PBL High School Chorus Syllabus

PBL High School Chorus Syllabus

Chapel Hill High School Advanced Women’s Chorus Syllabus

Instructor and contact info:

Mr. Kevin MooreEmail:

Phone: 770-651-6275ext.6275Best Time to Call: Odd Days – 10:30 – 11:30

Even Days – 8:30 – 9:30

Required Materials to be brought to class every day:

A folder, preferably with pockets, 1 ring notebook

A pencil with eraser


In this class you will:

•Sing a variety of music featuring different musical styles

•Improve sight-reading and ear training skills

•Identify various musical markings in scores

•Perform in a variety of concerts

•Evaluate performances of this chorus and other musical groups

•Learn to work as a team to create music


Attendance is taken at every class. If you need to miss class for any reason, you must first check with Mr. Moore for approval. If you do not check-in, you will be marked absent. You must have a pass if you are late to class, or you will be marked tardy.

Every chorus member is expected to keep their folder current with the music being rehearsed. Folders will be checked periodically to see if all the music is there. Missing or lost music may result in you paying to replace each piece.

There will be times when an after school rehearsal is needed for this class; it is your responsibility to make sure you attend all rehearsals when they are called. If you have a problem, Mr. Moore and you will work something out.

Every chorus member is expected to bring a pencil to class to make marks in his/her own scores and to take notes when needed. Scores will be checked periodically.

Every chorus member is expected to participate to his/her fullest ability. If you are sick, or cannot sing for some reason, please let Mr. Moore know before class begins. I will assign an alternate assignment if a student cannot sing for that class period.

If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to find out if assignments were distributed. We will have daily assignments that you will be responsible for.

You are responsible for learning your part in the music. There will be periodic singing tests to see if you know your part.


This is one class where the majority of your grade depends on your participation in class and at performances. It is not difficult to get an “A” if you work during class, attend all performances, and hand in all assignments. However, it is also easy to fail the class if you don’t sing, don’t have music in your folder, don’t complete assignments on time, and don’t show up to the concerts.

Grades are determined by the following:

Class participation: Do you always have your music ready? Is your folder complete? Are you singing and not talking? Do you pay attention when the teacher is talking to the group? – 25% of the grade

Singing Assignments and quizzes: There will be one or two simple writing assignments during the year. There will be solo and group singing tests and several quizzes. A midterm and a final will be given. Each missed assignment drops your grade. – 25% of the grade

Concert attendance and attire: This one is easy. Show up for all performances.If you work, give a list to your supervisor. Work is not an acceptable excuse for missing a performance. If you have to miss a performance, we need a note from your parent or guardian or a call from them BEFORE the performance. If you are sick, have them contact us BEFORE the performance. Each unexcused performance absence drops your grade. – 30% of the grade

Writing/ Musical Journal: Students will keep a journal and write a 1 page response to a lesson, an article, or something that challenges them in the study of music. The journal will be taken up every 9 weeks for a grade. – 20% of the grade


Trips will be determined by the director. If a student is failing another class or has work that needs to be made up, the student will not be allowed to go on the trip.

Parent and Student Acknowledgment Form

Please take this form home and have your parents sign it. You also need to sign the form and return to Mr. Moore. This form is due by August 16, 2016. This is my way of knowing that you are aware of the requirements for the coming semester.

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the above information regarding Chapel Hill High School Chorus Policies.


Print Student Name


Student SignatureDate


Parent SignatureDate