Session List– 2017 Rural Broadband Forum
Welcome Session: Maryland’s Current Broadband Efforts
Welcome address from the State of Marylandandan updateon broadband efforts throughout Maryland.
Presenter: State of Maryland
Plenary Session: Making the Case for Investing in Last Mile Service
New York’s “Broadband for All” initiative is using previously unacceptedConnect America Fund Phase II fundsto make sure every rural New Yorker has access to high-speed internet.
Introduction: Maryland State Delegate Johnny Mautz
Presenter: Empire State Development Corporation
Breakout Sessions:
Broadband Technologies 101
Showcasingthe different broadband technologies rural communities can use to gain internet access.
Moderator: TBD – Maryland State Delegate
Potential Panelists:
- Wifi –John Huggins
- Fiber – Mark Warner, CEO of ThinkBig (Confirmed)
- Cellular Wireless – AT&T
- Coax Cable – Comcast
Public-Private Partnerships for Broadband Development
Exploringsuccessful public-private partnership models used to expand broadband access.
Moderator: Delegate Marc Fisher
Potential Panelists:
- Wireless - Conxx
- Fiber Ring in Georgetown, DE – Pete Aquino, Chairman and Founder Broad Valley and Joe DuFresne, CEO Broad Valley (Confirmed)
- Fiber in Westminster, MD - TING
- Maryland Broadband Cooperative
Making Your Community Attractive to a Broadband Service Provider
Best practices for making your community attractive to a broadband service provider.
Presenter: Rick Gordon, USDA Rural Development (Confirmed)
Participants: Dr. Don Williams, National Telecommunications & Information Administration (Confirmed) andDr. Robert Whack, President of Westminster Council (Confirmed)
Using Local Franchise Agreements to Increase Broadband Access
Tips for addressing unserved rural customers when negotiating local cable franchise agreements.
Presenter: Presenter being confirmed
Lunch Session: Funding Rural Broadband Initiatives
Highlighting available federal resources to support rural broadband initiatives.
Presenter: Keith Adams, USDA Rural Development(Confirmed)
Closing Session: Connect America Fund Phase II Grant Funds – The Practical Challenges
Communities can supportorganizations interested inusingunaccepted Connect America Fund Phase IIgrant dollars to expand broadband access to underserved rural areas. A call to action to work together.
Presenter: Federal Communications Commission