GST.

All other points were accepted. Motion made by Robin to accept the KMS terms and conditions pending the GST and #5 and agreement of the three maintenance volunteers to carry forward this season. Motion was seconded by Karen S and carried. Randy and Jamie will speak to Fabian tomorrow and contact Michelle. Upon approval, Rick Chester will be contacted to see if he is still interested in the part time position. The student will be hired once we have received notification of the status of the student grant.

Robin would like the diamond calendars by the weekend so she can put them on the website.

Coordinators will find their folders at Kraze Threads this season. Patty will set this up with Nora tomorrow. When a coordinator has mail, Nora will get it to Kraze Threads for pick up. Coordinators are asked to check their folders on a regular basis.

Diamond clean up is May 1 @ 9 am.

Next meeting Tuesday May 25 @ 7 pm.