Haselbury Plucknett Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held Monday 11thMay 2015, 7.00pm at

St Michael and All Angels Church, Haselbury Plucknett

Present:Cllr’s M. Keating (Chairman), C. Simmonds (Vice Chairman), J. Kellaway, M. Bryant, M. Rendall, M. Wroe, B Atherton, D Cllr R. Pallister,J. Slicker (Parish Clerk).

Members of the Public:Seven Members of the Public

1.Declarations of Acceptance

All elected council members signed their declarations in front of J Slicker the proper officer of HPPC.

2.Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

The Parish Council all agreed to elect M Keating for Chairman and C Simmonds for Vice Chairman.

3.Apologies for Absence:

C Cllr M. Fysh

4.Minutes of last Meeting

Approved as a true and proper record.

5.Open Forum: Matters brought to the attention of the Parish Council included

  1. The field to the North of Kabwe is currently rented privately but has horses in and several dog running free. The public footpath has been blocked with locked gates and several members of the public have complained to Parish Councillors and JS to confirm that it is no longer safe to access the right of way through the field due to the aggressive nature of the dogs. RP has offered assistance in contacting the Dog Warden for his advice and JS will liaise with Peter Bland (Haselbury Plucknett Parish Path Liaison Officer) and the County Footpaths department to pursue opening and making safe this right of way.
  2. A complaint was raised concerning the adherence to planning permission conditions at the recent developments on Stonage Lane. JS and RP have been in contact with Andrew Gunn (Senior Planning Officer at SSDC) discussing this issue over the last few weeks. AG is actively in contact and following up with the remedial actions required to the entrance and including the number of caravans currently stored on the site.
  3. There was feedback requested about the caravans use situated in the Pennyfield site in North Perrott. RP advised that there is currently no one resident in the caravan and that there is no planning application pending requesting that possibility. HPPC will be informed by SSDC planning department if an application is made as it is a field that borders the parish. JS to keep in contact with the Chairman and Clerk at NP for further developments.

6.Declaration of Interest

None declared.

7.C Cllr’s M Fysh Report

None supplied in the absence of M Fysh.

8.D Cllr Pallisters Report

A report was circulated detailing an update on the Local Plan Policy SS2. It was explained that this policy should enable planning permissions that are in line with community plans (for example the Haselbury Plucknett Village Plan) and in general where there is the support of the local community for the development. The idea is to protect the rural communities from over development, enabling development that is really only for serious community benefit.

RP also gave feedback concerning the discussions he’s had with the agents of the landowners of the Haselbury First School Field. Discussions are positive and a highways engineer has attended the site to give feedback for the possible future development of one vacant plot. There being a community benefit to enable the school to secure it’s future with the long term security of the field. The Trustees of the field are happy to have the field valued. JS to be kept informed of further developments.

  1. Matters Arising
  1. Co-option for Casual Vacancies

Four members of Haselbury Plucknett Parish attended the meeting and presented an interest in the casual vacancies. It was agreed for each member and the council to consider the co-option until the next meeting and then the Parish Council can take a vote.

  1. Parish Clerk Report

JS presented feedback from this month’s activities.

  1. The previous planning permission application 15/00467/FUL MR Grave to change use of land to a mixed use of agricultural and equestrian, demolition of existing building and erection of replacement stables and storage has been granted.
  2. The previous planning permission application 15/01468/S73 Mr and Mrs Turner to allow occupation of caravan has been granted.
  3. Correspondence with Somerset Heritage and SSDC Planning regarding the archiving of Parish Council documents was briefly explained. JS to circulate emails to councillors and pass the relevant box of archive records to the archive in Taunton in due course.
  4. JS has received the Internal Audit report (see 16.4) and needed to provide a copy of last years insurance certificate. A copy needs to be obtained from AON at a cost of £10. This was approved.
  5. External Audit compliance is underway. The exercise of Electors rights to view accounts and Parish Documents is now active with notification on the Parish notice board. Viewing of accounts if between 30th April and 29th May. Submission of the External Audit Annual return is on 1st June.
  6. JS has reviewed the number of routine hours worked for Parish Clerk role and summarised that it required 20 hours per month, given the level of activity of the current Parish Council. This will be input into the annual forecast. One off projects and additional activities (such as training or attending additional committee’s) will require further hours.
  1. SLCC Membership – Is completed now and JS sought approval from HPPC to fund the CiLCA Qualification. It will cost £250 and approximately 60 hours of time to complete over 12 months. (See 16.2) MK commented that JS is also about to be Clerk in another parish, so costs going forward can be shared with them for materials and time.
  2. Transparency Code Obligations

Came into force on 1st April. JS to publish all Parish Council official communications in line with the code by the given deadline of 1st July. (Agenda’s, Minutes, Meeting Papers, Annual Finance documentation and Council policies etc)

  1. Community Asset

See section 8 for update from RP.

  1. St Johns Ambulance Donation

A request of a donation has been received by HPPC. MK suggested that any donations to any groups and charities should be considered by a finance committee, with the preparation of a donations budget. MB suggested that this committee should consider the benefit to Haselbury Plucknett residents of any donations to groups outside of Haselbury Plucknett. RP commented that it is possible to donate to organisations that have a wider community benefit (such as the Citizens Advice Bureau and St. Johns Ambulance) but these are generally considered annually at the budgeting meeting. Such donations to School, Church, Speed watch etc could then be considered too. The PC agreed that a committee would be set up at the next PC meeting and then this would be discussed further.

  1. Somerset Emergency Contacts

Somerset Local Authorities Civil Contingencies Unity have requested that HPPC nominate three trusted HP residents to be a contact for the community in times of emergency (for instance during flooding). JS, MK and CS agreed to be the contacts. JS to gather data for submission.

  1. North Street Car ParkingThe ownership of the strip of land that is currently used to park cars for the Almshouses is owned by highways. They do not have funds to allocate to resurface or tidy up and suggested that it is not possible for HPPC to purchase it either. MK suggested further discussion with Mike Fear during the site visit proposed. (See 14.2)
  2. Possible change of venue for Parish Council Meetings

The limitation of size and accessibility of the Beaumont Rooms were discussed, in light of the commitment of the Parish Council to encourage more public participation in meetings. Alternative facilities will be sought out by JS including costs and brought back to the next meeting. The Beaumont Rooms are paid for until September.

  1. Planning
  1. 15/01378/S73 Mr D Manley Application to vary conditions of previous planning permissions (14/02982/FUL and 14/05564/S73) to amend the site layout and re-use buildings after cessation of use. Rushywood Farm, Yeovil Road, TA18 7PH. The Council had no comments.
  2. 15/01516/FUL Underhill Cottage application to carry out internal and external alterations. The Council had no comments.
  1. Council Policies and Procedures

JS explained that the AGM is the ideal opportunity for HPPC to review is current policies and procedures. MB has recently reviewed some templates from SALC concerning the Scheme of Publication and the Social Media Policy. JS has prepared a HPPC handbook including Code of Conduct, Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Internal Control Statement, Social Media Policy, Scheme of Publication, Communication Strategy, Risk Management policy, Risk Assessment Policy and Archiving Policy. MK suggested that a committee should be established to consider these policies for adoption by HPPC BA, JK, MK and JS to form a Standards and Policies Committee to review the template policies and feedback recommendations for adoption in June. MK also suggested that several other committees could be established in order to free up Parish Council Meeting time from general discussion. Possible committees (e.g. Social, Finance, Footpaths, Highways etc.) will be decided at the next PC meeting.

  1. Village Plan

Village Hall Feasibility Study group progress report given by MB. The awards for all application and business plan formulation are all continuing with the assistance of Zoe Harris from SSDC.There will be another meeting of the group later this month to apply to SSDC for a £1000 grant to fund the Architects Drawings and further update will be given at the next meeting. The Village Plan was discussed and an update on all the action points in the Village Plan was given. See attached document. Comments were made about the overall success of the Village Plan to date. Many of the actions have been completed and the rest are ongoing, making great progress. In particular the Parish Council noted that the 20mph speed limit is generally reducing the speed of traffic through the village and as such is a success. JS to write again to local business owners to remind them of the new speed limit in force and ask for their consideration once again. The possibility of reviewing the conservation area will be looked at again in the Autumn.

  1. The Park
  1. Safety Checks – completed for this month by JS and the Quarterly inspection completed by SSDC.
  2. Maintenance issues –The Zip wire will £120to remove and re-install and will be completed in May.The Oribitor leg has been painted and the Climbing Wall holds will be tightened this week. MR to ensure the quality of the verbal quotation received for painting the two green benches and instruct to complete this month.
  3. The annual inspection offer and quarterly inspections for the previous year has been received. And were agreed to go ahead. The annual assessment for last year was just received with an invoice. (See 16.2) The next risk assessment is not due until 2016.
  1. Road and Footpaths
  1. A30 Tunnel – JS contacted David Shears for an update. Surveyors have taken measurement as required before the local consultation can begin. He awaits feedback from them. MK and JS to follow up to establish which Area West Committee meeting this will be taken too.
  2. Tree Canopy–JS received feedback from Highways suggesting that they do not have the power to cut the trees as they are not posing a problem for traffic. Therefore they cannot pass the power to the HPPC. JS requested a site visit to discuss the matter in person. This was accepted. MK suggested that this issue and other highways issues could be taken forward by a highways committee. Once a committee is established Mike Fear will be asked to attend the site visit he agreed to. JS to follow up.
  3. Virtual Footpath – No further correspondence has been received from County Highways department in consideration of the complaints sent by MK and JS in February concerning the early wearing of the white lines, degradation of the surface, sunken grids and legality of parking on the footpath. JS to follow up. It was also suggested that the nature of the warning signs before the start of the footpath are not helpful. This can be added to the discussion during the site visit.BA requested that a note be put in the Village News about how to use the footpath as local residents feel it is not clear.
  4. Road Surfaces –The mud alongside the North Perrott road has been cleared by County Highways but isn’t perfect. Pot holes on Church Lane have been assessed by highways and are not deemed to need attention. New Lane re-surfacing has been requested but JS has been informed that it is not a priority. MK suggests the formation of a highways committee to focus on these and other highways issues. JS to follow up.
  5. Speed Indicator Device (SID) –May will see the loan installation of the mobile SID on North Perrott Road. Further discussion of purchasing one outright will resume after receiving the data from this and the new speed watch team data.
  6. Speed watch competition – MW gave an update from the Speed Watch team.They are to attend Haselbury First School on 1st June and set the poster competition with the Children. There will be a prize and an opportunity to operate the speed gun. HPPC approved a donation of £20 to the speedwatch team for the prizes. MW to advise who the cheque to be payable to.
  7. Signs entering Haselbury. – It was suggested that there was a need for a crossroads sign on the north approach to Haselbury on North Perrott Road. Also some Children Crossing signs on both directions along North Street. JS had requested feedback on this from highways but has not received any reply to date.
  8. Footpaths – It was noted that there are two hedges needing to be trimmed along the footpaths. JS has been given the details of the residents to contact and will do so immediately, liaising with the PPLO in due course.
  1. Hedges and ditches

JS received a quote to dig out the waste from within the ditches and remove. Total amount £987 + VAT. JS to seek two further quotations.

  1. Village Maintenance

Telephone box has been repaired. JS to advertise for ideas for uses. Possible suggestions include Lending Library (MB to investigate this possibility with Friends of Haselbury First School), plant stall (to raise money for Haselbury Community projects)

  1. Finance
  1. 100 Club draw – March£20 to #82 Andrew Daynes, £10 to #45 Dennis Simmons, £5 to #87Ellie Castle.
  2. Invoices for payment

J Slicker Clerk PAYE May- £342.50– approved.

KM Dike April cuts - £144.00 – approved

Speedwatch Batteries - £15.49 – approved

Stuart Aylett invoice for telephone box, village green and park maintenance - £134.21

HP First School invoice for 5 months letting for HPPC meetings - £198.75 –not approved. JS still not heard back regarding hours charged and heat and light charge.

Vic White JCB for Digging ditches and grips - £540.00– approved.

SALC 2015 Membership fee 183.93 – approved.

SSDC invoice for annual park inspection from 2014 - £57.60 - approved

Gill Thorne Internal Audit fee £90.00 – approved.

SLCC CiLCA application £250.00 – approved.

SSDC invoice for ranger scheme outstanding from 2014 still potentially a liability, but when evidence of works completed was requested again from SSDC the feedback received corresponds toan earlier paid invoice so no new evidence to suggest what works the invoice corresponds to. JS to wait for correct feedback.

  1. Cashflow Analysis

The month’s cashflow and forecast was reviewed.

  1. Internal Audit report and Effectiveness review.

JS read out the internal audit report. An effectiveness of the Internal Audit was completed by the Parish Council. A copy of which will be kept with the minutes.

  1. External Audit Annual Return and Annual Governance Statement

The HPPC reviewed the entire External Audit Annual Return and annual accounting statements. Spot checks on the numbers were validated, and the accounts were authorised by MK Chairman. The Annual Governance Statement was completed by all members and signed by MK Chairman to HPPC.

  1. Insurance Renewal

JS received four quotes for the HPPC insurance. HPPC approved the Hiscox quotation of £937.97 believing that it provides the most comprehensive cover and the best value. JS to complete the remittance and forward the declarations.

  1. Matters to report

The Annual Parish Meeting took place last month and JS was asked to investigate the format of future APM’s. This will be discussed further at the next Parish Council Meeting.

  1. Correspondence


  1. Notices for Village News, Website update and Social Media Links

100 Club winnersApril;Virtual Footpath “top tips”; Speed Watch help; Village Plan Action list summary update; Uses for Phonebox suggestions; Change in Councillors post-election. MK to suggest a full page layout and pass to JS for use on a monthly basis.

  1. Next Meeting Date

Monday 8thJune 2015 at 7pm

Meeting closed 10.00pm