Seniors Touring Amateur Golf Society

Committee Meeting Notes

21stJuly 2016 @The George, Wanstead


Paul Hodder, Bob Latchford, Greg Larner, Brian Lowe, Geoff Roberts.


Paul Chapman, Colin Worton,Keith Horgan.

Welcome – Paul Hodder

Paul welcomed the committee, apologised for the late notice andthanked everyone for attending.

Agree Previous Minutes

Gregproposed and Geoff seconded that the minutes were an accurate reflection of the last meeting.

Chairman’s Review

Paul reported that there had been a good turnout to some excellent courses and there had been no adverse feedback to the smooth running of the society.

Treasurers Report

Geoff reported on the current standing ofthe club funds noting that the report had the money for trophies, the deposit for Hever Castle and the club ties yet to be included.

Geoff will amend the report to include these and send to the committee. CM24-01 Geoff

He advised that the weekend away costs stand as a separate item to the club report.

There had been a profit on guest attendances of £120 over 5 events from 18 guest appearances.

The committee reviewed the ‘fixed price per event’ process which are balancing out throughout the year and decided to continue the process with regular reviews at committee meetings.

Geoff stated that there are 34 members and 2 guests registered for the Lingfield Park event with 9 members yet to respond. Geoff will chase them up for a response. CM24-02 Geoff

The event will need to be subsidised by the club.

Figures on the costs of new Shirts are not yet available.

Tops will be purchased by Geoff on request and are not part of the STAGS finances.

Handicap Secretary’s Report

In the absence of the handicap secretary Paul H. advised that the HC committee met in early March and assessed the results of using the top 3rd of the results in calculations which appears to have calmed the cull.

Membership Secretary’s Report

Keith provided his report via e-mail.

We have had two new members join this year, Dave Saunders and Michael White. This takes our membership to 49. John Mawson has been sent an application form but is yet to return it despite me chasing him and his sponsors (Kevin and Greg).

Almoners Report
We have a number of members with minor ailments or illnesses (Geoff Roberts (knee), Peter Keller (cuts and bruises after a fall) and Paul Chapman (under the weather) and we hope they will soon recover, although Geoff may need a knee operation to fully restore his dancing abilities!
In 2016 we have celebrated the birthdays of Paul Sees, David O’Sullivan and Robbie Sheppard (all 60) and coming up in August we have Mick Rudd (70) and Dave Walker (80).
Keith will contact Brian Challis who is currently in hospital.

Fixtures Secretary’s Report

All are in place with October and November venues confirmed as Chigwell and Notley.

2017 Venues:

Geoff suggested an event at Chelmsford which would require a Thursday event.

Bob will include this under AOB on the AGM agenda.AP24-03 Bob

March 31st – Hever Castle.

April - Basildon, Paul H.

April – Nortels Ryder Cup – Bishops Stortford, Bob.

June - Notley, Bob.

Greg will look into Langon Hills,

Geoff will speak to Steve Woods about Chingford.

Bob will enquire about a 10:15 start in May, July or August at Seckford.

September 17th/18th or 24th/25th, Brian.

There is potential to get a deal from Woolston Manor if the Ryder Cup is also held there.

Competition Secretary’s Report

Greg reported that trophy bill for 2016 has been completed.

The next round of the Doubles competition is scheduled for the upcoming society day however, if the opportunity exists to play any singles match on a doubles day the competition secretary will organise.

Greg confirmed that the finals can be played at the October event.

Greg asked Bob to check that the competition rules have been posted on the website.

AP24-04 Bob.

Honorary Secretary’s Report

Committee Meeting Action Points

AP CM22-07 Paul C to get 10 ties for the Ryder Cup next year. Discharged
AP CM22-08Paul H. to write to Andy thanking him for his work as handicap secretary. Ongoing PH

AP CM22-10Geoff to put the driver on Golf Bidder. Ongoing Geoff

AP CM23-01Bob provided an update on Dave Walkers health. Discharged

AP CM23-02 Geoff will send out a final reminder to those yet to payfor the new shirts. Discharged

AP CM23-03 Geoff has sent out the latest data on shirts. Discharged
AP CM23-04Geoff has advised Brian L. of the pre-set prices for inclusion in his fixtures spreadsheet. Discharged
AP CM23-05Bob has added the fixed price review to the agenda. Discharged

AP CM23-06 New applicants will be sent out with committee members. Discharged

AP CM23-07 Bob will update the application process. Ongoing Bob

AP CM23-08 Bob will update the website with the 2016 venues data. Ongoing Bob

AP CM23-09 Hever Castle event has been confirmed and Brian advised. Discharged

AP CM23-10Paul C. circulated singles preliminary round draw and Competition rules.


AP CM23-11 Bob updated the website. Discharged

AP CM23-12 Bob advised that there is an application send text messages by computer but it is aimed at the business community. Discharged

AGM Action Points

AP AGM2015 -01Bob to send out the prize value agreement document.

CompletedwaitingRatification at 2016AGM

AP AGM2015– 02 All to advise Greg of any outstanding trophies.

Completed waiting Ratification at 2016 AGM

AP AGM2015– 03Update STAGS Rules and Agreements in line with proposals

Completedwaiting Ratification at 2016 AGM

AP AGM2015– 04 Produce Instruction on course etiquette.

Completed waiting Ratification at 2016 AGM


Ryder Cup v Nortels

Paul H. reported that we lost badly in the Ryder Cup match against Nortel and commended Geoff and Jim for getting our only point.

The next Nortel Ryder Cup match to be arranged at Bishops Stortford.


The AGM has been fixed at 17th November. Geoff will organise the venue and after meeting curry. CM24-05 Geoff

Next Committee Meeting

Geoff to arrange.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 22:00.

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